Starseed Transmissions:
A New Chapter of Tremendous, Historic Proportions
by Jean Hudon
Published originally July 1991
KEN CAREY HAS DONE IT AGAIN. Almost 12 years after writing down, with an old typing machine, what was then gently overimposed into his consciousness by some extraterrestrial or other-dimensional entities(1), Ken has now received another incredible flow of information of cosmic significance to Humanity. We can but stare in wonder at the marvelous level of insights, visions and clarification that are given to the world through this almost magical process of conscious channeling. In this new chapter of transmissions coming literally from the Source of all stars and all beings, we are offered a new and generous perspective opening unsuspected vistas on the unfolding saga of human and planetary evolution on this wonderful living planet Earth – or Gaia for those already acquainted with this emerging awareness.
The purpose of this article, written with Ken Carey’s latest book in one hand and with an open heart and an open mind in the other, so as to say, to receive the insightful guidance of the Universal Reality, is to somehow synthesize and summarize for the benefit of the many what is being offered to the few who will actually tread the path of reading this prodigious book. Indeed so many people are in great need today of the guiding visions presented through this book, “Starseed, The Third Millenium”(2) , that I sensed this summer (July 1991), while reading it, that my “mission”, repeatedly suggested by my inner promptings, was to sit down and crystallize in easy-to-grasp words and concepts the quintessential messages of this new transmission(3).
This is certainly not an easy task to accomplish for this book is so packed-full of intricately woven ideas and illuminating revelations, and is written in such a poetic and finely crafted manner that I’m almost sure to misrepresent the intensity and fragrance emanating from it. At least I feel strongly supported by invisible aides and I know that the right words and appropriate flow of thoughts will come to assist me in this work. My only hope is that you, the reader, will also assist in this process and open a window of receptivity through which images and concepts may enter the realm of your mind and thus fertilize your own internal process of evolution. Out of this, some may decide to further explore this profound subject and go at the source, that is, read Ken Carey’s latest book, while others may simply integrate in their own life and soul the pearls of knowledge submitted to their attention and appreciation.
The Merging of Consciousness
Opening Starseed and reading its first chapter is like merging one’s conscious awareness with some highly eclectic and vastly expanded level of perception and knowing through which one may sometime feel a bit dizzy as when you look down from a towering observation post. The perspective offered by Ken Carey’s cosmic guides is magnificent and the sense of belonging to a vast body of conscious beings gives an indefinable feeling of powerful yet benevolent strength as well as a confusing sense of discrepancy between that very feeling and our own weakness and smallness.
Like an ignorant visitor discovering an unknown land and its mysterious traditions, we have to stretch our intelligence to accommodate these higher vibrations of thinking and try to fully understand what is being expressed. And quickly we discover that the only way to succeed in grasping what is being presented is to allow ourselves into a non-critical, non-judgmental state of mind where we freely float above our preconditioned thinking for a while, thus permitting the flow of Light and information to enter our minds and circulate in the deeper recesses of our beings where our soul connections may then be awakened and our inner intuitive, innate knowledge triggered to the instantaneous recognition of the truthfulness and validity of what entered our minds. Mind-boggling, isn’t it! Yet, it is exactly what happens when you survey openly the ideas expressed in these pages…
We are of a common fiber, spiritually talking, with these brethren of a long forgotten past. As we discover more explicitly in the following chapters, the universe at the origin “contained” and”was contained” by the same undifferentiated field of consciousness, by God’s Presence if you will. We were then all parts of the same whole being and the differentiation process of incarnation in material forms had not yet taken place. We are being reminded this antediluvian, in fact antedensification state of being that was ours and asked to flip our self-identification accordingly. “Even now, you are but a breath away from the subtle perceptual shift that allows your identity to be transformed from solitary individual to the source of every individual, from the object of attention to the very flow of attention itself…”
Their role in these transmissions is to awaken us to our full potential and allow them to experience the down-to-earth denser contact with matter through our collaborating senses — “We have long known that (…) human beings would be our primary means of future creation, as well as organs of awareness through whom we would interpret and enjoy the material world” — as well as open a new chapter of cosmic creation possible only through our fully awakened assistance… “You are the template, the prototype of a new and universal species (…) that will span the gulf between the visible and invisible, bringing new worlds into form. Through you a new unprecedented cycle of creation will occur.”
With such an exciting and far-reaching promise of a soon-to-be future of co-creation with God’s closest allies, we enter into a detailed reminder of where we came from and how the incarnation into matter took place. As they see from their perspective, our history of mixing up into the material world is still relatively young. The ever-repeating process of densification of portions of the Universal Awareness so they may delve into the lower end of the vibrational ladder of creation always starts with a thought in the mind of God.
And instantaneously, the first two separate manifestations of Eternity appear, thus giving existence to space and time which cannot be without separate individuals to observe them and realize their existence. In singularized oneness throughout infinity, space and time simply have no room to come into existence, for all is “felt” as one huge undifferentiated whole existing in an all encompassing simultaneity.
But a simple thought is enough to break the stillness of Eternal oneness and thus initiate a whole new cycle of creation. And as Ken Carey wrote: “The creation of specific beings or angels to sustain this thought over an open-ended stretch of time brought forth the steady stream of cumulative creation that has made possible, and given birth to, this present universe.” Now as we begin the slow process of regaining our innate sense of belonging to this original Wholeness from which all proceeds, we need to understand anew how we came to tumble more and more deeply into unconscious co-existence with our bodies of flesh and blood, and thus initiate, from our own will but with “their” entire assistance, our gradual awakening from centuries upon centuries of bellicose and often destructive slumber. Here are some “conceptual tools” provided for through these transmissions.
The Fall
First, as we said, there was oneness. Then the first two original polarities of the universe were “Spoken Forth”. We know them as Love and Truth. Love governs all manifestations of energy, and Truth reigns over all expressions of forms and structures. The interplay between these two primeval polarities or forces with all their infinitely different gradients of combination basically defines all that exists and how everything interacts. From that moment on, we, as ethereal beings temporarily adopting an expression of individual existence to briefly plunge into the still infant manifested world of newborn galaxies, were to take on a very dangerous course of self-identification.
Instead of retaining the all pervading conscious awareness of being one With All That Is as the only mode of reality, we started thinking that maybe, eventually, we could lose this ability we then had to adopt some temporal form to interact with the emerging material realm, relapse into oneness after this interaction had naturally run its course, and then re-adopt again a new form and a new identity for the sake of playing with conscious self-identification.
It seems that some Tempters came to cast such doubts in our minds and thus set the stage for more self-delusion leading inevitably to the complete yet illusory sense of separation from all that exists, known today as the Fall. Those Tempters are described in the book as “Dark Principalities” endowed with greater powers than most of us but similarly prejudiced and biased by this deeply rooted disease of the mind that puts the Fear of losing self-identification above the Joy of eternal recreation in a new pattern of manifestation perfectly suited to any given situation and time.
Observing all this and discovering that communication was increasingly more difficult for lack of being recognized by these gradually self-materializing entities who could not validate information and warnings coming from ethereal, almost non-existent beings, the other entities, still firmly anchored into the Eternal Field of Unity, decided to get likewise materialized so as to succeed in reaching the attention of these lost sheep and somehow “corral” them back to the Source – with their conscious and willing participation of course. The trick was to immerse into matter while strongly retaining a sense of Being one With All That Is. It appears that very few actually succeeded in this incredible feat. In the book they are called “Angels of Principality”, also know as Bodhisattvas.
In accordance with the old legend of a lost paradise, it was in fact these conscious Principalities who “landed” first in the lower realm of matter, precisely on this lush planet Earth, and created a Cornucopia of exquisite fruits, vegetations and animal species, thus showing the Intentions of the Creator. They were joined some time later by the Dark Principalities as well as all of us shortly after, now in human form. Then the self-induced disease plaguing our kind quickly degenerated in a complete loss of any sense of oneness along with a mania for “storing identities within our psyche as one might store dresses or suits of clothing in a closet, preserving them with herbs of self-importance and spices of fear.”
What happened afterwards is now common history and can be observed all around us. There are still many currents of Love inspiring us but also an awful lot of misidentification with material pursuits and its worst Life and oneness-denying traits: greed, violence and destruction on a planetary scale. It is high time that we see the Light and switch back to more Life-affirming principles and practices.
First Step Pause
Now, let’s pause for a second to try to assimilate more clearly the true significance of this information. So it is that we are not in reality these bodies of flesh and blood but some outgrowth of God’s consciousness temporarily stricken with amnesia and struggling to regain full memory of our past splendor – in short, Total Recall with a different twist. We have been misguided by some misconceived idea that retaining a sense of individual identity was worth losing entirely any sense of connection with the entire universe and its Divine Creator.
Still, this all Powerful Force that we call Love is somehow attracting us back to the Source of All That Is and we are now reawakening our God-Self sense of identity in the midst of the most intense struggle between the forces of Darkness and Light that has ever been. While the Earth is being torn apart by greed, selfishness and a blinding ignorance of our Divinity, more and more souls are rekindling a new hope for our future thus fulfilling the aeons old Plan for the regeneration of Harmony in the universe.
But to really “bite” into this emerging reality that will change everything for Good, once and for all, there is no other way than to immerse ourselves in its powerful currents of Love and let ourselves be taken up through the curtain of illusion until we glimpse from higher on the overarching beauty and magnificence of Life on Earth and share the intensely ecstatic Joy of being one with the Almighty, living and breathing through all of us and all Its creation.
So, if you feel for it, you may want to pause for a couple of minutes before continuing ahead and use whatever meditation technique you are familiar with to get in tune with this marvelous and possibly renewed revelation that a Speck of God, a Pearl of Light, a Crystallization of Infinity is what you really are… now. Rejoice… Acknowledge… And dissolve any past misconception to now align your whole life with this true Gift of Love.
From Heaven to Hell and Back but with Something More
At twenty billion years, the universe is still young with plenty of room and time to experiment new forms of interaction between God and matter. As the transmitting Beings speaking to us through Ken Carey explain, biology now dotting some worlds with a thin veil of Life has still a long way to go before it fully manifests its potential. Much remains dormant in the fields of energy radiating from countless stars and galaxies. Following the harmonic patterns set in motion by the Primal Fiat of Divine Volition, ever reverberating across space and time as a permanent reminder of what is yet to be, a multitude of physical forms have sprung forth, expressing only a fraction of the infinitely expanding Intentions of the Star Maker. We, as individual beings, have been offered to choose among these endless possibilities to manifest an harmonic resonance of this Primal Tone in accordance with our own nature and inclination.
As we strive to synchronize our steps on this beautiful land with the universal drumbeat, we faintly start to hear the echo of an intriguing story across the distorting filter of a culture mainly based on violence and fear… “New beings, new creatures will appear to fly among the fields of what is still formless space, to share with us the joys of universal exploration. one day you will call into orbital patterns the atoms, molecules, and cells that will objectify this infrastructure and provide its physicality. “ And right now a mighty transmutation of consciousness is unfolding… “The field of collective human consciousness is now entering the final stage of the awakening process, congealing into awareness of itself as the organ of consciousness (similar in function to a brain) of a single planetary being, a being with internal organs of oceans, forests, ecosystems, and atmosphere.”
A powerful beam of information is striking our societies of consumption, exploitation and sensual hyper-stimulation and triggering the Global Awakening of the Creator asleep within us. Post-historic societies, as Ken Carey calls them, will be able to tap into unlimited degrees of galactic, universal intelligence as well as channel the intelligence of angelic beings and devas, connected with all the kingdoms of Nature, to fully manifest “a holographic understanding of the Being whose unfoldment is the universe.” As with an hologram, the part will reflect the whole.
As the continuum of human and planetary evolution accelerates with each passing day, the imminence of this approaching instant of Total Unification of Mind rumbles like a colossal tidal wave about to engulf in oblivion all the spectral fears of the past few thousands years of unconscious, bottom-of-the-barrel God-human involution. Information on all sorts of ways to improve health, communications and educational opportunities has dramatically improved our chances to avoid the worst planetary upheavals long predicted as the possible outcome for the downward spiral of our “Descent to Hell”. Now we stand on the threshold of an unprecedented expansion of consciousness that will render obsolete most past visions, ideologies and paradigms that are soon to be relegated to the drawers of incompatible instruments of self-understanding. Post-history is about to begin.
Yet, as they point, “incarnation into biological form was intended from the beginning.” It is not an aberration that beings issued from the Primal Field of Consciousness were to descend into material form to implement some long term Goal of the Star Maker. We were not originally supposed to lose our sense of oneness with the Eternal Source but, as already indicated, we were deceived into believing fearful thoughts of separation and isolation by entities under the spell of the forces of materialization. “The materializing influence”, as Ken Carey describes it, ” is the principle of contraction that holds energy efficiently bound in matter.” Personified in the Western culture as Satan, “these universal systemic beings are the Creator’s mean of keeping material structure in assigned patterns of form and behavior. They are the caretakers of Creation’s landscape, the rulers of subconscious processes and events.”
So it was almost inevitable that in the course of dipping deeply into physical dimensions we would come under the influence of such powerful forces and entities. Whatever resulting balance, between consciously retaining a sense of participating to the Universal Spirit and being affected by the intensely pressing needs and objectivity of the material realm, was bound to depend on our own free will and could not be foreseen nor controlled from the start of the “human project.” Consequently, we somehow chose to “ground” ourselves so completely that material influence became excessively dominant.
And so was the influence of our physical senses upon which we gradually relied so completely to assess the situations we are faced with and decide what course of action to take, that we eventually became spiritually blind, refusing to recognize as valid the informational input coming from within and favoring exclusively what we were told to believe through our physical senses. Thus came to be the needless and excessively barbaric and savage period of human history from which we are now just coming out.
But to fully awaken from these centuries of Darkness, we must clearly understand why we became trapped in such a predicament. What generated such an intense desire to remain cut off from the whole? What is still keeping us under the yoke of spiritual blindness? Basically, fear is the central culprit. Driven by the continuous influence of the pervading materialization forces, we came to doubt ourselves completely and we consequently rejected our innate natural sense of oneness and trust in the benevolence of Life, adopting whatever cultural framework available to replace our God-given sense of inner harmony with a fake and fear-dominated set of ideas and behaviors passed on from one generation to the next.
Thus all belief systems, social conventions and traditions based on an inherited cultural sense of confusion and separation, and on fear-related values are inherently flawed at the core. They cannot help human beings in sustaining a healthy relationship with each other and with our surrounding world, and must therefore be rejected. A new paradigm is needed, one that will put emphasis on personal experience and spiritual intuition to guide our lives. For as Ken Carey’s transmitting intelligences so rightly indicate: “Ideologies are toxic. They poison perception and happiness. They block access to the intelligence that is designed to guide people’s lives.”
It is the responsibility of each of us to undertake such a sweeping change of mind to free ourselves collectively from the bonding influence of religious or ideological dogmatism. “The choice to function on the love-centered motivational frequencies (…) is the only choice that brings freedom.” But while more and more individuals are taking the path to freedom, powerful forces from beyond the material realm are assisting us in this process and challenging those who remain centered on fear so they may also change and thus join the collective movement towards total planetary freedom. “They are invited to know themselves as parts of an integral planetary organism.”
In doing so, these assisting forces are obeying our own request, made before we started descending into matter, to help awaken us to our true nature when our downward cycle would be completed. And now the time has come for a new beginning, for a new cycle of creation, except that this time we are called to take part in it, consciously and with the entire realm of experience we have gathered during our long trek into density. “Your ego will not dissolve in such an awakening; it will ascend into enlightened comprehension of its co-creative partnership with the Eternal Being in whom this universes congeals. Already you are moving in the currents of eternal thought. As you continue to flow with this thought, it becomes your own. You remember.”
Finally, it is of the utmost importance that we take full responsibility for our own salvation. As demonstrated during the last few decades, all over the world people are now taking responsibility from their tyrants and despots to govern their own lives according to democratic principles and an innate sense of justice and freedom. Although our long detour into historic mishaps and human tragedies might seem a waste of precious Life and energies, we are being told that, nevertheless, all this serves some useful purpose, and nothing is lost in the end.
Through the sheer intensity of human experience in the physical world, we gradually acquired the needed qualities to interract consciously, passionately and harmoniously with the planetary being now emerging from the human project. And it is only through our own free will and dedicated enthusiasm that this project will succeed, for such a freedom of choice is what makes this living universe so unpredictable, and therefore so exhilaratingly wonderful.
Second Step Pause
Having discovered or unveiled the true understanding that was already present in a more or less dormant state within your very being, your soul-light being, you are now certainly wondering what this all means to you and your present life, and what is going to take place from now on… This realization, that not only are we pearls of consciousness stemming from the original Source of all Life but also that a tremendously wonderful destiny awaits us, provided we accept to collaborate to its unfolding, can but shake off for a moment the dull feeling of living through an ordinary life, working 9 to 5, eating and sleeping, day on day off, without any real challenge or any real exhilarating and adventurous odyssey to take on. So are we to become something else than what we thought we were… Are we to unearth mysterious forces that were lying dormant within us for endless centuries awaiting the moment to manifest their existence through co-creating with other equally powerful ethereal beings a new realm of manifestation that was planned since the Beginning in God’s mysterious Design for this universal reality… Are we really that important…
In this realization lies probably the most extraordinary challenge offered to our curious and peculiar path of accomplishment. While we must acknowledge the extraordinary role imparted to us in achieving the enormous Goal set by God, we must at the same time keep within the center of our conscious awareness of who we are the intense flame of total humility and impervious dedication that may allow us the strength to flow across the tumultuous waters of historical events and treacherous temptations that only clear minds and peaceful, God-centered souls can fearlessly and impeccably master.
And our most pressing challenge is the one we are faced with in the depths of our own soul… Shall we trust ourselves… Shall we abide by the inner instantaneous promptings we continuously receive to keep us on the right track… Shall we obey God’s Will… If we do so — and we are totally free to do so or not — the Garden of Eden is given back to us. Our re-entry into heavenly paradise is guaranteed. If we don’t, we stumble back from the brink of freedom into countless millions of years of… Well! Who wants to hear about this one!
The crux of the matter is the choice we have, as we always had, to willingly accomplish the inner design of Life and gracefully ascend into a new realm of evolutionary opportunities or… do something else! In this choice, repeatedly made over and over again in every circumstance when we have to choose between Light and darkness, between Love and fear, between God’s Will and selfish self-centeredness, is played and replayed the endless Saga of Life, as it is since the Beginning of Time. Which side is yours? Which way do you Want to go? Which fate do you Choose? To answer this crucial Question, there is only one place you can go to find the Answer. Within!
Please, use your own free will if you so feel inclined now, and open a window of introspective attention in your mind to explore where you stand on this vital, yet so Divine issue… Allow yourself a few seconds of deep unflinching soul-searching to find out your own, unique answer, and then once you are back with your conceptual understanding of Life and Evolution, take a few more minutes if you will to write down on a piece of paper what this answer is for You… and then thread again the path of conscious synthesis offered hereafter.
A New World Is Taking Shape
As we enter the last decade of this century, wondrous changes are occurring at an accelerated pace all over the world. But that is no chance happening! Powerful cosmic currents of transformational forces are engulfing our planet, our solar system, and in fact our entire galactic arm as we are about to initiate a new Great Cycle of Evolution. Predicted long ago by civilizations such as the Yucatan Peninsula’s Maya, the winter solstice of the year A.D. 2011 is to see the culmination of many smaller cycles in the evolution of consciousness. Something wonderful is going to happen… Something we can barely imagine even in our wildest dreams… “A moment is coming after which nothing will ever again be thought of as it was before, a metahistorical moment, an event simultaneously alpha and omega to our species and to all our species has ever known.”
And this moment of Cosmic Significance is already shaping up things all around the world as our species discovers ever expanding visions of unity and means of achieving a better world for all its brother and sister members. Barriers long considered as impregnable are falling like interlocked dominoes before the massive awakening of new and profound values of self-determination, democracy, justice and tolerance. Our world is changing faster than ever thanks to ceaseless pounding of informational Life streams flushing our minds and pushing down fortresses of hate and domination. A new world is being born in the midst of colossal, earth-shaking contractions announcing the imminent emergence of a new species on the face of the universe: the Star People!
Embodying forever the powers and glory of the Unique, a new kind of being, half divine, half human, is to bring to universal manifestation the sacred, mysterious Design hidden for so long in Evolution’s ever changing chrysalis. A multi-hued Rainbow of Peace, Harmony and shining Love will surround the whole world on this most blessed Day of Recognition as Humanity will enter a new phase of mutation and unify into one Conscious Whole.
Yet, again, all this won’t happen by chance but is the result of a carefully planned process of gradual fertilization of Humanity’s collective mind and conceptual understanding of the world with new ideas and visions bred in, woven in the fabric of self-knowingness. Starting tens of thousands of years ago, waves of educational information were carried on the shores of our consciousness through some precious few messengers and so-called prophets. Then successively in 1860, 1900, 1914, in the late 40s, between 67 and 69, and most importantly between 87 and 89, “powerful pulsations of awareness” entered the “conceptual atmosphere of human consciousness” to sow visions and ideals designed to help lessen the bonding influence of materialization forces.
“The winds of change have brought freedom to millions who had forgotten to dream. They have warmed the seeds of forgotten hopes long neglected beneath the frozen fields of fear, causing them to sprout and reach toward heaven again. They have taken men from prison and placed them at the helms of nations; they have terminated forever the cold war.” And all this may now take place because of unrelenting efforts and dedication from our invisible allies working from behind the material realm’s “perceptual wall” to bring down Light and freedom to us all, and to every constituent part of Nature.
Now thanks to our receptiveness, some of our brethren from the worlds of Light are able to come into the conscious awareness of a few — yet increasingly many — humans and thus channel most directly into our emerging global culture the paradigm shifts and spiritual “sea changes” needed for the human project to reach completion. People such as Ken Carey therefore serve as conduits for their “Transmissions”, as catalysts of deep planetary revolutions of soul. “We come, awakening now in increasing numbers throughout the gentle ones, the lovers of this Earth. Those in whom we awaken understand these things in terms quite different from those we are still courting from afar. They feel in their bones the changing of the age. And they know that it is good.”
All existing tools of cultural formation, whether it is electronic or printed media, motion pictures or simply a song, are used to increase the pace of change. The means utilized to reach the masses of people are many. The introduction of sport competition and events was a way for humans to transfer pent-up emotions in harmless expressions as individuals or teams fight, according to common agreed upon rules, to be the best. Violence on a massive scale is defused; excellence as a goal is promoted; and cooperation between members of a team is learned as a means to achieve results unattainable by individualized efforts.
Religious organizations have also been used to some extent to further their aims when receptive individuals were found; but in most cases these organizations somehow eventually turn into exact replica of what they profess to oppose. At best churches and spiritual organizations are transitional tools to bring their followers from learning and understanding through the recorded experience of their founders, to having an undiluted, first-hand self-realization of divine concepts through direct access “here and now”to Cosmic Awareness.
Even the very fact of reading a book such as “Starseed”– or a comment on it — is merely a passing experience whose sole purpose is in guiding you to become the architect of your own self-enlightenment.“Until the day arrives when once again your understanding is your own, no longer polluted with all you have been told or what you have heard, but fresh as new perception, pure as a mountain spring, clear as the guileless eyes of a conscious child.”
From Becoming Instinctual to Fulfilling our Destiny
Following these first six chapters described above in greater details, Ken Carey goes on into describing various aspects of the educational information and enlightening perspective he received from his invisible mentor. A brief sample of what is mentioned follows.
We are invited to develop a complete trust in our instinct, this God-given intuition through which “hitting a home run” is easy compared to what it would be through rational analyzing. We are then told to forge our own decisions based on our own appreciation of any situation we face instead of using old recipes, although wisdom from old sages is still quite relevant in most cases. In reading this book, the spirit behind the words should captivate all our attention, and when rendering it to others our own words are then better tools, for if we really experienced this spirit, we will know what to say, at the right time, to the right people.
Of greater importance to Humanity than the discovery of fire is the Discovery of God! And the way to attain such a discovery in our own life is through Love, a Love such that it frees the heart to fly ever higher, higher than the sky itself, into God’s Awareness which we may then fully express in our everyday life. You then become the “magical people for whom the Earth has longed”. Another key subject concerns the emergence of a new interdependent global economy which is gradually being “geared” to accommodate the most powerful event ever to take place. “This event is the first fully conscious incarnation of the Eternal one in the collective consciousness of a world’s biosphere.”
As a matter of fact, because of the rippling-back effect of this Cosmic Event, incredible additional changes will take place in the next 20 years. A new Order of the Ages will be established affecting governments and military power all over the world. Tyranny and repression will be completely out! But this astounding Event really emerges, as we progress through the book, as the Key Feature around which everything else revolves.“This event will be of greater power than any the Earth has ever seen. More energy will be released in a very few moments than is typically released upon the surface of the Earth in many years. This energy will take the form of heightened perception and deepened emotional connection, rejoining the individual and God.”
It is hard to summarize the rest of the book, so intense is the subject, so all-pervading are its implications. A last quote may help to unveil what our responsibility is at this hour. “You now have all you need to release the conditioning of history, and ride the ascending wave of consciousness beyond the spell of matter into an awakened life.” Whether we succeed in achieving the grandiose vision outlined in Starseed depends, as it has always been, on our goodwill, personal commitment and openness to contemplate the barely imaginable and then get down to the task of making it a reality.
(A French version of this article has been published in October 1991 in the magazine “Luminance”, in Quebec)
1. Published in 1982, “The Starseed Transmissions: An Extraterrestrial Report“, the first book byf Ken Carey, is today considered a landmark book of the emerging New Age movement and has significantly contributed to a better understanding of the invisible but pervasive influence of heavenly entities guiding individual humans as well as the whole of Humanity across the Threshold of a New Era for human and planetary evolution.
2. Published in 1991 by HarperSanFrancisco, a division of HarperCollins Publishers, “Starseed, The Third Millenium: Living in the Posthistoric World”
3. For those interested to know who this “channeling” critic is, let’s just say that I have published a couple of books so far, The Guiding Manual for a New World, and The Immortal Child;, written many short essays and coordinated many global initiatives, such as the Love Chain and the World Federation for Peace, the Earth Concert fostering Love, Peace and a greater environmental awareness – and co-founded in 1997 the Earth Rainbow Network.
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