“Inter Dimensional Travel and TelePortation
via Development of the Light Body”
Through Terri Newlon
whal Khul here. Tashi delek.
I would like to begin with a blue/violet flame. So we are mixing the violet ray
7 with the blue ray 2 and imagine the entire body and the auric field consumed
by the blue/violet ray. It is to transmute anything that is not divinely you,
but it also brings in that 2nd ray love/wisdom energy that helps with
discernment and many other things. And, of course, discernment is rather a big
issue right now and will continue to be a big issue in all facets of life
particularly so, I think, in the new age energy however.
We are on the eve of something rather important so I thought I would bring
attention to that before we get into the class topic. Tomorrow, Thursday is
11/11. So the 11th of November. However, it is not just that. There are quite
a few things going on. Mars will move into Scorpio, which can create some very
interesting energy. It can also create a lot of healing power for war or
anything afflicted by war. So, it is going to be an interesting energy field
with Mars moving in to Scorpio. We also have Uranus going direct at a very
pointed time of 11:11 AM Los Angeles time. So that is very, very significant.
It ties in with the recent eclipses that we have had and a few other things,
making it a grand quintile in the heavens, so what we are getting is a
reflection from the heavens back to earth that would reflect the world, the
Pentagram or the world, or the earthly energies. So it is a very important time
to keep invoking peace, but perhaps even more so a state of grace so we don’t
get more upset. In other words, we want things to be quelled down on a cosmic
level and certainly in the earth environment. Also then, the new moon will
happen, early Friday morning. Let’s say Thursday night and Friday morning.
That will also be in Scorpio. So, again, a lot of power in the sign of Scorpio.
It can either sting or it can have a tremendous healing power. So we have to be
careful about choosing how we want all of that to come in to being. Scorpio
traditionally is very strong healing energy as well.
Now, we also have something that is kind of a Hindu holiday. The Festival of
Life. It is the celebration of Laksmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.
You will often see her portrayed as having gold coins and a lot of energy. So
that is technically Friday for the Festival of Light. That is Thursday night
and Friday. So I would say focus on a state of grace and ease and that all of
the war torn areas and all of the war energy moves into healing rather than more
war. And also just personally that you can work with a lot of healing.
Go ahead and invoke the abundance, the Laksmi. Feel almost like gold coins are
being sprinkled all through your aura and then perhaps the paper money and other
forms of wealth and prosperity whatever those symbols would be for you. And
also physically work with them, put coins in your hands and that sort of thing.
Remember about the light. Invoke a lot of light coming in to the planet and
coming in to your body. Really spread that energy around as much as you can.
Primarily Thursday evening, but also Friday morning is very good timing for all
of that. And you can start ahead of time really; start now, if you like. That
is just a little bit about that 11/11 gateway coming up. You can find a lot
more information on the Internet, go to maybe a local meditation, join a
teleconference meditation or something of that nature.
All right. Our topic for today, then, “Inter-dimensional Travel and
Teleportation via Development of the Light Body.”
Now I have been talking about the light body because it is the eternal part of
you. It is the part that goes with you everywhere no matter which physical body
you happen to be having, which incarnation you are in, what level of evolution
you are on.
You will always have your light body with you. And those who are young in
evolution have a very underdeveloped light body and then there are certain
things that you do on the path of spiritual growth and on the path of
enlightenment that develop the light body. Ideally, then, when the light body
is very, very well developed, that is when you can teleport, you can actually
bi-locate, you can make the physical death transition and take the body with
you, etherialize or dematerialize the physical structure. And there are many,
many, many other options today on the travel.
This is something that the masters have done because when you reach a master
level of creation you understand the dynamics. You understand, first of all,
that time and space are illusions. They are not true creations. Now this is
something that the mind has trouble grasping. Generally your mind can go into
imagination to try to determine what life is like, if you will, without time and
space, but it really doesn’t have a way of grasping the concept. You literally
have to step outside of the mind in order to get the concept.
Now in previous teachings I have talked about the mind and how to put it into
perspective here. If you took a full sheet of paper and made a big circle on it
and then you put a pencil dot in the center or anywhere actually inside the
circle that would be about the right ratio. Literally, your mind is like a
speck in the greater consciousness. So your consciousness, however small you
think it is, is really quite large and you mind makes up about 1%. Just one
So the other 99% of you is the part that understands that there is no time
and space, that knows how to do inter-dimensional travel, that knows
how to teleport the actual physical body because that is different than actual
inter-dimensional travel. So this light body, the more it develops, and you
develop it at sunrise, at sunset, through the use of sunlight, through the use
of invoking universal – they are kind of like little pillows or packets of
information that come into the body. And today, in honor of Laksmi we
can bring those in as little golden pillows. Usually they are mostly white with
a little gold tint to them almost like sunlight, literally. We will really make them
sort of gold, metallic gold like the precious metal. And let those packets come
in to the body now.
And of course other ways to develop the light body. Any time you are working
with one of the masters of the spiritual hierarchy, any time you are working
with the planetary logos or the solar logos, with the Office of the Christ, or
any of the angelic kingdom, this also develops the light body.
Now the same with the mind. We will go back to that for just a moment. That is
one of the requirements for working in service is to keep the mind and the ego
and all of that in check. How do you do that? Because this is rather
unconventional work you see. It is not the mainstream average conversation, you
know. So, some feel that in the spiritual circles the information can be as
wide as possible. I would say, caution please. You want to keep both feet on
the ground while you develop the light body, while you work with and serve the
masters. And because the metaphysical realm, the spiritual circles, the new age
circles, because there is such a diversity there, I am going to reiterate again
and again and again, please use discernment.
There are certain red flags that you should watch for both in yourself
and in others purporting to be serving the masters and serving the higher
purposes. one of those would be anyone proclaiming to be a messiah
or proclaiming to be a savior, or proclaiming that they are a reincarnation
of a particular savior or great one. Now there are, in fact, such reincarnations.
I am quite familiar with that, of course because of many lifetimes in Tibet
because we tend to keep reincarnating and coming back and filling the same post,
basically. It is rather common in Tibet.
A little less common around the globe. But those who say, I am the reincarnation
of Jesus, for example, or I am really the reincarnation of El Morya, or I am
really the reincarnation of Kuthumi and so on. one, a true master would never
claim such a thing. Two, probably you can count on it as being inaccurate.
Sowatch out in your own mind because the tricksters are really at play right now.
More strongly so than normal and there are some very well-meaning people who are
not who they say they are or who they think they are.
So in your own consciousness, this little tiny one percent can certainly pose a
problem from time to time. When you are agreeing to be in service one of the
things that one must continually do is clear, clear, clear. So, the minute the
ego starts to dance a little bit, we bring it in to view. We bring it in, we
look at the mirror, and we deliberately clear away the aspects of the ego.
Not the whole ego, but the aspects of it. They get enamored. They get into the
glamour aspect or that “I want to proclaim that there is someone great”.
Those aspects. And also the part of the ego that likes to be in control.
Because masters are not here to control. We are here to serve. Channels are
not here to control. They are here to serve. The angelic kingdom has no desire to
control you either. They are here to serve you. So, you get into sometimes a
rather fine line there.
And also, just on discernment before we go into some really good travel
experiences here, there is what we call a fine line between what we call being
grounded and not grounded. The deeper you get more developed, there is
traditionally what we call the dark night of the soul, a time when you can get
into the dark side of the ego or you can clear it away.
It rears itself, literally. It rears itself up so that you can see it, so that you can clear it.
As long as you are committed to clear, do not let that little one percent seem
like it is 90 percent of your consciousness. It has the capacity to think it is
everything rather than seeing itself as a very important but very small fraction
of the over all composition of your consciousness.
So, there is a fine line, as we say, between psychic and psychotic, all those
with psychic powers have psychotic tendencies and vice versa. So everyone who
is psychotic, medically speaking, not mainstream new age, but literally have a
psychotic break, is also very psychic. And again, vise versa.
This is a very fine line. How do you keep that razor’s edge, if you will? How do
you keep that balance? The answer is very simple. Staying grounded. Now that very
simple answer might just be one of the most misunderstood concepts. Especially
those who are not grounded have no idea of what I mean when I talk to them about
being grounded. They will say things like, “Well, everyone says that but I
don’t know what they mean.” Or, “I have heard that before, but what is it?”
Until you have had the experience of being fully occupied in your physical body,
you don’t know. It is kind of like saying, “well it is all about ice cream.”
But you have never had ice cream before or you have never even seen it. And
someone saying, “Well, you know, it is ice cream. It is cold and it is icy and
it is tasty and you eat it.” You don’t really quite know until you have had the
So, grounded.
One of the things that you can do, and even if you think you know
what it means but you are not real sure, is just invoke and use your intent.
I intend to be grounded. I invoke being grounded in my physical body. Some of it
has to do with the gravity center in the body, which is the t’an t’ien center,
or just beneath the navel point there. The front side of the sacrum kind of in
the middle of the body, middle of the pelvic region, basically. Some has to do
with being able to center your gravity there. But it has to do most with the
percentage of occupation of your physical self.
So you can ask yourself,
“To what percentage am I occupying my cellular level?”
And sometimes, maybe while you are doing some healing work, or you are
using your psychic powers to tune in or channeling or what have you, sometimes
it will be as little as 10% present. And then the rest of the time, really work
at being 90% or better in your physical body.
Now sometimes when someone first starts getting grounded they will notice
that the body is in terrible pain. They don’t like the way it feels. It is not
breathing very well, the joints ache, and it feels too heavy. They suddenly
just don’t like the sensation so they prefer to eject a little bit and sort of
ride a little bit above the body. It is almost like having a little puppet
mascot sort of navigating the physical structure for you but not occupying it.
So, please do your best, especially as we work with some of these advanced
teachings on the light body. Do your best to be grounded in your body,
physically occupying the cellular level and continuing to clear away
the (negative) ego. That is very, very important.
So, again, in looking for discernment, that is because there is a lot of
messages going around now, a lot of teachers popping up, putting shingles out,
a lot of healers saying, I can do this and that and the other. Be careful.
Be very careful where you go. And of course all experiences are learning
opportunities, but do be careful. There are some out there right now that
really want to control others. They are really looking more for a cult for
those with low self-esteem that they can sort of tuck under their wing and
foster and that sort of thing. If they are very unassuming and they don’t
really want anything from you that would be more of the line of a true teacher
or master. If they are kind of boasting about who they are and what they can do
and so forth and they seem to want something from you like they want you to
grow, they want you to whatever.
Just take a moment to use your radar. Put your antennas up and
feel it out a little bit.
All right, so let’s go to inter-dimensional travel because I think this is a fun
one. There are several dimensions to exist in and generally speaking you start
at dimension zero really. You start at zero and you work your way through the
dimensions in evolution. Now these are linked together sort of like – well
there are 2 images I could use. Something like a chain link and something like
a cornucopia or spiral of energy.
Evolution, classically seen by the mind as something that has an upward spiral
but you could see it sideways or whatever way you want to see it in. If we start
with the basic zero or non-existence, the silence of creation and then we go into
the next dimension, you are all of course, into the third.
Some of you are from 4th or 5th dimension playing downward into the 3rd.
And there are a couple of 6th dimensional beings here upon the planet.
Now without getting too caught up with systems that might conflict with
other teachings because I don’t intend to conflict with another teaching system
or create confusion in any way. I like to keep it a little more simplified from
my teaching through Alice Bailey because I found that what happens is that
students spend decades studying technical information and then don’t have
the opportunity to apply the technical information. So I am looking more,
especially through this channel and a few other current incarnate channels
that I have to work with, more simplified information that will allow you to
move straight into the experience of what I am talking about rather than giving
that little one percent mind a chance to play, dissect, reconstruct and dissect
I don’t want you to get caught up again in the mental body. I want you to
move all your bodies into the experience of mastery. That is my goal here.
So, there is the basic first dimension. Second dimensional existence is
sometimes when you are seeing the underworld or ghosts or those people that are
sort of trapped. What they have done is they have slipped down into the second
dimension. They thought they were going to go down to hell or they have thought
that somehow they didn’t deserve to progress or whatever. It is usually a state
of consciousness. A state of mind that produces a state of consciousness and
not the true story because you can be disincarnate and stick around in the third
dimension as well.
Now for travel purposes for those that want to play, I would suggest if you want
to find the vibrational doorway and travel, go from 3rd dimension to 5th
dimension. Don’t go to the 4th. There are some lovely beings there. There is
a lot of technical information and that, but their egos are still very, very
engaged. And in fact more so than you can engage your ego.
So, 4th dimension is not the ideal place to go. It sounds like it is the next step
up, but really it is more intellectual, more controlled. There is more control
or desire to control others. So, not a good place to visit and if you have a 4th
dimensional guide or being helping you, you might want to request that you get
a 5th dimension being, or a member of the angelic kingdom, or a member
of the spiritual hierarchy, planetary logos, solar logos or universal logos even.
Someone other than a 4th dimensional guide. Usually, when there is a 4th
dimensional guide working with you, I have a hard time getting both parties
convinced that perhaps the relationship should end. The reason being is that
the 3rd dimensional being is getting something out of that. They are getting,
for example, more money or more vitality, or they are getting popularity or
something, because that is what the 4th dimensional being wants. Not really
what the 3rd dimensional being may or may not think they wanted. But the 4th
dimensional being wants it for certain. We will leave that for another time.
But we will practice, because you can travel into this 5th dimension and we will
do a little bit of that before we go today. You can also travel from the 3rd to
the 9th and that would be enough dimensions, I think, to cover for right now.
But 9th dimension would be where you would get those miracle healings, where
that sort of intense energy rushes through you and suddenly all of your pain is
gone and so on. That is 9th dimensional travel and that is because you are
changing from 3 D to 9 D that the instantaneous healing takes place and then you
bring it back to the 3rd dimensional via your light body.
So, it is the light body being well developed that allows you to make that transition.
Or, if you are in the presence or company of a masterful energy, not necessarily
physically, it could be from the inner planes, that is taking you to the 9th
dimension. It is kind of like leaving your cozy little 1% of the mind and going
in to 100% of yourself. So it seems like you just expanded into all of creation
or something. It is very expansive and vast. It is also very watery. I would
say that is when you can really tell the liquidity of creation, that all of
creation is really a liquid flow. So that would be 9th dimensional.
Fifth dimensional, you are going to see a lot of very well developed group
consciousness in 5 D. Also, that is something the mind can still grasp as you
see 3 dimensions you see height and length and width. In 5 D there are 2 more
added to that, and your mind can actually sort of grasp that. It doesn’t know
quite how to draw it yet or make it – well; some are making graphics, actually.
But basically it is that dimension, and most of the spiritual masters and so
forth would be 5 D beings. Some are 6 D. But your easiest travel windows are
going to be from 3rd to 5th and back, and then from 3rd to 9th and back.
And why go there? Just to develop your light body or to go and get healing.
Every time you do inter-dimensional travel you promote a stronger light body.
So it is worth while and don’t cross over that little fine line between psychic
and psychotic.
Now teleportation.
That is a little more, certainly that takes practice. Teleportation is when you
would dissolve you body; apparently, dissolve your body in one location. Let’s
say you are sitting in the living room and you dissolve it there and reappear in
the kitchen. That is travel without standing up and walking across the room or
otherwise moving your body from one room to another. That is much, much more
advanced and usually someone who knows how to do it coaching you. But there are
some who have figured it out on their own. In the future, teleportation will be
the means of travel.
You won’t use airplanes or other crafts. You will dissolve in one location and
reappear in another. The one thing I can tell you for those who are playing in
very advanced dreams and meditations and such is the trick to teleportation is
that you never go anywhere. It would be like saying you are sitting on a stage
and the backdrop is a lake in the mountains and then someone slides the backdrop
out of the way and replaces it with a sunny day at the beach.
You have stayed in the same spot and the scenery has changed. That is what true
teleportation is. So, again, you have to get out of that little one percent of the mind
that thinks time and space are real and you have to be able to use the other aspects
of your consciousness.
Now another exercise to help you with that. Some have done this before.
And that would be to make a big circle and put a little object, like say maybe
a piece of pepper or something that you can see. It could be a little tiny
crystal. Something very small. And that is your mind. Then go into a little
bit of an altered state or meditative state and slide that little speck outside
the circle. It is like saying to your mind, “I want to put you outside just for
a little while so I can feel what it is like without you.” And when you are
done, you slide it back onto the circle. It can be a very powerful exercise.
Also, again, it gives you a visual of how much your whole spirit, your great
vast consciousness, is the real thing and the mind is just a small contributing
factor there.
All right. Let’s try a little bit of inter-dimensional travel. If you are
traveling right now, I would suggest you pull off the road for a little while or
hang up and call back later and get to this point in the recording again.
Because it is just not a good idea to try to do them simultaneously.
Let’s focus for a moment on being grounded in the physical body in 3 D, on the
earth plane, 3 D, physical structure. We want to now as fully as possible to
occupy the physical structure. Take a breath. Now focus on the t’an t’ien
center, the gravity center used in yoga, tai chi, and Marshall arts. It is also
used in sports like skiing, golfing, boating and many other things. If you are
not in your gravity center, you sort of tumble down the mountain or fall over or
what have you. You can’t keep your balance in certain situations. So gravity
Now, we are going to use the inside of the body rather than visualizing this as
a place like portal outside. The portal is from the gravity center to the still
point. The still point is just above the navel. So you are traveling inside
the body from just kind of the middle of the pelvic region, we are going to
travel up past the belly button to a point in the abdomen there.
The still point. A very small place. There you go. Now, stay with the still point
and invoke the 5th dimension. “I agree to be in the 5th dimension momentarily
and I request to see the beings that exist here. And I request to have communication
on going with these beings if it be appropriate. And I request to receive
healing or information of whatever else is in my highest good while here in the
5th dimension” See if you can get the landscape, the scope or the size of
things. Usually things are bigger or they are about the same but they look
slightly different. Do you see anything in writing, for example? The letters
are a little bit different. Sometimes there is an “r” instead of an “n”. Or it
is a different symbol, different colors. Sometimes you can see art that is
created in 5 D and you will notice that it is more, like holographic. one of
the ways in 5th dimension that we gather knowledge is by pressing it against the
forehead. So, if there is a book or a tape recording or a voice electronic
recording or something, we just press it to the forehead. Even art is
experienced this way. You touch your forehead to a statue or something of that
nature. All right, good. Now, just lie back, again into the still point and
then back to the gravity center in the body.
Always come back home, and home for you right now is wherever your physical body
is made manifest. Otherwise, why bother having one? So come back to the
gravity center, your t’an t’ien. You will notice that the body is altered. The
tissues in the body will feel a bit different. That is all right.
Now, let’s rather quickly go to the 9th dimension just briefly. And again, we
are going to go up to the still point in the lower belly somewhere above the
navel. And then, from the still point just open to the ninth dimension and go
in. Again, this is the place that is very watery. Lots of water. And you
might feel that you belong to all of the water, all of the liquid. It is very,
very big. And here you can request healing of any kind, physical mental,
emotional or spiritual. Good. We are going to come back now into the still
point. It is really like the void. It is very vacant. And then down into the
gravity center.
Always come back home. This physical body is the reason why you are here.
You could be anywhere in creation, but you have a manifested physical body
for a very important reason. It is not one of those haphazard throw aways that
you somehow got hold of and you are trying to get rid of it as fast as possible.
It is a very precious commodity, the physical body, and especially on earth
and especially during this historical time period.
And now what we want to do is just ask for a little further development of the
light body. Take a nice deep breath and exhale down the body into the earth.
Because you are here you are helping Mother Earth, you are helping humanity,
you are helping evolution because you are at a key point, you are at a turning point
in the entire creative process. The most powerful point of creation is the
physical plane, a physical body on the physical plane. The most powerful
creation you will ever know.
Good. All right then, so let’s stay in 3 D there and when you go to sleep
in the evening if you would like to invoke me as Ascended Master D K.
You can also invoke Ascended Master El Morya, Kuthumi and so forth.
Please put Ascended Master before the name unless you are invoking
Michael. Then say Archangel or Angel. Put the title in front now. It helps
eliminate a lot of the tricksters posing as other beings. So that is another
important hint right now.
Thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Transcribed by Joan Taylor)
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