Ascension/Djwhal Khul Articles

Life After Death: Knowledge to dispel fear (1)

namaste123 2009. 8. 14. 10:06


by Djwahl Kuhl (DK) Presented March 1, 1985



Greetings to you along the path. It is I D.K. and tonight we would like to begin our discussion on the topic of life after death.

In Western Culture this is one of the areas that is most neglected. People fear death. People would prefer not to think about it. When people think of death they think of the cost, the funeral home, sadness; a loss. They think of their loved one ceasing to be. However, death is a fact of life; it is something that all will eventually face. Some sooner, some later. And so, a brief history.

The history of man as you know him today only begins with the destruction of Atlantis. You will recall in our previous discussion that we explained that humanity at the time of Atlantis existed as much on the astral plane as on the physical. It was difficult for them to distinguish when something was physical or when it was astral. They could quite easily slip from their physical into what you refer as an astral projection. The concept of death was not one that they pondered to any great extent. It was only when the dark ages towards the end of Atlantis set in that the fixation in gross matter began to influence the consciousness of humanity.

The land of Atlantis had a unique set of vibrational patterns and electromagnetic fields. These conditions influenced consciousness. There are certain lands in existence today that in a milder form have the same effect, the British Isles are an example.

With the destruction of the land known as Atlantis, the downward spiral of humanity into gross matter was completed. Millions upon millions of people, or physical vehicles, ceased to exist when Atlantis was destroyed. They were forced to begin incarnating into other vehicles that existed and were acclimated to different parts of the globe. These vehicles did not have the unique conditions that caused the separation of spirit and matter. However, the incarnating Atlantean entities retained the instinct for the continued existence of spirit. They continued to have the instinct for the realm that you call the Astral plane.

Not all of the entities were destroyed with the sinking of Atlantis. Those that survived carried their knowledge with them to other parts of the world. They introduced into other cultures conceptions of the Astral world. And they were introduced to the conception of death as other consciousnesses perceived them.

Many of them began to record their experiences as they encountered different cultures. They discovered that their environment that they had was rather unique. Other cultures did not have the same loosening of the energies that resulted in the loose connection between spirit and matter.

To the teaching entities that were incarnated into the Atlantean vehicles, it became evident that this information needed to be recorded so that the other cultures could benefit from the knowledge. Thus, such works as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the Tibetan Book of the Dead came into existence. The limitations imposed on the works were related to the cultures that the teachers contacted and chose to settle within. Those works that survive today suffer from translation difficulties and also the fact that they were worded in terms that the culture of the time could understand. Due to this, much of the information has been rejected by Western Culture.

The people of the times when these works were recorded did not accurately interpret the material. Independently, over time, they put into practice their interpretations of the material and constructed behaviors based on their interpretations. These were not always accurate or constructive. As Western Scientists, Archaeologists and Anthropologists uncovered some of these cultures practices, it was easy for them to discount the material contained in the works due to the practices of the cultures of which the works were representative. The further from the original Atlanteans, the greater the distortions and yet humanity has had the instinct of spirit.

The first rule to remember when one passes over the threshold called "death" is that you get exactly what you expect. If you expect nothing, you get nothing: if you expect angels, you get angels. Most people expect nothing and they find themselves in a gray, dreary land. They have so much of the etheric still attached that they remain close to the physical. They find themselves in "Limbo", a twilight zone if you will. They cannot see that which is higher and that which is lower. Usually, we cannot see them. They wander for many earth years in this state, lost, forlorn, confused.

Many cultures have examined the plight of these unfortunate spirits. In the Greek culture it was discussed in reference to the underworld and many of the heroes of Greek history encountered these unfortunate spirits. Many different cultures have acknowledged the existence of these unfortunate ones. Even to this day you carry out the practice that acknowledges their existence. It's called "Halloween".

The plight of any consciousness so entangled is very unnecessary. A lack of understanding of the nature of reality, a lack of understanding of the purpose of physical existence contributes to millions of entities experiencing such entrapment.

Over the next series of communications, when conditions are appropriate, we shall attempt to explain what one experiences at the transition referred to as death so that with the conscious knowledge the entity will not have to experience Limbo.

.................. Good evening.