Published on Apr 26, 2015
Angelight "Heavenly Angels" Spiritual Healing Music -,,
Музыкальная композиция Ангелайта из альбома "Ангелы Небесные. Духовное Исцеление" -,
Вся Исцеляющая Музыка Ангелайта здесь -,
Gilbert Williams Visionary Art -
Gilbert Williams is a New York based artist and has been contributing his work to the world since the 1970's.
His work is of fantasy worlds which have a transcendent, visionary touch that keeps the imagination going.
His beautiful, surreal imagery combining Earthly realms with outer space makes for wonderful multidimensional artistry. This is art that lets you to get lost in the detail, but allows the overall images to stay in your memory for some time.

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