- Read a self development book per month
- Do a good deed that will make a difference to someone’s life per week eg. help someone to lift something heavy, saying hello to someone who looks depressed…
- Exercise every other day – swim, run, brisk walk, yoga, tennis, chi gung….
- Go vegetarian/vegan (if you are not already) at least 3 times a week to help save the planet and practice compassion to other living creatures
- Reduce, reuse and recycle (in this order)
- Get out of your comfort zone when you find that you have stagnated simply by taking that first step out
- Get involved with a charity event, organization or cause
- In this age where the world is becoming smaller, it is possible to make a new friend per week via the social media like Facebook, Twitter….
- Make a list of things you have always wanted to do (that are morally, ethically, karmically right) and do them!
- Attend a course or pick up a skill 3-4 times a year or learn about something new every month
- Don’t wait for yourself to be perfect in order to make a difference, you will come closer to perfection as you go about trying to make a difference
- Watch more documentaries such as Animal Planet as opposed to junk TV.
- Stay away from any kind of junk food. Eat foods that are life giving rather than death inducing
- Check the labels on your food packages and find out what exactly are you putting into your body. Anything with strange codes or numbers cannot be healthy for you!
- Re-decorate your home/room by re-arranging your furniture to give your home/room a new feel
- Donate used clothes
- Confront your inner most fears and talk about them or write them down to gain clarity on the cause of the fears
- Save electricity and water for your pocket and the environment
- Use less paper in everything you do
- Before you buy anything, think and re-think if you really need it and if you can live without it
- Laugh more
- Say thank you with a smile
- Apologise quickly when you know the mistake has been made
- Admit mistakes and don’t try to weasel your way out that may hurt yourself or someone else in the long term
- Listen patiently to someone who may speak too slowly for your liking
- Speak clearly
- Make eye contact with others when you speak
- Pretend that your family members are people you are meeting for the first time so that you will be on your best behaviour when you see them
- Don’t take your family and good friends for granted.
- Go on a date with your spouse/partner every week. If you are single, go on a date with yourself!
- Have fun activities with your children or other people’s children if you don’t have any.
- Organize your time and energy more effectively so that you are not doing the same thing twice
- Make to-do lists
- Do what is on your to-do lists
- Complete what is on your to-do lists
- Pray, meditate or perform a spiritual practice that will allow your inner self to be nourished daily
- Be kind to yourself
- Be kinder to others in words
- Be kinder to others in your actions
- Breathe deeply
- Use personal and household products that will not harm the environment or yourself (check the labels and find out what exactly are the unpronounceable ingredients in your toothpaste!)
- Do the most difficult or least enjoyable things first in your day, the rest of the day will be more fun
- Conquer/Master one bad habit every 3 months
- Walk, cycle and use the public transport – it is cheaper and better for the environment
- Don’t complain, be proactive
- Don’t waste time gossiping, no one has ever benefited from gossips
- Spend more time with people and friends who are positive
- Say one positive thing about yourself to yourself first thing in the morning (daily) when you look at yourself in the mirror
- Enjoy your work. If you are not, do something about it.
- Don’t give excuses for not doing what you should be doing if you want to live a more fulfilling life. Excuses are toxic for your wellbeing.
- Plant a tree for every book you have read (visit www.ecolibris.net)
- Read this list once a week to keep yourself in check
© Shamala Tan 2010 copyright reserved