Honoring the New Race of Children
I am fascinated with our present children, those some have labeled as Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Cosmic Children, etc — the name doesn't matter; the fact is that they are here for a wonderful reason...to remind us of our Divine Heritage through continuous, mind boggling statements, situations, observations — and at the same time, demanding from us honesty, truthfulness, congruency between what we say, and teach, and our actions. I have observed how they stand for justice and the right path and have no qualms about expressing their displeasure about violence, injustice, or negative situations — and they get frustrated when their message doesn't get across.
I have observed a 5 year old child, barely able to read, who instead of holding a toy, lovingly holds the Bible, opens it and goes through the pages with great curiosity…what is in this child's memory bank, what is his mission? Others they do time travel; still others remember past life experiences; some are psychic; some can even see other dimensions. They can easily communicate with other spiritual realms.
They have great memory, great ways to process the information input; complicated issues don't seem to be a problem. Definitely, they come into the world with a higher frequency and their mission is to leave an imprint of their love and wisdom; first through their parents and then society. I cant help but smile at the genius and clever way that the Divine Cosmic Plan has for humanity by sending us these precious children to awaken and shake up humanity's past crystallizations!
I see their cosmic connection in their eyes...I see love. I see purpose in their mission. Some of them are definitely old souls — but others seem to be from other cosmic systems. Most of them are frustrated and suffer because they don't find resonance with their vibratory imprint; there is no echo to their silent mission. Some of them even have declared to the amazement of their parents, their displeasure at being here and say, "they would love to go back where they came from". What a dilemma for parents!
From birth to about seven years old, just when the first chakra begins to open, they communicate their messages with out effort, but little by little they begin to change, as they start identifying with society, with their surroundings, their friends, and worst of all they get immersed in the 3D realm of material manifestation: computers, games, television, etc. without the benefit of discernment. In spite of their best intentions, parents are too busy working to provide the best of everything for these children, they are trying to solve all their complicated issues, but the children's inner longing to be heard finds no echo and that is when children demand more material things to fill up the void and become rebellious and defiant. Lucky are those children whose parents are spiritually awake, but what about the other children? My heart goes to all parents and educational systems of the world. In spite of the fact that some educational systems have upgraded their teachings, it still is not enough for these marvelous hearts and minds. They are bored with our old left hemisphere teachings; they are hungry for 'right' hemisphere teachings. only through love, compassion, intuition, patience and communication with the higher realms shall we bridge this ever growing gap. Welcome Mystery Schools of the past!!!
A common denominator is their concern for Mother Earth, for ecological issues, climate change — don't think for a minute that they are not worried; they do capture the magnitude of the situation and if anyone touches this button, you will be surprised at the marvelous ideas and solutions they come up with. What imagination, what creativity!
The idea of small workshop for young children came to me when I intuitively felt the need to honor their wisdom by not allowing them to forget their gifts. I incorporate simple breathing techniques, concentration, and meditation. We work on energy exercises, sensing different vibratory sensations of colors, quartz, plants. We practice telepathy games. We talk about chakras, prayer, about communication with their angels — and finally I introduced them to the HeartBody technique, put out by the HeartMath Institute. For this purpose we made a stuffed felt heart that combined with the Heart breathing technique, which allows them to concentrate. While holding the little stuffed heart next to their hearts and we encourage the child to express what they feel, and that its great to send love to others. By the way, parents attend part of these classes and I stress that part of the success is that they understand and integrate this procedure at home. Children seem to bloom with happiness. I think is crucially important at this time to find ways in which parents and children can verbalize feelings and be able to separate the mind from the emotions...otherwise they will become bottled up, until a crisis arises and negative behavior patterns set in by the time they reach adolescence.
We are all mutating, we are all experiencing vibratory shifts in a stressful environment and demanding school curriculum. Although the children are better prepared for this than us, still, it is affecting them in ways we never dreamed of. Therefore we must strive to find ways for parents and teachers alike to communicate in terms that will benefit every one.
I have great hopes and respect for this new race of children. At the same time, we must honor the children's decision to come to this world for their vibratory message is to save humanity. We must make an effort to nurture with love their mission on Planet Earth. Drunvalo Melchizedek says it quiet eloquently in one of his workshops "and the children shall save the World".
Children have a voice in this transcendental Shift of Ages!!
Miriam Nieth
Miriam Nieth is a Flower of Life Facilitator, a Reiki Master, and a Past Life Regression Therapist. She has presented conferences at Medical Universities on the subject of Energetic Medicine. Her teaching focuses on comprehension and spiritual evolution. Miriam uses the Native American traditions to define her self as a "Grand Mother" who is speaking her Truth. Her workshops are conducted in both English and Spanish. Miriam can be reached at: alfaomega22@prodigy.net.mx
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