
Activating Your Compassionate Heart

namaste123 2009. 7. 7. 05:42

Lady Quan Yin is the Goddess of mercy and compassion, and the Sacred Roses of Absolute Joy, Purity and our original Divine Innocence. Her sacred rays and roses are crystalline white and shine with a golden aura like the Sun. She brings forth the highest qualities of joy, purity and innocence to all beings here on Earth and beyond.

Through the limitless compassion and mercy of Lady Quan Yin’s grace, her divine love brings forth greater wisdom into all aspects of our body, mind and souls, which frees our greater divine spiritual natures. This helps us to live our lives with the full empowerment of pure love and compassion.

Lady Quan Yin’s loving energies awaken the storehouse of our goodness  (original divine innocence) that lives inside every part of us, so we can clearly see, know and feel that which is our greatest service to all life here on Mother Earth. She connects our souls to the energies of the sacred stars and planets to expand our higher conscious awareness of the greater good within us and in all other beings. This harmonises our thoughts, emotions and consciousnesses with the energies of limitless love and compassion.

This transforms our energy and consciousness during stressful times in our life so that our hearts can open to love again, for ourselves as well as others for whom we may hold judgements about.

Activating Your Compassionate Heart

Lady Quan Yin will support you to have compassion for yourself and others by calling for an alignment with her loving energies. To activate and align your being to Lady Quan Yin’s loving energies, close your eyes, still yourself and bring your awareness to your heart centre. Say this invocation either silently from within or aloud;

I call forth to Lady Quan Yin and ask for the pure crystalline white ray and sacred roses of compassion to now fill my heart chakra.  I breathe into my sacred heart the divine light, love and compassion of Lady Quan Yin, cascading into my heart centres like a fountain.

The pure, divine light, love and wisdom are freeing and harmonizing my thoughts, emotions and my entire consciousness. I receive limitless compassion from the sacred Divine Mother's heart-flames of pure love. I breathe deeply as Lady Quan Yin brings forth purity and joy into all life on Earth.

Then if you are guided, you may strengthen this by repeating it several times, or say this invocation 4 times;

By the Pure Love and Grace of the Divine Mother, and the Sisterhood of the Sacred Roses, I lovingly ask now that this prayer is accelerated throughout me and Mother Earth so that all may receive transformational healing blessings now.

So Be It. It is done.


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