
Nature of the Soul: Lesson 8

namaste123 2009. 5. 10. 02:23

Nature of the Soul: Lesson 8

Lucille Cedercrans

Once again I shall refer you back to the first two paragraphs of Lesson 6.

We have enumerated and defined the three inherent characteristics of the Soul found manifesting in and through the perfected form as Divine Will, Divine Love Wisdom and Intelligent Activity. We considered at some length these attributes as the main factors of influence in the aspirant's treading of the path. We realize now that the aspirant is impulsed by the Divine Will of the Soul, infused and illumined by the Divine Love Wisdom of the Soul and swept into activity by the Divine Intelligence of the Soul.

We shall now consider these three attributes as being three types of vibratory energy which reach and influence the aspirant according to his aspiration, meditation and application. We shall consider at some length this threefold method of contacting, accepting and embodying the Divine energies of the Soul. This will give the student a further understanding of the Law and make it possible for his eventual contact in awareness with his Soul.

APPLICATION: After a careful study of Lesson 6 and 7, we know that the Will aspect of the Soul is contacted by the student's persistent aspiration, and that the Love Wisdom aspect is contacted by the aspirant's ability to meditate. The third aspect, that of Intelligent Activity, we now learn is contacted by the applied effort of the aspirant to live Truth.

This application put forth by the aspirant, not only brings his life and affairs into Intelligent Activity, but it also makes it possible for him to manifest in activity the other two aspects of the Soul which he has contacted.

In order to arrive at an understanding of how this is done, and what is actually meant by us in our use of the word "application", we shall consider the disciple's ability to establish and control his vibratory activity.

We have, in earlier lessons, defined a disciple as one who has entered into conscious awareness of himself as a Soul and who works in the world as such.

This "work" of the disciple can best be described as his establishment of a certain type and quality of vibratory impact upon his environment and his control at all times of that impact.

The new student immediately wants to know what is meant by vibratory impact. You - your thoughts, words, emotions and deeds carry a certain vibratory frequency and as this frequency comes in contact with another individual or group of individuals, the effect is called vibratory impact. The impact of your vibration upon others can be either harmonious or discordant. When the effect is harmonious, the individuals are in right relationship.

The aspirant is taught first of all to become harmless in thought, word and deed. He then learns that only as his vibratory impact upon others results in complete harmony, is he harmless. This realization, of course, indicates the need for greater self discipline. Let us consider separately the four-fold vibratory activity of the aspirant in order to arrive at a clearer understanding.

1. THOUGHT: We know that all things which can be defined as "something" in the world of form maintain a life of their own, manifest in time and space according to the Law of Cycles and have a definite effect upon all other lives. This we call vibratory activity. We know, then, that all things carry a vibratory frequency which determines the length of the span of life in form, the manifestations in time and space and the effect upon all other lives.

This is as true of a thought as it is of an animal, a human, a Soul, a Planetary life or a Solar life. For this reason we speak of thoughts as thoughtforms. They are actually ensouled ideas given concrete form.

While it is true that the individual human entity cannot originate thought, he can receive the original thought or idea from the world of mind and give it concrete form with a portion of his own quota of mental matter, within his own mental aspect. This is called theorizing and the great minds of the race are constantly engaged in this process.

The rest of the race, composing the greater part of humanity, have not as yet reached this stage of development. They are controlled almost entirely by the "great minds". They receive, accept and embody the thoughts set down for them by the few. From this embodiment emerges a culture or a science, an educational system, etc. These results will be good and untrampled by distortion if the "great minds" are capable of clarity, and when the race is receptive. Motive plays a large part insofar as the "great minds" are concerned. The unscrupulous and the unenlightened enslave the masses. The true world server makes for humanity a better place in which to work and grow to better understanding. Thus we see the world of thought as the body of cause for all existing conditions within the body of humanity.

The aspirant looks at his own thoughtlife in this light. He observes the results of his thoughts upon himself, as well as upon others within his sphere of influence. Does the vibratory impact of his thoughtlife result in Love, Peace, Harmony? If not there is a need for much self-imposed discipline. Is he in the process of becoming a liberator or an enslaver of the masses? Herein lies the answer to his degree of harmlessness and the key to the type and quality of energy he uses.

2. SPEECH: The words of the aspirant also have a life of their own; are the cause of manifestations in time and space and have an effect upon all other lives.

Sound affects the substance of which all forms are made. It sets into motion changes, or establishes the motion of such substance. The vibratory impact of sound can result in motion which is either constructive or destructive. When sound takes the form of a word, a decree has been made. That word or grouping of words, will manifest in time and space. My friends, could you but see the effect produced by your words, you would be shocked. The broken bodies, the sick emotions, the chaotic conditions which result from the words spoken by humanity are painful to look upon by those with vision. A word once spoken cannot be recalled. A chain of effects has been set into motion and will result in physical plane manifestation.

The aspirant speaks and because he has become a recipient of a certain amount of Soul energy, his words manifest with greater strength and speed than do those of his less evolved brothers. His words have a definite influence upon those within his environment. His words form and shape the conditions to come within his sphere of influence. Thus do the aspirants and the disciples of the world manifest the shorter cyclic conditions in which their younger brothers must live. Many of the obstacles the younger brother must meet and overcome were laid at their feet by the little knowing aspirant.

My brother, guard your speech. Study its effect upon others and learn harmlessness. You cannot advance upon the path until this lesson is learned.

3. EMOTIONS: This subject presents quite a problem, for the average beginner has little or no understanding of the emotions. Emotion is the name given to his feelings, and what is a feeling? Lack of proper terminology further complicates the task, hence the lack of clear teaching anent this subject down through the past ages.

Let us proceed by first defining emotion. Emotion is the effect produced by the impact of astral energy upon the sensory system of the physical body and its surrounding environment.

Astral energy is that cohesive energy which, when set into motion, brings together the energy of the mind and the energy of the physical substance, thereby producing form. Astral energy is set into motion by thought, sound and the activities of the physical instrument. A thought which is held in the mind in sufficient strength produces a like vibration in the astral body. The vibration within the astral body gives the thought a form in astral substance. The vibratory impact of that form upon the sensory system produces what we call an emotion, according to its strength, type and quality.

Herein lies a key for the earnest student; the registration of an emotion, for the disciple, is an indication of a thought to which he has given form within his own astral body. It revolves around him, feeding upon his own life energy, coloring his personality experiences and often controlling his consciousness to the extent of dictating his every act.

For average humanity, the astral or emotional nature is composed of many such forms which completely blind him to the world of reality. Any vibratory impact upon his sensory apparatus (of which his brain is a part) is colored by these forms, distorting the true vibration according to the astral form or forms in control.

The astral plane contains the aggregate of human emotion and has been called the world of illusion, for here in form are all of man's thoughts concretized and made manifest. All of these thoughts live and have their separate existences on the astral plane. Little wonder that it has been called the plane of illusion. Wise must be the consciousness who enters and works therein.

These astral forms manifest in time and space in a cyclic pattern and according to the revitalization they receive from the human family. Herein lies a key to one of the world problems. As an individual accepts and entertains a form originated within the astral consciousness of the race, he gives it the power of his own emotion and strengthens its attraction to the physical plane.

The astral forms (emotions for the beginner) we now know have a life of their own, manifest in time and space and have an effect upon all other lives.

The aspirant at this stage of development must first clean out his emotional nature. He learns which of his emotions produce a harmful effect upon others and these he eliminates from his vibratory activity by a strict discipline over his emotional nature.

By taking a positive action through the application of kindliness, friendliness, love and tolerance his emotional aspect becomes a tower of strength, a healer and eventually an agent of transmutation for others.

See to this part of yourself, Oh Disciple, for it must become harmless as the dove before the door is opened.

4. PHYSICAL ACTIONS: Each act performed by the physical instrument carries a vibratory frequency, the impact of which exerts an influence upon the environment. Physical motion is the result of an expenditure of energy, and that energy once set into motion becomes the cause for a series of effects. We find that all physical action is an effect of higher cause - astral, mental or spiritual. The effect always becomes the cause for other effects. All manifestation is the result of energy moving through the various vibratory planes.

Physical action becomes the cause of the effect known as "re-action". A mental, emotional or physical reaction will be the result of any physical activity, unless those who encounter the vibratory impact are capable of transmutation.

When the aspirant ceases the outer activity for a sufficient length of time to contemplate the inner meaning of and for his instrument and its various parts, much revelation comes to him.

The first and most obvious fact is that his physical body is an instrument of contact with the vibratory plane in which his consciousness is focused. Its constitution includes a sensory apparatus for the registration of incoming vibrations, as well as outlets for the release of outgoing vibration. It is a receiving and sending instrument composed of those parts which are tuned to receive and send vibrations which falls within a certain frequency range. Thus he sees, hears, touches, tastes and smells; and in turn is seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelled.

It is interesting to note here that as the vibratory frequency of the instrument is quickened, other senses are experienced, such as telepathy and all other so-called extra-sensory perception.

The next obvious fact is that he, as a state of consciousness functioning through a physical instrument, is intimately related to all others. This relationship is most easily demonstrated in his ability to communicate. That he has something to communicate to others and that he can be understood by them is his first conscious realization of relationship.

The average man's lack of belief or faith in a life after death, or in the existence of a Soul, is based upon his inability to communicate with those who have passed over, or with the Soul. As soon as a way is found to perceive and communicate with these and other states of Being, the human entity will not only believe, but he will know. An event is coming which will establish once and for all in the race mind the fact of planes of existence other than the physical. The "event" will, of course, concern a type of perception and communication.

The next realization the consciousness experiences is the quality of his relationships. With some the quality is love, others dislike, etc.

If the aspirant will observe that which he communicates to others, he will come to understand that the quality of his relationships is wholly dependent upon himself. He it is who determines the quality of his relationship with another; first in his thoughts, then his words, his emotions and his deeds.

A very good example of this statement is the man who suddenly realizes that the quality of his relationship is deceit. He is lied to, lied about, misrepresented, mistrusted and mistrusting. Through observation he discovers that he is communicating this quality to others, and in turn evoking the same from them. Often he is thinking one thing and speaking another; or speaking one thing while feeling and acting something else. Thus his own vibratory activity is out of harmony and the discord is taking the form of deceit.

The next realization occurs when the aspirant becomes aware of the inner purpose of his instrument and its various parts. As an example, he looks at his hands and realizes in part, their reason for being. These God given instruments were constructed for a Divine Purpose. How well has that purpose been fulfilled?

The hands are first and foremost the channels of Divine energy. Through the hands flow the energies of Divine Love, which, when rightly directed, heals and blesses. The aspirant learns to direct that force outward, through receiving and sharing, rather than taking and holding. This is the first lesson the hands teach. Many others follow.

The eyes are usually the next part of the instrument to be observed. For what Divine Purpose were they constructed? The eyes were constructed to receive and register the beauty of God's Plan on earth. Little more need be said.

Little by little the aspirant observes the various members of his own instrument, learning the inner meaning underlying them and through self imposed discipline, making of them fit instruments for the Soul. He learns to wield spiritual energies for the betterment of mankind.

For the beginner, this is most easily accomplished by dedicating the instrument, member by member, to the work of the Soul. He gives his hands to the Soul, relinquishing all right or control of them to his higher consciousness. He then observes the resulting activity. He then gives his eyes, his ears, his organs of speech, etc., until he has dedicated his entire instrument to the Soul.

After consideration of this fourfold vibratory activity, the aspirant has a glimpse of the type and quality of influence he exerts upon his environment. The obvious disciplinary measures are taken and gradually he learns to control his vibratory impact upon others. He applies every concept of Truth which he has grasped to the task of daily living and thus brings his affairs into Intelligent Activity.
