Lord Kuthumi:
10:10 The Paths to 'Harmony and Peace'
Through Michelle Eloff
Johannesburg, South Africa-15 September 2008
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I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, integration, realisation and awareness. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones the celebration for the 10th of the 10th is one that presents you with an opportunity to understand the mechanism of your mind, your body, your emotions, your intellect and your spirit. Understanding these aspects of self formulate within you a new grid, a fluid one, one that directs you along the pathway of enlightenment and assists you in raising the frequencies within yourself, which contribute to the ability to access information stored within cellular memory that up until this point you have not
been able to connect with. The reason for this “inability” so to speak is because of the densities you have been exposed to as a result of that which is contained within your mind, within your body, your intellect and your emotions therefore, the reason for our
transmission at this time is to guide you in the direction of disconnecting yourself from the collective matrix of old paradigm ways of perceiving life and understanding the consciousness that has been woven into that collective grid.
Most of you understand that grids of the old paradigm are that of a fixed nature, there is very little room for growth however, the fluid grids allow for an immense amount of growth as an individual, which in turn contributes to the expansion of the collective fluid grids. It is vital that you understand that the role of a human being is to awaken to the many diverse aspects contained within the opportunity to incarnate as a human being. As you move through the different levels of the human experience you begin to
see that being in a human body is very similar to perhaps being in school. Your first year of school may at first appear to be rather daunting, there is a lot of new information, new concepts and skills that need to be mastered however, after your general twelve years of working through those levels you attain a level where you are able to choose where you will go from that point therefore, let me say to those of you who are participating in the energies of today’s activation you have reached the end of your mainstream “school career” so to speak and you are now ready to decide what you will invest your energy in.
Before we continue it is important for you to understand that the collective grid has been created by perceptions projected by a society that does not necessarily hold the origins of all truth. In fact most of what society deems as truth is a load of rubbish. The sooner you grasp that the sooner you will be able to move beyond the programs and the projections that society has placed upon one another under false pretences. These pretences have created many experiences however, before anyone begins to jump the gun and assume that this has all been bad and should never have happened everything always happens for a good reason. The bottom line is that you are where you are, you know what you know and have experienced what you have experienced, but now you have within your reality an opportunity to move beyond that.
If you insist on maintaining your attachments to your past you will be going nowhere fast, and if that is your choice well then by all means knock yourself out we love you very much. The truth of the matter is that in the depths of your spirit you have called
for this message, your higher self and authentic self have created an opportunity for you to hear another aspect of truth so that you can begin to formulate ideas that are not necessarily based on a conglomeration of information, but rather on that which you will begin realising no longer is within the box of society’s predictable norms, and that you have stepped out of fish-bowl consciousness and have stepped into an extraordinary reality of new opportunities.
The Ancient ones worked very closely with many of the unseen ideas of life. These virtues, if I can call it this, are keys that unlock the door to the prison of human life. Humans are not doomed to remain trapped within the labyrinth of the ego’s creative expectations and projections of life. You have mastered the world of the old paradigm and forgive me for repeating myself you have heard this before however, it has not been digested to the degree that it needs to be in order for a greater number of souls to move beyond that. one of the reasons why we are harping on this is because there is not much time left and we don’t say this to cause panic, we say this so that you can understand that the time is now, tomorrow is tomorrow, but what you have now you will never have again.
We are calling to all souls who have within them the idea of something different, and during the years of 2009 and 2010 we will be ensuring that every soul who is displaying the slightest intention of stepping beyond the barriers of the old world be supported in seeing that that which is contained in the unseen worlds, as well as within that which has as yet not been conceptualised within the human mind, come into being.
Some time ago I delivered a message presenting the idea of dropping everything that you know. Many were terrified by this idea. The reason for this is because it challenges the ego to drop all the attachments that have created the comfort zones of familiarity. Because one feels comfortable within an area of one’s life does not necessarily mean it is the most supportive. Your challenge at this time is to have the courage to look at your life, to step into the actual energy of your life, feel it, address it and make decisions.
At the time of us presenting this particular energy there is what is called the Mercury Retrograde, and in fact this particular time is highly supportive because it is offering you an added opportunity to introspect; to go within and re-address the aspects of yourself that have feared the journey into the unknown. For those of you who may indulge in this material after the retrograde you will still be drawing in the essence of this time-line to support you. Far too many people have become stuck in the rut of complacency, yet still complain about their sad lot. There is no more room for complaining. I say this because all the answers and the solutions to your dilemmas are present, you do not have to go out and find them they are present.
The gateway created by the energies of the 10th of the 10th of every year places you in a position to acknowledge your individuality, your independence and guide you into the realms of introspection. Within those realms you realise that your individuality separates you to a degree from many areas of life and that in itself is not a bad thing, understanding the benefits of duality is vital. Knowing that it is necessary to disconnect yourself from certain people, places, events, experiences and memories are also incredibly important, this is classed as separation but that too is not a bad thing.
Unity consciousness is the process of uniting with authenticity; authenticity is not contained within illusion only illusion is contained within illusion. An illusion can be perceived as truth, it is a reality within a moment however, the authentic truth is always present just like your answers and solutions are. In order for you to accept that particular concept you must realise that through the human history the nature of humanity is to follow those who appear to be the leaders, those who “know it all” but do they really? Those who present themselves as the leaders how are they leading? I have always said and always will say there is only one way to lead and that is by example, and if your actions are not in alignment with what your intentions are you are not walking the path of your authentic self. So contradiction is another aspect of the energies of this particular activation.
There are a number of levels to the human psychology. Human nature and the psyche of such is diverse but the essence of what the human strives for is always the same and what does one strive for Love, being loved, peace, experiencing peace, peace
within the mind, peace within one’s environment even though, before you start arguing with me, I agree there are many human beings who gain a lot from their dramas however, beneath the drama is still the need for love. Because of the lack of skills and emotional maturity to be able to understand what to do in order to remove the self from the drama, the drama remains present however, the drama is an illusion; it is simply a distraction.
How does one stop the distraction? By going within. You might ask “well what is the big hype about going within?” “How do I go within?” The big hype is that inside of you the essence of the authentic self exists; it is the realms of truth. How do you go within?By stopping what you are doing and being with yourself. How do you be with yourself? By disconnecting from the drama and being still. How do you be still? By focusing on something that gives you pleasure.
Most people have immense difficulty meditating. For those of you who have this particular challenge we suggest that you try the one and only feminine way of meditating and that is by indulging in something creative. Now I hear you say “but I cannot draw, I cannot paint, I cannot sculpt”-people creativity is not limited to those three areas, creativity is infinite, unlimited and never contained in anything that carries a label. So then what creative activities should you indulge in? Again I repeat, anything that gives you pleasure.
I can hear many of you already worrying that perhaps that you don’t know what it is that gives you pleasure so let us suggest something very simple - most people enjoy laughing so why don’t you hire yourself a comedy movie, or buy yourself a comic book or perhaps read the local news (we will delete that part) and sit for ninety minutes or a hundred and twenty minutes and completely indulge in the movie or your comic book. It is up to you to make the decision and take the action to set that time aside for yourself, no excuses otherwise you will be hearing from Jezebel!
By doing this you are contributing to your personal journey of self liberation, you are assigning yourself a project. This will open up the Cosmos within you and even if you do find yourself encountering a “black hole” there is still much held within that. The 10:10 gateway is offering a minimum of ten passageways through which to pass; the passageways to personal freedom. Now one might also ask “very well Kuthumi so I will sit and laugh for an hour and a half but how does that take me through the passageway to personal freedom?” What did you feel during that time of completely focusing on your movie or your book or whatever it is you have chosen to do? And I guarantee you you will be able to acknowledge that you felt relaxed, even if it was only for five minutes you will have felt that sense of tranquillity and peace with nothing else distracting your mind from that moment. That gives you a taste of what personal freedom is about. It shows you how debilitating and exhausting personal dramas are.
This does not mean to say that your challenges will cease to exist or that there will be no challenges in your future. What it shows you is that there are means at your disposal to centre yourself, to recollect yourself and move forward. It is humanly impossible to find any kind of solution or manifest any kind of balance in human life when all focus is projected into the many human dramas. This does not mean to say that you abscond all responsibility; that you deny your life as such, this journey is about living actively within the human life and mastering the skills of managing human life.
In general why are leaders of companies in the position they are? Because they have the skills necessary to manage such a large corporation, they do not do it on their own, however they know how to do it. Those who assist them and those to whom they delegate have specific skills. You need to apply the same strategy to your personal life. Your life is your “company” so to speak, you are in that company all the time. You are in the company of yourself, your thoughts, your ideas, your fears, your reactions, insecurities, achievements and many other parts of that collective experience. Your friends, your family, your siblings, your children etc, etc are all a part of that company, and because you are the CEO of that company it is your responsibility to ensure that you manage every aspect of that, and that you delegate where necessary.
Those of who say you have to go it alone I am asking you why do you think and believe that? Who told you that you have to do that? Granted it has contributed to your life path, you have learnt about life, you developed very important skills but where are you now? In a different realm, a realm offering you avenues to experience something different-a different state of mind, a different expression of being, the intellect shifts, the emotions can become balanced and the integration of spirit, body, mind and every
other aspect of your life then comes into a state of balance. It is not something that will manifest overnight, but every effort contributes to that which will manifest in the future.
The message to the world is to let go of those dramas, to understand that experiencing a more simple and more peaceful existence is most certainly within your reach, all that is required of you is simple planning and the plan is to change that which you have conformed to out of ignorance, that which you have attached yourself to, again out of ignorance, and to acknowledge that everything up until this point has served a purpose therefore, there need not be any regrets, any guilt or resentment. If you are grappling with guilt then we suggest that you work with a process I delivered not too long ago in the activation of the 29th of September 2008*. That particular process frees you up from those attachments to guilt or to anger projected at another who did you “wrong” so to speak therefore, I reiterate, there is nothing holding you within the limiting constraints of your old life.
We are getting closer and closer to the energies we have called the “Promise of New Life”. You are walking further and further into the gardens of new creation where you are able to manifest the dream; your dreams. I cannot emphasise enough how important it is for you to stop and to acknowledge that there is a way out of anything and everything you perceive as a grand drama in your life. The communities that you are a part of reflect that which you are at war with within yourself. The people that you interact with on a regular basis can either reflect your wound or your victories, the choice is yours and this is the God given gift of your freewill.
You have the freedom to utilise your will to make choices regarding the experience at hand, and that is the difference between victims and people who are empowered within themselves. You are the ones paving the way for current generations and generations to come, and even in the midst of having to process what is often referred to as “the sins of the forefathers”, you have an advantage, you have awareness, you have knowledge and there are ten, at least ten, pathways for you to now choose to get you out of the nightmare and into the space of serenity, into the space of self containment. The reason why I am using the word self containment is because you need to be able to contain the self within your truth, and the authentic self knows exactly how to do it.
So what is the authentic self? It is the part of you, the voice inside of you and the motivating aspects of self that lurk beneath all the layers of your drama. So beneath your excuses, your fears, your judgements and justifications, your wounds and whatever other self pity, guilt or resentment that lies within you is your truth. A very good way to understand what I mean by this is when you are perhaps asked to do something that you really don’t want to do, your immediate response would be to say no but because of your programming you compromise and say yes-why are you compromising? Perhaps because you were taught that it is impolite or selfish to say no or to say yes depending on your situation. Who said that it is so?
That is just a simple example of societies projected belief systems that are not based on fact or truth, if it was based on truth it would be encouraging you to honour your truth and I must again repeat hear, it does not mean by honouring your truth and taking responsibility solely for yourself that you will not be taking care of that which is your responsibility within your life, but it is up to you to educate those in your life and help them better understand what it means to honour the self, to honour truth therefore, if you disregard the boundaries of your own life everyone else will do the same. This is what I mean by managing your life, by delegating, by instructing, by giving everyone the rules, the guidelines and might I at this point suggest that it may very well be a very good exercise for you to compile a mission statement of your life.
What is your mission? What statement do you make every time you act? What statement do you make every time you don’t act? You determine how the world treats you, and when something is occurring that you consider is being done to you for whatever reason how do you handle that? What statement do you make, once again, through your action or lack of action in that moment? What is your mission? What is it that you wish to achieve, to create, to change? Every moment in your life is a mission within itself. Some people may refer to it as their purpose, so if mission statement doesn’t sit well with you make it your purpose statement bearing in mind that everything you do is a statement-stating your case, stating your position regardless of the nature of it.
By you applying what I have transmitted today I assure you you will experience immense change in your life. You however, need to acknowledge that the initial stages of change may appear as added drama or perhaps more disruption, but the only reason why the drama appears amplified, or there appears to be more chaos or disruption is because now you are paying attention, and because you are paying attention for the first time you are actually acknowledging just how disruptive it is, how chaotic it is and how dramatic it has been. Most people only give their life 13% of their attention, the rest is scattered in all sorts of other directions: moping over the past, complaining about the present, fearing the future,13%. So now even if you add another 20% of your energy to focus on your life you will notice more. For those of you who feel you have dealt with a vast amount of your drama take that focus and indulge it in what you are creating, add fuel to the fire of your passion, your initiatives, your creativity. No one is left out of this particular project.
How is your world going to be different if you insist on playing the same old tune over and over again? How will your children have a different life (if you have children) if you are not prepared to make a different statement? You are leaders, teachers and students all at the same time and it is up to you, it is your mission, to ensure that these statements are made and that the people out there who have become stuck in the complacency of their current situations see that there is a thread of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel and that they have not in fact reached the ceiling of their life as a totality. There is always a way out and don’t you ever forget that!
So I, Kuthumi, World Teacher stand before you today and I challenge you, encourage you, inspire you and motivate you to make these changes. If you like I can put the fear of God in you if that is what will motivate you. In a nutshell what I am trying to say is you have everything you need right now even if you don’t think you have. Stop, be still, take thirty minutes, or even half of that time if I am asking too much, and sit quietly even if it is in your lunch break and write down everything going on in your life right now that you can comfortably acknowledge as being some kind of drama. If it is not drama that you are dealing with then write down every area in your life that you know has room for improvement and commit yourself to just one of those areas. If you
cannot commit to making positive long lasting change in your life how on God’s Green Earth can you expect anything or anyone to commit to you? How can you expect anyone to honour what you feel, what you think and what you say if you are not willing to do the same for yourself therefore, to experience change in your life (you know this) become the change, show the world that you mean business and get busy with the business of your life.
Use discipline. Discipline is the art of self teaching, not self punishment and that is something you need to bear in mind. Discipline has nothing to do with punishment and everything to do with teaching, educating, informing and that is how you will make the long lasting changes within yourself, and this is how you move away from being a victim and coming up with endless excuses as to why you can’t, within human reason.
Perhaps we need to give you age appropriate boundaries based on the level of your emotional maturity? So what are you going to do for yourself today? What are you goin to do to improve your life today? What are you going to do to stop the nightmare, to end the lack, the loss, the limitation, the restriction and everything else that the lower ego complains about, and do you have what it takes to separate yourself from the inhibiting programmes, projections, expectations and belief systems of a society that has been
trapped in a net and in an idea that no longer serves a purpose. The idea may have been very good at the time, but it has now reached it’s sell buy date, it is obsolete, time to come off the shelf for those of you who like shelves and labels and boxes-time for new labels, new boxes and new shelving!
In the Southern Hemisphere it is the time of Spring. Use these energies and spring clean. Those in the Northern Hemisphere it is the time of Autumn, of introspecting, use that time to go within. Every season has a perfect reason for being where it is at and wherever you are at that time is also perfect. So my mission is to ensure that every willing soul finds their personal doorway to personal freedom, and I am stating this now to all of you because we have been there, we have done it and it is within your ability to do it.
Take advantage of what you have and most important, be grateful for what you have and for every experience you have had up until this point, because it has served you. If there are still issues and wounds that you have not resolved work on it because there are gifts within it, gifts within everything and might I at this point again refer back to the transmission I gave for the 29th of the 9th 2008*, that process will serve you greatly.
When you run away from your wounds you are hiding from yourself and you will not get in touch with the authenticity of your nature. Your human self is incredibly resilient, all you need are the right tools, the right support and the directives that support you
in that effort and you will understand exactly what I speak of. So it’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, get over it and get on with it. Life is about growing with that flow. The flow is the fluid grid, being stuck is the fixed grid. Learn about all the many
wonderful things that exist in your life and find something that gives you peace, something that you can use as a focus for your introspective time, in other words meditation.
My gift to you is the ability to find the harmony within, the vision to see that there is another way, the sense to respond to what your body is telling you, what your heart is guiding you to do and may you have within you the fire, the passion and the motivation
to make everything that no longer supports you something that does, and that is what the master alchemist does. You would not be hearing these words or reading these words if you did not have what it takes to turn your life around, regardless of what
your fate is, regardless of what you have been told your lot in life is you still have the power to choose how you experience it-don’t you ever forget that and when anyone tells you what to do or what not to do ask them “why?” “where does that idea come from?”,
who told them so? Why, use that word, wear it out, never stop using it until you reach the truth, your truth to be more specific. Never expect your truth to be the same as anyone else's, honour yours, respect another's but never insist they follow your own.
Those of you who are parents or grandparents, teachers or anyone who works with children be sure about what it is that you are stating to these little ones for they will follow your lead. You are society “calling the shots” so to speak, you are creating a
template in which they will grow, in which they will either learn to thrive within or to merely survive within. So if you want a different reality for your children then best you get cracking right now, best you do everything in your power to turn your life around so that they can see first hand that change is possible and that no sorry lot in life is fixed.
So it is beloved ones that I embrace you in the truth and fact of the matter that you as a human being have the power to make the changes. Trust in the many invisible arms that are holding you and know that there is never a moment that you are alone for we
are all one and ever present, with you always in all ways. May the voice of your authentic self be heard above the distracting chatter of your mind, your fears and everything else that you have adopted as your own. May you find peace and harmony, tranquillity and a whole new lease on life.
I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love.
*Please note that although Kuthumi refers to the 29th of September channelling, which
was in fact delivered by Mary Magdalene, the channelling of the 21st of September is a
highly beneficial process and HIGHLY recommended.
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