To be a Vego or not to be?
That is the Question!
The Healing of your Relationship
with the Animal and Plant Kingdoms of the Mother Earth
It is a natural step in one's evolution to become very body conscious and begin eating healthier and even becoming a vegetarian, a vegan, or even a raw foodist, as these choices are karma-less ways of living and are not only supportive to one's physical health, but the health of the animals, plants and mother earth. Eating meat puts a large strain upon the earth as so much land has been cleared, and continues to be, to produce the continuing "need" of humans to consume animal flesh. And even eating fish has put a huge strain on the planets health as our beloved oceans are ravaged for their bounty.
Eating meat also puts a large strain on your body as digesting protein takes a lot of energy to digest, and due to fat content, as well as the amount of mucous your body produces when eating proteins. As everyone knows, excess fat that your body is unable to rid itself of, is deposited in and around your body, putting excess strain on the heart, clogging the arteries, liver and other vital organs. The other factor, mucous, that not many people are aware of, builds up in the intestines and causes colon blockages, constipation, cancer and other physical ailments. It also hinders the ability of the liver to detox itself through the colon walls. But some people seem to still need to eat meat for the experience of their soul, and even "spiritual" people seem to have to eat animals for different soul reasons. The key here is not to judge others but realize that everyone is on their own soul journey and evolution, and to love everyone unconditionally.
I know that some larger, sturdier body types have a genetic-memory predisposition towards eating meat, we are societally omnivorous, and for many beings who live in very cold environments, it is a survival necessity to eat meat, but in general, we do not need to eat meat for any nutritional reason, including obtaining necessary amino acids, which is what people receive from eating meat. If you are concerned about a lack of "protein"/amino acids in your diet, then I recommend Spirulina, which is a power packed super food that contains a huge range of nutrients including 18 amino acids. Spirulina is an Algae that grows naturally in volcanic lakes and is grown in ponds with a high mineral content. I also recommend Raw Spirulina, that is not produced with high heat, as most spirulinas are, which I coincidentally sell.
Additionally, our bodies are not holistically designed to eat meat. Yes, our bodies will produce the different digestive acids and enzymes to eventually digest meat and proteins, but our teeth, and intestines are evolutionarily and genetically designed to primarily eat fruits, vegetables and grains, not proteins. Carnivorous animals have canine teeth for tearing meat and do not have flat molars for grinding grains like we do. They also have very short intestines with a very high acidic content, designed to digest the meat they have eaten very quickly before it putrefies. This is why carnivorous animals do not get arteriosclerosis like humans and do not get clogged colons because of old dried mucous in their lining their colon walls. Our intestines are long because they are designed to break down plant material small enough for the cilia in our intestines to assimilate all the nutrients from these complex sources.
When we eat meat, because of the length of time it takes to digest, a process called putrefaction occurs, and the bacteria that this produces is not beneficial to our health. It is an anaerobic bacteria (lives in an oxygen deficient environment). The beneficial intestinal flora/bacteria that are bodies need for optimum health are aerobic bacteria, which live on plants, grains, algae, fruits, algae…, not on animal proteins. And a large amount of healthy intestinal bacteria is needed for optimum health. I recommend ONEgroup's Fast Tract (gluten free Probiotic) and In-Liven Probiotic Super Food, designed by a Czerral, a master "Intestinologist" (I made up that word), who spent 15 years designing the heartiest and healthiest certified organic intestinal bacteria.
If you study the human immune system and digestive process, you will see that the body surrounds any foreign or toxic substances with mucous to protect the body from it. In regards to the foods that we eat, the body produces a large amount of mucous when eating animal meats, less for plant proteins, (such as beans, legumes etc.), even less mucous for grains, very little at all for cooked vegetables, and no mucous whatsoever when eating raw vegetables, fruit (and millet - the queen of grains). This gives you some idea about what is healthy for your body.
Much of this mucous comes out during bowel movements, but much of it gets stuck on the colon walls and becomes very dry and hard with time. This is why it is so necessary to clean the colon regularly, especially if you are a meat eater. Even if you are a vegetarian, and have been for years, if you have not done a colon cleanse, you will first need to do a big one, (and you will be surprised what comes out of you). And for optimal health, subsequently, you will need to do a colon cleans every year as part of your spring cleaning regimen, and include a high degree of fibre in your diet. I recommend Herbal Fibre Blend from AIM, for cleansing and fibre supplementation.
Aside from the physical benefits of being a vegetarian, there are also emotional, mental and spiritual benefits. When one ascends to a higher level of consciousness, you naturally see the entire world as part of yourself, not something to exploit and take from, but to work with and play with in cooperation, that supports the planet as well as every soul upon the earth, (human as well as animal). You realize that every living thing is part of you, part of God-Goddess and everything and every being is your friend. And you naturally want to care for the well being of all life. You also naturally want to create, and strive to create, prosperity and abundance for all beings, and you know that this is not only our natural birth-right, but is also our natural way of being.
This is the next level of awakening and enlightenment for all beings: the connection to group consciousness and the knowing that we are all integral parts of one giant being; (Great Spirit, All That Is…); one wholeness, one unified field of creation, onE EARTH! And even though a being who is fully awakening will naturally have a bias towards being "vegetarian" , "vegan", etc., at some point you realize that ultimately it doesn't matter what you eat, the important thing, and the natural state of being enlightened, is being conscious of what you are doing, what you are thinking, what you are feeling…, and what you are eating. Knowing full well the karmic implications, the emotional and mental consequences and the planetary consequences of all of your actions. You become fully conscious and aware that what you think and how you feel about yourself, others, the planet etc., creates your reality and the reality of the earth. This is why the planet is finally awakening and starting to care for it's environment and the animals upon her - we are evolving as a species. There is a larger amount of "awake" people now then years past, and this is affecting the entire social consciousness of the planet. This natural evolutionary state is occurring as part of the Divine Plan for this planet and by planetary decree, as per the directive of mother earth, as she ascends to the 5th dimension and becomes a planet of light.
Ultimately, in time, this entire planet will become a "vegetarian" planet, similarly to the beings who live in the Subterranean Cities of the Agartha Network, who have evolved to and live in extremely high levels of conscious awareness and who are naturally vegetarians and have been for literally thousands of years. This is not just utopian dreaming, it is a planetary evolutionary inevitability. And only those beings who are still operating from strictly survival mentality, are not particularly consciously interested in the "thrival" or survival of god's creatures and the planet. They are solely focused on their mental, emotional, physical and genetic survival, and their desire to not be shunned by society for being weird. Their upper chakras are not typically open to higher consciousness (unconditional love) and their lower chakras are clogged (just like their colons) with old decaying genetic survival programs, such as: "I am unworthy", "I am powerless", "I'm not good enough" etc.
So when a being awakens to their love and to their light, and realize that 'they are love and light', they realize that they no longer need to take energy/love from others, or animals, or plants, etc. And they realize that to create the reality they truly desire, they must actively love themselves, and they naturally want to "eat light", and they naturally want to care for their divine temple, their bodies. And when you begin to love yourself, you also naturally begin to love others, including every single creature on the planet, even those humans and animals who might want to hurt you or kill you (out of fear), or eat you (for survival). And when you are operating at this higher level of divine consciousness, you naturally release and heal your fears and release your enemy consciousness that holds you in a survival and fear trap.
So the key beloveds is: free your body; free your mind; free your heart; free your consciousness; free your soul! Release your attachments! Release your Fears! Open your heart to all life, to all beings, all creatures, all animals, all plants….. Every being is your friend! Every being is your family! Every being is a divine part of you, because you are everything! You are the universe! You are this planet! You are every human! You are every animal! You are every insect! You are every serpent! You are every fish, every whale, every dolphin, every fairy, every mountain, every river, every lake, every ocean… You are Mother Earth!!!!
Another key is to forgive yourself! Forgive yourself for all of the pain and death you have caused from all the animals you have eaten and release your shame and guilt! And now make peace with the animal kingdom. They will forgive you because they are still connected to the divine essence of creation and they also understand survival/enemy consciousness. And allow yourself to be forgiven, to receive forgiveness, and ask for karmic absolution from the karmic board for all the pain and suffering you have caused. Because of humanities fears and enemy consciousness, we have had an adversarial relationship with the animal kingdom and even the plant kingdom, (especially jungle and thick trees and bush), for many thousands of years. These fears have caused immense destruction and even extinction of entire species. We must forgive ourselves for this ignorant destruction, individually and as a species. It is time to begin working with the animals and the trees and the land…, rather than fighting against the elements.
Now connect to the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, devic and fairy kingdoms, the nature spirits… and pledge your allegiance to their "thrival", to their abundance and well-being. And forgive yourself for the destruction you have caused from your consumption of resources. From the pollution you have caused to the earth and the waterways, and the death of insects, plants and other creatures from eating plants that have been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Forgive yourself for using cleaning products and body care products that are made from synthesized chemicals and petroleum. Forgive yourself for the trees that have been cut down to create grazing land for the meat you have eaten, and farmland for the produce that you have eaten and the paper and wood you have used. Forgive yourself for all of the carbon dioxide and other pollutants you have spewed into our beautiful air from your cars and your electricity usage… Forgive yourself! Forgive yourself! Forgive yourself!
(Forgiveness Decrees detailed below)
It is so necessary and beneficial to us all, and to the planet, to forgive ourselves, because underneath it all, in our unconscious minds and in our hearts, we all have immense guilt and shame for all the destruction that we have caused directly or indirectly, from this lifetime and all others. And this holds us in a pattern, in a self made prison, and either you keep living like the majority of humanity, in denial, living an illusion, or you finally free yourself from your pain. It is time to be free from all guilt and shame! It is time to be free from all Karma!
Now where do I go from here?
I still have to live. I still have to drive my car (and my electric car has been stalled), I still have to use electricity, I still have to eat… So what can I do now to help mother earth?
The key beloveds is to be conscious of what you are doing, rather than living comfortably numb in ignorance and denial. The key is to release your attachments and addictions that stem from your programs/beliefs in the lie of your own unworthiness, that are causing you to be an ignorant consumer, because of your fears and desires to be loved. Be conscious of your actions and the consequences of your actions upon the earth. Follow your heart, and learn to bless and honor yourself, and the planet, by buying only certified organic food and body care products from ethical companies who are also conscious of their companies actions, who take responsibility for their affect upon the earth and do something about it, such as ONEgroup Certified Organic Body Care Products.
Do what you can to support mother earth by planting trees or donating to organizations, (such as Rainforest Rescue and other forest planting and protection projects. This will also offset the tons of carbon your personally spew into the air every year. (Statistics below). And as you continue on your journey, as you drive your car, and fly, and use electricity, and eat food… - bless and honor the earth, consciously, with the full power of your love and light! Bless and honor the plants and animals that have given their lives for your health, vitality and nutrition. Honor the farmers who grow your food! Honor the plants for growing so that you can eat them! Honor the grocery store for conveniently providing your food for you! Bless and honor all of the beautiful insects and birds that pollinate the foods that we eat. Bless the soil and the microbes and fungi and the minerals and the water and the entire world below the soil that helps our food grow! Bless and honor the water kingdoms and the amazing fish that have given their lives for us. Bless and honor mother earth and all the plants that have died millions of years ago to provide the oil that makes the gasoline/petrol that drives your car and the oil and coal that drives the power plants. Bless the oil companies for synthesizing the gasoline/petrol that drives your car. Bless your car so that your car honors the earth as it drives upon her. Bless the roads.
The question is: how much do you love yourself? Do you love yourself enough to only purchase food and products that are truly supportive to your health, the health of the planet, and the health of every creature upon this earth?
Society tends to live under the premise that the individual person has no personal power and cannot, or does not make a difference. This is an illusion based upon people's belief in their own unworthiness. The real fact, is that we are all immensely powerful and when we combine our energies together in divine communion, we are more powerful than our individual minds can comprehend. You can and do make a difference! Each individual person's life upon this earth has put it in it's current state of chaos, and each one of our individual lives, in balance and cooperation, can bring this world into a new state of equilibrium, prosperity and divine abundance!
Infinite blessings of Divine Health and Divine Prosperity, for you, humanity, and every creature upon Mother Earth, and mother Gaia (of course).
Forgiveness Decrees
I ask for forgiveness for myself and humanity from all the animals we have eaten or killed directly or indirectly or supported their killing! And I ask for forgiveness from all the insects, plants and other creatures, that have died as a result of me eating plants that have been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Please forgive me my beloved friends! And I forgive myself now for all of the pain and death I have caused to all of these animals, insects, plants and other creatures!
I forgive myself and humanity for our ignorant destruction of habitat and the death and extinction of all animals, fish, insects, etc. and all plants, trees etc. I forgive myself for the trees that have been cut down to create grazing land for the meat I have eaten, and farmland for the produce that I have eaten and the paper and wood I have used. And I forgive myself for the destruction I have caused, or any aspect of me has caused, from my consumption of resources on this planet and all other planets, across space time and dimension. I forgive myself and humanity for all of the carbon dioxide and other pollutants we have caused to the earth, the air and the waterways from our cars, air travel, electricity usage…, or any cleaning or body care products that have become a pollutant to myself or the environment.
And I release my shame and guilt now from all of this! I call upon the Law of Forgiveness to send waves of forgiveness through my mind, heart and all of my energy fields, including all my souls, soul extensions and all soul aspects, across space time and dimension, to heal all the pain and suffering from everything I have done to mother earth and her divine creatures.
And I ask for karmic absolution from the karmic board for all the death, pain, suffering, pollution & destruction that I have caused to any human, animal, plant, tree or any creature upon this earth!
I align myself now to the Unified Field of Creation, and I call upon the Law of forgiveness for myself and all of humanity, and for divine dispensations from the Ascended Masters, so that we can easily and gracefully forgive ourselves for our behavior.
I Forgive myself! I Forgive myself! I Forgive myself!
I open to receiving divine forgiveness now and I allow myself to be forgiven!
I am forgiven!!!! I am forgiven!!!! I am forgiven!!!!
And I call upon the Law of Grace, to give me a fresh start in this moment, without any karmic connections to what I have done in the past, including all my souls, soul extensions and all soul aspects, across space time and dimension.
I now release my survival and enemy consciousness and all fears, vows, contracts or programs, from past lives and experiences, that have caused me to develop any hatred toward the animal kingdom, plant kingdoms, devic or fairy realms, races, tribes, nationalities, religions, etc., or any other aspect of life on earth or any part of the earth itself.
I honor and bless mother earth and all the plants that have died millions of years ago to provide the oil that makes the gasoline/petrol that drives our cars and the oil and coal that drives the power plants. I honor and bless the oil companies for providing the gasoline/petrol that drives our cars.
I honor and bless the plants and animals that have given their lives for my health, vitality and nutrition. I honor and bless the farmers who grow my food! I honor and bless the plants for growing so that I can eat them! I honor and bless the grocery store for conveniently providing food for me! I honor and bless all of the beautiful insects and birds that pollinate the foods that we eat. I honor and bless the soil and the microbes and fungi and the minerals and the water and the entire world below the soil that helps our food grow! I honor and bless the water kingdoms and the amazing fish that have given their lives for us.
I open my heart to all life! I open my heart to all beings! I open my heart to all creatures, to all animals, all plants….. I AM onE with the animal kingdom!
Every being is my friend! Every being is my family! Every being is a divine part of me, because I AM everything! I AM all Creation! I am the entire universe! I am this Galaxy! I am this planet! I am the sun, I am the moon! I am every human, every animal, every insect, every serpent, every fish, every whale, every dolphin, every fairy, every mountain, every river, every lake, every ocean, every plant, every tree, every rock… I AM Mother Earth!!!!
I honor and bless everything! I honor and bless every human, every animal, every insect, every serpent, every fish, every whale, every dolphin, every fairy, every mountain, every river, every lake, every ocean, every plant, every tree, every rock… I honor and bless Mother Earth with the full power of my love and light! I honor and bless every Galaxy! I honor and bless the entire universe!
And I now pledge unconditional love, blessings, health, well-being, prosperity, abundance and divine support to every being on earth: to the hu-man kingdom, the hu-animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the water kingdom, devic and fairy kingdoms, the nature spirits, elementals…, and every species and mineral and every single molecule of every single aspect of life here on beloved mother earth!
Co-Create Heaven on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!
ZaKaiRan AatKa'Nui SheeHan
©ZaKaiRan AatKa'Nui SheeHan
This article is copyrighted by ZaKaiRan, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included and nothing is deleted.
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Earth Ascension Times
A Transformational Space of Love Light and Laughter - Featuring the Divine Human Insights of ZaKaiRan, (an Inscending Master of Quantum Frivolic Profundity) plus a plethora of other wonderful Ascension Materials from other Masters and Fun Cosmic Cookies.
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