Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Kuthumi: 8:8:8, Windows of Abundance Celebration

namaste123 2009. 4. 18. 06:45


Lord Kuthumi:

8:8:8 – Windows of Abundance Celebration


Channeled through Michelle Eloff© Johannesburg, 08 July 2008

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of new awakening, new levels of energy, illumination and deep insight.  Greetings, beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God.

Precious ones, this 8:8:8 celebration is one that will turn the world inside out and upside down, in a manner of speaking that is. This celebration is one that brings forth a level of new energy unlike anything humanity has experienced before. 

It is at this time that I, Kuthumi, am accompanied by the Lord Ra, Horus, Lord Soltec, Akhenaton and the Sun Goddesses of the Worlds of Light. As we gather together with each of you upon this celebration day we are ensuring that all the Windows Of Abundance are wide open for every human being to fully embrace this powerful surge of new abundance consciousness.

This is the time where we begin the powerful activations of the Sun Chakra and the new chakras that will be birthed through this, which Akhenaton and the Sun Goddesses are responsible for anchoring on Earth with those willing Lightworkers.

Your energy field is being prepared to receive additional Dimensions of Consciousness, which are programmed into the Sun Chakra, which will fully weave itself into the Sacred Grid of your unique Divine Plan upon the day of the 21st of December 2008. At that time those of you who are willing to receive your new chakras through the Sun Portal of Akhenaton will be activated on many levels so that the calling to receive this particular initiation will be heard loud and clear, and felt deeply within your heart, your body, your mind and your spirit.

This celebration of abundance is presenting humanity with an opportunity to completely turn away from poverty consciousness. From this time of the 8:8:8 celebration up until the 21st of December 2008 those who have chosen to allow poverty consciousness to still influence thoughts, decisions and choices will be challenged to the very ends of their willpower. This, my beloved ones, is by no means something that is meant in a threatening fashion. 

All it is, is information preparing you for what is, and the opportunity that you and the collective consciousness of humanity now are able to tap into. These particular Abundance Grids are very powerful. They are unprecedented. This means it is in your best interest and that of humanity for you to open your heart now and to seriously take action in the direction that will secure your future within the fluid grids of this very powerful abundance consciousness.

When the Sun Chakra was first anchored in its full power in the year 2003, humanity began to feel the birthing of the Golden Age, the Sun being the golden energy. Every year at the 8:8 celebration another level or another dimension of this very powerful energy has been presented to humanity. 

The Golden Lions and the White Lions have been guarding that energy for all of this time and now they are ready to release that full responsibility to the humans who are willing and ready, and of course prepared to use this energy to it’s full extent. We are preparing many, many levels of energy for the Lightworkers who are willing to embark upon this journey, which will then result in the birthing of the alchemists of the New Earth, which is specifically the focus of the Sacred Journey that this channel will be leading in Egypt in the month of February 2009. That particular journey is one of immense intensity and where we will fully anchor the Feminine White Fire Element. 

There are specific processes that we will take you through, the reclaiming of certain energies and Sacred Grids that Akhenaton and the Sun Goddesses will be responsible for doing, and now they are laying the grids for this.

For many, many years, many centuries in fact, humanity has been bombarded with poverty consciousness. The primary experience for Souls has been poverty, abuse, deprivation and desperation. Today that signature changes, and it is upon this day that the creatures you know as Alpacas will flood the earth with this sacred vibration by acting as the receptive physical energies, and channeling it out to the human beings.

The Alpacas hold the energy of the Sixth Dimensional fluid love within their genetic structure. It is through their fleece that one can access these very pure energies.  These creatures hold a very high vibration. We will attune your energies to the sacred vibration of the Alpacas. 

This links you to all the Sacred Vortices around the planet that access the Sixth Universe. It is only through the fluid consciousness of Fluid Love that one can penetrate the realms of the abundance we speak of.  This means that each and every one of you who are ready for this now, step into a new level of your own power - another dimension of discovering the alchemist within.

The Sacred White Fire Element has already taken you through some intensive initiations, and what you have gotten in touch with has revealed to you many aspects of yourself that you could not have imagined were possible, or a part of you a few months ago.

Now the world, and by this we mean Gaia, is open, wide open and fully receptive to receive this influx of new Sun Chakra energy. She is soaking up the rays of this powerful light so that the Sacred Discs can be activated in her body. These particular discs hold frequencies that we will encode you with at the right time. This information has been held sacred within specific areas - Sacred Sites, that many people do not even know exist.

In the very near future we will be asking this vessel; our channel, to travel to these places and all of those of you who are willing to participate we urge you to travel, to join in and to absorb these energies because now the signatures of all the Sacred Sites around your planet, the old ones and the new ones that we will lead you to will change completely, the blueprint will change. 

Some Sacred Sites have shut down their energy. People have traveled to them and have felt that there is a deadness; a numbness at these sites.

That has happened for a specific reason because many of those sites have become dormant because they are in preparation for these activations that I, Kuthumi, am responsible for bringing to your planet during the year of 2009. 

The Unity Goddesses who hold the Priestess Consciousness, shall be delivering this to humanity as well are preparing each of you through the Sacred Ceremonies of the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra. And I assure you your life will never be the same again. 

This is now the time to exercise your spiritual muscles, to exercise your will, your desire to live the best life ever and most important, this is the time for you to drop all poverty consciousness and to focus your concentration on reclaiming your divine right of abundance in all it’s forms of light. I have said before you can have an abundance of negativity and poverty if you like, you can also have an abundance of positivity and prosperity if you like. 

No longer can you use the excuse that your programming and your genes are what keep you trapped in poverty. You are your own individual sacred being. You have a willpower that is unique unto you, a Divine Grid that is yours alone.  Your lineage does not have the power over you that it did in the old paradigm. You are the alchemists of the New Earth this means using your magic, using the Power of Love, which is the magic I refer to and that Power of Love is the Light of Tantra, the sacred weave of love to bring the magic and miracles that you seek into manifestation.

So this celebration, beloved ones, is you embarking upon the most important journey of your lifetime where I, Kuthumi, with the Unity Goddesses and the Sun Beings of Light take you through one of your most intensive series of initiations into poverty consciousness. This means you will be challenged to drop your poverty consciousness at an accelerated rate, therefore I ask you, do you have what it takes to do this? Do you want it badly enough? Nothing can compare to where you are going to.

So, beloved ones, if you are willing to embark upon this journey, this wild ride where you will befriend and merge with your authentic self in a way like never before, you will see that your fears were simply little irritations trying to distract you. And I make a promise to you today that you will rejoice from the very core of your heart that you had the will, the strength and the desire to move beyond poverty and step into what you will experience. Yes, there will challenges, I will not fool you.

However, those challenges are stripping you of the illusions that have been created by your Poverty Consciousness, therefore everything that holds you, traps you in any state of poverty, will be removed... be it a thought, an attitude, a person, a habit or an addiction. Again I ask you  - are you ready to let go and to trust like never before and I emphasize that – like never before? I assure you the rewards will be vast.

You precious ones are laying the grids for the New Earth post 2012. You have the most incredible opportunity at your disposal now because history past or post 2012 has not been written as such. 

Where the Mayan Calendar ends is where the predictions end.  It is where the history of the future ends, therefore you are in a position to create the new world and to make it that which your deepest heart desires most, and the desire that comes from the fluidity of the sacred universes of pure Divine Cosmic and Solar Love.

You cannot even begin to fathom what that is and I will not even ask you to try and imagine it, because right now it is impossible. 

All you need to do now is feel the power that is filtering into your body through this 8:8:8 vibration and consciously choose to open yourselves and let it receive.

Now I ask you to welcome into your space a mighty lion called Thor. He is a White Lion, and he is accompanied by his brother who is known in his Earth body as Greg. He too is a lion. These two energies symbolize the Active Fire of the Golden Kundalini.

I want you now to imagine an exquisite Golden Lioness. Her name is Damara, accompanied by her sister Maya, also a Golden Lioness. Their energies symbolize the two Fire Frequencies of the Feminine White Flame and the Light of the Sun Goddesses. Lions symbolize truth and authenticity. Their voice is the roar of truth. 


Imagine Goddess Sekhmet now entering your sacred space. I want you to imagine the lions expressing a deep roar as they welcome her into the space. She is one of the Goddesses of War and Destruction, however her Solar Power is very strong and it is this power that you will utilize to destroy the old paradigms of poverty consciousness that lurk within the corners of your Shadow Self, and that lurk within the dimensions of the subconscious, which are fueled by the unconscious, which will soon become conscious to you.

Goddess Sekhmet extends her hands to you, as you hold her hands imagine a powerful surge of fire energy pulsating through your body up your arms, into your shoulders and down your spine to an area between your Base Chakra and your Sacral Chakra, which is the location of your Sun Chakra.


Use your imagination to see this Golden Energy, this bright Liquid Fire-light inside the gold, swimming around inside your Sun Chakra. The heat of this energy extends into your Astral Body and that flows like liquid lava into the tapestry of your wounded self. This liquid lava flows into your Emotional Body, your Mental Body and your Spiritual Body and seeks out every wounded part of you, especially the wounds that have resulted in Poverty Consciousness.

The intense heat of the gold and fire energies melt those wounds, all the frozen concepts that you took on that influence you unconsciously and subconsciously resulting in you behaving fearfully, still believing in poverty and deprivation and I ask you now to simply surrender, to turn your head to the heavens, to extend your arms out, to open your Heart Chakra and to just let it happen.

With your arms extended I want you to turn the palms of your hands over, you will lay one hand upon the Crown Chakra of the lion Thor and the other upon the Crown Chakra of the lioness Damara and feel the powerful pulsations of truth and love being extended into your body through your Palm Chakras as their purr borders on a gentle roar. Surrender and receive.


The lioness Maya now comes and lies at your feet resting her body on your feet, and the lion Greg rests himself behind you with his body leaning against the back of your legs grounding you on earth, helping you to root this powerful new surge of abundance and alchemy consciousness bringing it into your physical, material Third Dimensional life.  Hold it there breathing deeply in and out and allowing the energies to do what they need to.


Lord Soltec now manifests an exquisite magenta pink geometric ball of light. It is filled with the iridescence of platinum energy and he directs this to your Heart Chakra, it hovers just outside of your Heart Chakra.

As it hovers there it opens the Sacred Dimensional Portals to the Sixth Dimension and the Sixth Universe respectively, and I want you now to imagine a flood of fluid love pouring into your Heart Chakra through this Sacred Geometric Ball of Energy, penetrating the very depths and core of your heart and then feel that move down your spine and into your Sun Chakra. 


Goddess Sekhmet now lets go of your hands and steps aside and you see Akhenaton coming towards you. As he stands in front of you he holds his right hand directly in your energy field over the Sun Chakra, and one hundred and twenty-two sacred pulsations are now projected into your Sun Chakra preparing the Fields Of Light that you need in order to receive the new chakras that will be brought forth in February 2009.


Breathe in deeply exhaling fully. Relax. Let the energies just flow and it is now through this Fluid Love that Soltec has brought forth that we open the energy for your energies to connect with the Sacred Alpacas. Each of you will be linked to an Alpaca on the planet - one Alpaca for every participating Lightworker.

This particular connection between you and this creature will grow in strength and there will come a time where you will meet this being either in it’s physical form as a creature on Earth, or in your meditation, or perhaps one day when you move to the other side, this creature will be waiting for you.

This telepathic system of communication that has been created between the two of you will ensure that the communications that come from you are motivated by Fluid Love. This creature will help you to maintain the flow of Fluid Love so that your actions, your thoughts and your intentions are motivated by love; in other words... Prosperity Consciousness. 


The Alpacas will hold this grid along with the lions for a period of twenty-two months, which will give humanity sufficient time to fully absorb the energies required, however those of you who are leading the way you only have until the 21st of December of 2008. This accelerated process is for your highest good, in fact you asked for it.


I want you to imagine the large chocolate eyes of these creatures, the Alpacas, looking into your eyes. Look at the gentleness and the love within their eyes and feel the reassurance that comes from them. They reassure you that the Sacred Divine Cosmic and Solar Love that you are now bringing into your heart will have sufficient energy and power to see you through the changes to ensure that the old paradigm wounds of Poverty Consciousness are cleared.


Take another deep breath in, exhaling fully, relaxing all the muscles in your body. As Akhenaton finishes the programming of the symbols into your Sun Chakra, some of you may feel some sensations in your lower back, this is the energy of these symbols, it will settle.


Lord Ra and Lord Horus now create an exquisite Golden Geometric Field Of Protection around you. This field of protection will ensure that you are encased within this specific vibration for the duration of this intensive and accelerated series of initiations.

This is one of the most important Golden Temple series of initiations, for it brings with it many teachings that will empower you and liberate you, revealing to you the quantum world and all it’s potential.

The power that you claim strengthens you, builds your concept of self, your self-esteem and your self-confidence, which will open many doors of opportunity for you so that you can go forth in your truth as an authentic human being living your purpose with passion, experiencing most of your days as joyous vibrant opportunities to be alive, and you will experience the intense gratitude for the Gift of Life.

And even in the face of challenge, you will know that the challenge that stands before you is a gift, and you will not find yourself moving into the depths of desperation that would befall you in the past, no, the Sun will be fully alive inside of you. 

By day you live off the Solar Light, by night you live off the Cosmic Light and all will be well in your world. This, precious ones, is the greatest change in the Grid Of Belief Systems For Humanity to ever come forth, and we have complete faith in your ability to change the future of humanity by you taking full responsibility for your divine right to live as a prosperous, abundant alchemist of the New Earth.


I want you now to place your hands over your Heart Chakra giving thanks to Thor and Greg, to Damara and Maya and to all the beings of light who have interacted with you.  Know that the Unity Goddesses Guinevierre, Mary Magdalene and Jezebel stand close by. Know that the Egyptian Goddesses and in fact all the Sun Goddesses are with you now preparing each of you for the return of the Light of Solar Love.


Tap into your Sun Chakra, the most powerful source of Light inside of you right now, for at this time the energy rushing through it is beyond words. Draw your creative inspiration from it. Draw your will and desire to live an undiluted life from this chakra and step through the wonderful windows of opportunity that now await you. 

Grasp this golden opportunity, beloved ones. Take full advantage of it. If you have any regret for missing out on an opportunity in the past you can make up for it now by doing this, by being a part of this and in so doing serving Mother Earth and every other poverty ridden Soul on your planet.

So, let us celebrate together.  Let us celebrate that each and every one of us, discarnate beings and you incarnate beings, joining our Forces of Light and Love as onE and becoming a force to be reckoned with; a force that refused to be stopped, inhibited or diluted by any form of Poverty or Victim Consciousness. We stand with you in our full power in the full energy and flow of fluid love.

We mean business, and if you mean the same, then walk with us. The time is now. What is before you now will never come again. We have prepared you for this time so come with us, rejoice, celebrate, dance and live your life to the ultimate.


Beloved ones, this energy is going to take approximately seventy-two hours to fully root itself in the structure of your physical body and your physical life. It is vital that you keep grounded so that this energy can be utilized in your physical life, and this is why the teachings of the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra are so vitally important, as well as the Activation of the Sacred Fire -your sexual power. For it is the energy within your sexual centers that keep you grounded. Use that Light to open the doors for that which is in the Etheric to come into the physical. Your sexual energy grounds you on Earth, therefore embrace your Base and Sacral Chakras and let them lead you into the Light of your Fire.


We will remain with you for the duration of this 8:8:8 celebration for it is truly a most wonderful and powerful celebration. The 8:8:8 energy brings an exquisite blanket of the Christ energy to embrace each of you. This blanket is a unique weave of Abundance Codes that you can absorb into your DNA, which will filter into the molecules and atoms of your body.

It is easy to change your mind, beloved one, simply choose. Initially it is difficult but with practice you will master it. Repetition is the key.  

So, may the Christ inside of you rejoice out loud, may the lion and lioness roars inside of you roar out loud, and may the “destructive” energy of Goddess Sekhmet destroy all of the old Paradigm Grids of Poverty, freeing you to be the prosperous, abundant being you were created as.


Allow yourself to feel the abundance that comes to you through the power of love, the power to love and to be loved. Feel the joy that radiates from your heart when you see life as an opportunity to become everything you have ever imagined and even more.

Trust in the many invisible arms to hold you and to carry you through this time.  Always remember that you are deeply loved, supported, protected and guided by us and that there is never a moment that you are alone, for we are all one and with you always in all ways.

Be at peace precious Soul, that too is your divine right, and enjoy the journey you have chosen, for it is a unique one as is every incarnation you choose.


I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love.  
