"Diversity and Its Vibration"
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
We are coming to you from another location in Southern Arizona at the moment, Nogales. So what I want to work with
here is the vibration of Diversity. Specifically, Diversity has a vibration that is a lot like a jigsaw puzzle. one piece may
look odd all by itself and colors do not particularly make any sense but when you put the entire jigsaw puzzle together,
what you have is a beautiful image.
When I work with a race consciousness, religious consciousness and all other things of that nature, including sexual
preference, etc., what we see when it is all put together in the Divine Creation is a beautiful image.
Diversity has a vibration that to some initially seems discordant. That is because they are looking at one piece of the
puzzle, or maybe 3 or 4 pieces of the puzzle, maybe even half of the puzzle done, but not looking at the overall picture.
So I invite you to step back, maybe 3 or 4 steps and look at the beautiful image of Creation and see Diversity as this
gorgeous vibration of energy that is meant to be.
Literally, like a beautiful jigsaw puzzle picture of some majestic waterfall or a beautiful picturesque scenery and you can
see the water is supposed to be there, the trees are supposed to be there, the frogs, the birds, the mountains, the sky,
the clouds. As you look at the complete picture, what you find is a vibration that is very harmonious. It is not discordant
in any way. So Diversity as a vibration seems coarse or discordant until you step back far enough to see the greater picture,
and then it is a very smooth, whole and beautiful vibration.
That is your Spirituality Article information for this particular week and as always, we translate these into French, German
and Spanish as well as the English. I hope that you enjoy them very much.
Thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)
About Reverend Terri:
Terri Newlon is a world renowned spiritual teacher and conscious voice channel for Ascended
Master Djwhal Khul. Djwhal Khul has worked through numerous channels, including Madam H.P.
Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and is well known to spiritual students. His work through Terri
began in 1980 when she studied under Janet McClure and The Tibetan Foundation, Inc., and has
resulted in an extensive online global support system of practical spiritual teachings.
She is also a gifted Health Empath and has trained thousands of mediums and psychics. one of
her specialties is instructing other natural sensitives how to turn on and off their abilities so they
can live well-balanced lives, without neglecting their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
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