Ascension/Djwhal Khul Articles

"Obama Inauguration"

namaste123 2009. 1. 23. 15:56



"Obama Inauguration"

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We have a lot of cause for Joy here, a lot of "Jump For Joy". Your collective consciousness has

elected a new World Leader that is able to encompass the entire picture. Now Inauguration Day was January 20,

2009 and that was for President Barack Obama. And what you are seeing and hearing is really likened unto the

return of Camelot. The energies are very strong, and there will be a lot of swift movement.

The next couple of days I would say are about clearing prejudice; some of it racism, some of it against various

religions, and what not. The energy fields will feel very heavy upon the planet another couple of nights perhaps.

So the nights of the 20, 21 and 22 January.

The energies of lightworkers will be very distracted, used a lot in dream state or in a meditative state. So if

you are finding yourself not very productive, that would be why. Give yourself that extra devotional time to help

clean up things on the Inner Planes.

Then note that as we come up to Chinese New Year, we begin the Year of the Ox, and then we also have

Mercury going direct. Let me take a look at that -- Sunday night and Monday, so January 25-26, you have a

tremendous amount of energy. Then we have the Moon moving into Pisces on the 27 January which increases

once again a very strong psychic energy. We have a very potent week ahead there and I would encourage you

to spend a little extra time resting.

Once we get a few days past that New Moon Solar Eclipse, and the Moon is on the rise enough, what youll be

starting then is a lot of productivity. It might just feel like youre building, building, building, producing, creating,

manifesting! And it will be very appropriate at that time. So enjoy the lull while you have it.

Alright. That is my Spirituality Article for this week.

As always, thank you and my love to you,

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

About Reverend Terri:

Terri Newlon is a world renowned spiritual teacher and conscious voice channel for Ascended
Master Djwhal Khul. Djwhal Khul has worked through numerous channels, including Madam H.P.
Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and is well known to spiritual students. His work through Terri
began in 1980 when she studied under Janet McClure and The Tibetan Foundation, Inc., and has
resulted in an extensive online global support system of practical spiritual teachings.
She is also a gifted Health Empath and has trained thousands of mediums and psychics. one of
her specialties is instructing other natural sensitives how to turn on and off their abilities so they
can live well-balanced lives, without neglecting their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

2008 All Rights Reserved - Terri Newlon Holistic Consulting Co., LLC

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