Antakarana and Rainbow Bridge
By Joshua David Stone
The antakarana is the thread that is usually spoken of that the disciple creates through meditation, understanding, spiritual practices, and specific focalized spiritual work to create the thread, and later cord of energy. The disciple does receive help from the soul and later the monad in this process, however, the first half of the work must be done by the disciple.
The monad already has a thread or cord of energy that extends from it to the heart chakra of the disciple on earth. This cord of energy is called the sutratma, life thread, or silver cord. The soul has a thread or cord that extends from it to the pineal gland of the disciple which is called the consciousness thread. Knowledge utilizes the consciousness cord. Wisdom energy utilizes the antakarana when it is built.
In Lemurian times the sutratma or silver cord was the principal cord in operation. In Atlantean times the consciousness cord became more activated. In this present Aryan age it is now to build the antakarana and rainbow bridge and make it totally activated.
The antakarana is like a spiritual filament of light that is built like a spider builds his web. This thread is spun by the disciple in life after life, and it is only that which is of a spiritual vibration that can energize it. The consciousness cord contains the mental qualities from the soul. The antakarana is constructed of only spiritual/mental qualities from the soul.
The sutratma and consciousness cord have been constructed since man's first inception into the material world. The antakarana has grown very slowly because a person has to step on the probationary path for this work to even begin.
The sutratma and consciousness cord work from above downward. The antakarana works from below upwards. In the final stages of the building of this cord at the fifth initiation and ascension these three cords merge, integrate and blend together, just as the personality, soul, and later on, the monad merge. It is through the creation of the antakarana that this whole process is allowed to take place.
The building of the antakarana is like laying a cable or bridge between three great countries (personality, soul, and monad). This bridge building occurs in stages. The first stage of this building deals with integrating the personality and the four bodies. The second stage is then building the bridge from the integrated personality and four bodies to the soul. The third stage is building the bridge from the soul to the spiritual triad and then to the monad itself.
This process reaches a total completion at the fourth initiation when the soul body or causal body, which stores all the virtue and good karma, burns up. Then the fire of the monad pours down the antakarana to the soul , who has been the mediator between the personality and monad, returns to the monad. The soul or higher self is no longer needed and has merged back into the monad so all that is left is the soul infused personality and the monad who is now the guide.
The initiate has built the antakarana to the spiritual triad and monad at this point. Even though a strong antakarana has been built to the spiritual triad and monad, a complete merger of monad/spiritual triad and the soul infused personality has not taken place. It is at the fifth initiation that these two aspects merge together in consciousness.
At the sixth initiation they merge not only in consciousness, but completely into the four bodies, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, and the entire monadic infused personality and bodies turn into light. The initiate has become an Ascended Master at this, the sixth initiation. It is the antakarana that the disciple has built between the personality, soul, spiritual triad/monad, that has allowed this whole process to take place.
It is also at this point that the sutratma, consciousness cord, and the antakarana have merged together, just as the monad, soul and personality have merged together. This results in the immortality of the physical form. Just as God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are three minds that function as one, we are three minds, monad, soul, and personality, that function as one. The microcosm is like the macrocosm. Spirit and matter, Father and Mother have merged.
The antakarana has been the bridge of light or the lighted way, in which the disciple has passed to the higher worlds. It is through this bridge and lighted way that he has attained liberation and ascension. This integration has also helped to bridge the Shamballa consciousness, Hierarchical consciousness, and human consciousness. Shamballa consciousness relates to the monad and the will aspect. Hierarchical consciousness relates to the soul and love aspect. Human consciousness relates to the personality and the intelligence aspect.
The master, at achieving this integration, has also helped to build the planetary antakarana. This is the antakarana for the entire earth and humanity as a whole. Each soul extension on earth builds one thread of the planetary antakarana, which makes this whole process easier for the ones that follow us.
The Soul Mantrum and Monadic Mantrum
The soul mantrum and monadic mantrum was released to the world by Djwhal Khul in the Alice Bailey writings. I can honestly say it is the most powerful mantrum I have ever found. I recommend you start your day with it and end your day with it. I recommend that you don't do any type of spiritual work without saying it first. This mantrum activates the soul and soul star to do spiritual work. The words of the soul mantrum are:
I am the Soul
I am the Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Fixed Design
Those disciples at the fourth initiation and beyond may want to change the first line to "I am the Monad" instead of "I am the Soul." The rest of the mantrum being exactly the same. This, I have termed the monadic mantrum. Please give this mantrum a try, in building your antakarana and also in everything else of a spiritual nature that you do. I have never met anyone who didn't feel the effects from using it.
The only line in the mantrum that people sometimes don't understand is the last one which refers to the plan of the soul for the current incarnation. This mantrum is the beginning of all occult techniques, according to Djwhal Khul.
Even if you are working with another mantrum, begin your meditation by saying the soul or monadic mantrum three times and then meditate with your other mantrum. This mantrum is like an activation tool that signals the soul, and the monad to go into action to do its part of the program in response to your invocation.
The Antakarana After Ascension
It is important to understand that the antakarana in actuality, does not just stop at the monad. In reality it continues up all the way to the Godhead. If you would like you can send your antakarana all the way to God even before ascension, when you work in your meditations, and you will get a response from God, and He will meet you with His finger of fire, and/or thread of light substance. So even the Ascended Masters are continuing to build their antakarana, as they evolve into cosmic planes of existence.
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