Ascension/Djwhal Khul Articles

“Cooling Pink Light”

namaste123 2008. 10. 24. 06:07

October 23, 2008


Cooling Pink Light

Djwhal Khul here.  Tashi Delek.

Alright.  We are going to work with a pink cooling light.  Now this is a very pale pink color, its very placid, very serene and it has a cooling effect.  The reason that I am picking this color for the week of October 23, 2008 is because weve just entered into the sun sign of Scorpio.  We have kind of an interesting influence of Mars upon the ego, and we have a few other things occurring, economically and politically.  

And so there is a tendency for things to be running hot or heated up.  You can use this cool pink light any time that you want to work with cooling off an area, or cooling down an issue.  Those of you who work with global energies can work with maybe helping with global warming using a cool pink light. 

We are going to see it just sort of come down through the body, quite rapidly, almost like there is a waterfall of this clear cool pink color and you just step into it and suddenly the water is all over the body.  

The cool pink light makes you feel calm, centered, cool and collected.  Take a moment with this particular color please, to check various parts of the body.  For example, sometimes the liver runs a little warm or maybe the heart rate runs a little high, maybe your feet get a little swollen, maybe your upper body is always warmer than your lower body, or whatever.  

Tune into your own body for a moment here and focus on the areas that seem to have a little too much heat or fire, or just tend to run too warm.  For some of you it might be the entire body.  

And focus that cool pink light everywhere there might be inflammation.  Now that could be arthritic inflammation in joints, it could be asthma in the lungs, it could be ringing in the ears, it could be constipation, a little bit of a stomach ache, or whatever.  It might mean that there is too much heat, swelling or irritation in some part of the body.   Really concentrate this beautiful clear pink cooling light into the area of your choice.  

And generally speaking, anytime you are cooling something off, there needs to be a place for the steam to escape, or a place for the heat to drain away and this particular color tends to automatically provide that.  But you may also just want to see a vent or valve that allows the heat to dissipate as the cool pink light comes in and balances everything. 

Now this cool pink light can be sent to areas of concern on the Planet.  Maybe there is a place that is having a heat wave or a volcanic disruption or a very heated religious argument or anything of that nature.  Remember this light say during a holiday when you are with the family and it gets a little heated with discussions.  Remember the cool pink light and bring it into the entire room.  First fill your own body with it and then let it go to the entire room.  

Now never directly send energy to another person please.  I am rather firm on that.  We dont fix other people and try to send them energy that we think they need.  Unless theyve asked you as a healer, Would you please help me calm down or something. And then you might say, Well why dont you try this pink cool light or lets try some pranic breathing or maybe you could rest, sit down and drink some water.  You could then send them energy.

If they have asked you for help, that is one thing.  If they have not, its not appropriate to project energies at others, even if it is well intended.  Now Ill give you an example because there are many healers that ignore my advice on this and they think Oh all I have to do is to tune into their soul and if their soul said yes, its ok to blast them with some heart chakra opening or something because they need it.  

Lets say there is an initiate on the dark side that is looking at you and saying What a powerful lightworker.  I think I had better send them some sabotaging energy so that they dont get too powerful in the light.  And they think as a dark worker, it would be their obligation to make sure that they fix lightworkers.  They assume that you dont know yet that you really should be playing on their side of the fence, and they feel justified in sabotaging your light.

So much as you would not welcome someone sending you a blast of some dark energy or some sabotaging black magic of some sort, you forcing your white magic or healing upon another can be equally unwelcome.

And sending others energy always comes with karmic retribution coming back to you, even if it is well intended and you think you are righteously serving the light.  There are others who think righteously in a number of different directions that can then project upon you, because you are a projector yourself.

What you send out comes back, but maybe not in the way that you are expecting it to, and be cautious about that.  Never try to change others, only if they ask you and they sincerely want your assistance.  

Think cooling light.  It is going to come in very handy particularly over the next two weeks, maybe a little bit longer beyond that.  Actually pretty much the whole time the sun is in the sign of Scorpio, so until maybe about the third week of November.  

All right dear ones.  Thank you and my love to you. 

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon  (Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

About Reverend Terri: 

Terri Newlon is a world renowned spiritual teacher and conscious voice channel for Ascended 

Master Djwhal Khul. Djwhal Khul has worked through numerous channels, including Madam H.P. 

Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and is well known to spiritual students. His work through Terri 

began in 1980 when she studied under Janet McClure and The Tibetan Foundation, Inc., and has 

resulted in an extensive online global support system of practical spiritual teachings. 

She is also a gifted Health Empath and has trained thousands of mediums and psychics. one of 

her specialties is instructing other natural sensitives how to turn on and off their abilities so they 

can live well-balanced lives, without neglecting their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual 


© 2008 All Rights Reserved  Terri Newlon Holistic Consulting Co., LLC

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