“The Bail Out”
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Now Tashi Delek is a Tibetan greeting, much like “Namaste”, or “Blessings Upon You” or perhaps “The Highest Consciousness in me is saluting the Highest Consciousness in You”.
I thought we would bring forth some comments here about the current economic situation from the perspective of the spiritual teachers, the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy. This is an esoteric viewing point and it has to do with the New Age.
And New Age is a term that I coined through Alice A. Bailey, which has to do with the Age of Aquarius. It is not a religion. It is just certainly a time period, a historical time period.
We have currently the influences of Pluto about to go direct for 15 years in the sign of Capricorn. It is one of the mile markers in the Aquarian Age, as is the end of the Mayan calendar coming up in 2012. Now by all means, that is not the end of the world. It is just the end of a particular calendar, or a particular time period, if you will. Just like when the new millennium started, the world did not come to an end. It was just day 1 of the new millennium. So the Mayan Calendar is the same as that example I just gave.
What we are dealing with here, with the global economy, so whether you are affected as a US citizen, or you are affected as a citizen of another country, [affected by] a domino effect with the US economy. Then this is important information for you.
From our perspective looking upon the world, what we see is a facade. In other words, a fake or false energy has been there for quite some time regarding global finances, and oil supplies, and prices of oils and wars, trading food from country to country. There are all kinds of things here that have been falsely represented or are a facade.
Essentially, for a while the house of cards would hold up, evenwith some of the cards missing. Then attention is redirected elsewhere [distraction away from the economy] and one forgets that there are still major crises in other countries, or still no electricity where the hurricane hit, or whatever else the problems may be.
So this creative redirecting of attention is once again poised to happen, in that there is now talk of a bail out. Well, even when you start putting on some conditions for the bail out, you know this could be a money maker for those (and I say this loosely) “investing”, in the bail out, (I mean tax payers, etc.), it is simply a way to perpetuate the facade a little bit longer and it will certainly crumble again in some other way, despite rules, regulations, and supposedly a lesson having been learned.
What Pluto in Capricorn is saying to Humanity all over the planet, is “it is time to get into right relations with all of Creation”. No more facades. This is equivalent to the Book of Revelations and many other prophecies going way back, even before the time of Christianity.
We’re talking about a time period here where truth will be revealed; it will come to the surface no matter what. Justice will also be served based upon the energies no longer being hidden. It is already heating up now, and as we get to November 26, 2008, it is another turning point with Pluto going direct into Capricorn. It did that earlier this year, then went retrograde back into the sign before that, and now it is going to go direct again. So we have essentially been given a little bit of a grace period to take a better look at what is going on and to actually remedy the situation. And the remedy isnot shoring up Wall Street.
The remedy is creating a distribution of the funds upon the planet in such a way that all people benefit equally. So my perspective on this, as well as the other Ascended Masters and spiritual teachers and some of the Angelic kingdom, (we are watching this very closely) is that it is time to come up with a different solution to truly fix the underlying problems rather than build yet
another facade that is going to be blown off by the next hurricane, or burnt up in the next fire, or flooded in the next whatever.
So that is my feedback for Humanity. Find a way to change the way the finances work on a global level rather than creating more of the same.
This is my brief message for this particular time period. I do appreciate your ears listening and your mind opening to perhaps mull over some of the information, but mostly to take it to rather a deep cellular level to see if there isn’t something there resonating as truth. And it may simply in your case not be true for you. And of course I respect that and am very much, have been and always will be, one who encourages the use of discernment.
Alright. Thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
www.TerriNewlon.com (Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)
About Reverend Terri:
Terri Newlon is a world renowned spiritual teacher and conscious voice channel for Ascended
Master Djwhal Khul. Djwhal Khul has worked through numerous channels, including Madam H.P.
Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and is well known to spiritual students. His work through Terri
began in 1980 when she studied under Janet McClure and The Tibetan Foundation, Inc., and has
resulted in an extensive online global support system of practical spiritual teachings.
She is also a gifted Health Empath and has trained thousands of mediums and psychics. one of
her specialties is instructing other natural sensitives how to turn on and off their abilities so they
can live well-balanced lives, without neglecting their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
© 2008 All Rights Reserved – Terri Newlon Holistic Consulting Co., LLC
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