Vitality 10

Bashar: "Why Staying on the Highest Frequency Path is Important"

Johneal Rouse Bashar: 2013,14 to 2015 year span:"Why Staying on the Highest Frequency Path is Important" - Published on Dec 7, 2013 Bashar explains that this time span we are in is one for streamlining and fine-tuning our frequency, and why we must tread a very very narrow and high frequency path during the years 2013 through 2015, or else things in our lives can and will beco..

Space Clearing: Refreshing the Energy in Your Space

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO SPACE CLEARING by Amanda Slaz Chapter Five THE SPACIAL TUNE-UP Suggestions for Quickly Refreshing the Energy in a Space The Space Clearing process is unsurpassable as a technique for dynamically altering the energy in a space. It can also serve as a profoundly healing and emotionally cathartic exercise. It is, however, an act of devotion that requires planning and time. ..