The Great Shift 12

5D Shift: New Phase Activated - Unwinding the Karmic Construct

5D Shift: New Phase Activated - Unwinding the Karmic Constructby OpenAs we pass through the Inflexion Point between the Old Paradigm and the New, the influx of vibrant energy pulls on the tethering of the old Karmic Construct, progressively unraveling it. From past experience, there comes a point, where the old reality becomes fundamentally untenable in any kind of fixed state..

The Great Shift On Planet Earth Occurs Within Our Beings First,

The Great Shift On Planet Earth Occurs Within Our Beings First Before It Is Reflected In Our Outer Environment By Sabrina Reber We live in a time of accelerated change and transformation. In 2012, our planet aligned itself in the center, or galactic heart of the milky way. This ushered in a cyclic event that occurs in 26,000 year cycles as the Earth completes a full revolution..