Dolphin Meditation Activation: "Physical Transformation" Published on Jun 1, 2012 by celia fenn Meditation/Activation to assist with the processes of Physical and Light Body Transformation. Free Download link and to buy "New Earth Rising" album. Meditation 2012.01.11
Diving Deeper, Flying Higher... Diving Deeper, Flying Higher and Perceiving with Greater Insight The Energies for April 2010 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn Beloved Family of Light, at this time of Change and Transformation, we see how so many of you are embracing the New Light and the Energy that comes to you in the Pulsations and Codes of Light from the Cosmic Heart. We see how you are stretching yourselves to grow and.. Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 2010.05.01
'Ocean of Love Bliss' by Alex Grey 'Ocean of Love Bliss' by Alex Grey "The subject tonight is love and for tomorrow night as well. As a matter of fact, I know of no better topic For us all to discuss... until we all die." - 14th Century Persian Sufi Poet, Hafiz . . . - Holding love as a supreme ideal, Is like a Sacred Mirror. Recognizing the Divine reflected In the face of the other. Makes the relationship A Spiritual Path And a.. Beautiful World of Arts 2010.02.17
Invocation to the Divine Mother Invocation to the Divine Mother I call forth a blessing and activation of Divine Love from The Divine Mother. Mother, I call you to enter my heart and re-birth the Paradise Vibration in perfect balance of loving power and the power of love. I call forth all sacred light encodements and light envelopes from your exalted heart to anchor Love Divine into my own. Empty your heart .. White Tara 2008.11.05