KRYON "The Next 18 Years" Melania Anghel KRYON "The Next 18 Years" - Published on Mar 21, 2014 Kryon's message through Lee Carroll, his live channel, "The Next 18 Years" dated December 8, 2012 Laguna Hills, California, USA Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings 2018.01.17
Kryon: The Addictive Old Energy The Addictive Old Energy Kryon Channelling - The Addictive Old Energy - Aug 12 - 17 - Stamford CTTo help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does .. Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources 2017.11.16
Diving Deeper, Flying Higher... Diving Deeper, Flying Higher and Perceiving with Greater Insight The Energies for April 2010 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn Beloved Family of Light, at this time of Change and Transformation, we see how so many of you are embracing the New Light and the Energy that comes to you in the Pulsations and Codes of Light from the Cosmic Heart. We see how you are stretching yourselves to grow and.. Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 2010.05.01