Practical Intuition and Highly Intuitive People...

10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently Intuition is challenging to define, despite the huge role it plays in our everyday lives. Steve Jobs called it, for instance, “more powerful than intellect.” But however we put it into words, we all, well, intuitively know just what it is. Pretty much everyone has experienced a gut feeling — that unconscious reasoning that propels us to do somethi..

People With Creative Personalities Really Do See The World Differently

People With Creative Personalities Really Do See The World Differently Alexa Erickson; Collective Evolution Artists, musicians, fashion designers, photographers, novelists … there are so many different types of “creatives” out there. The arts elicit such admiration around the world from the general public for the ability to create something so brilliant, yet so intrinsic. As outsiders, people of..

Bingers Of the Dawn: Symphonies Of Consciousness

Bingers Of the Dawn: Chapter 18 - Symphonies Of Consciousness Channelled Via Barbara Marciniak . . . Book: Bringers of the Dawn PDF of full text Here Light informs you. It uplifts you, because once you are informed, you feel more powerful. When you are not informed you feel powerless. Sound is another way to carry information because it is part of light. To you it may seem that sound and light a..

Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire: the 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways...

Dancing with the Diamond Star Fire: the 10/10 and 11/11 Gateways and the New Beginning Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn You live in intense and powerful times, Beloveds. At this time, the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes are activating your Earth with a fiery form of the Diamond Light that we call the Diamond Star Fire. What is the Diamond Star Fire? It is the substance..