A Time of Great Change 3

"Earth Whispers in a Time of Change" The Diamond Earth Communities begin...

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn ~ September 2014 Earth Whispers in a Time of Change The Diamond Earth Communities begin to form amid the chaos of the old… Beloved Family of Light, this is truly A Time of Great Change and Transformation. As we said to you in February of this year, the changes in your society in this year of 2014 will be immense. And we know that as you s..

The Light Collective and Mother Gaia: In the Wake of Typhoon Haiyan

The Light Collective and Mother Gaia: In the Wake of Typhoon Haiyan Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara) I am the living soul of Gaia. I am your Mother while you sojourn upon this planet. And we are the Light Collective; we speak for the many galactic councils and light beings who oversee the evolution of your people and planet. In the wake of the great typhoon,..