
"Raise Your Chi(기/에너지)'

namaste123 2022. 10. 10. 00:40



"Raise Your Chi"(기/에너지) with Oscar K. Hsu

Paula Gloria Show Raise Your 'Chi' ㅡ You too can raise your kundalini with Paula & Oscar Hsu, her recent guest at RabbitHoleCentral as they share methods to unfold our bodies' potential to be able..













You too can raise your kundalini with Paula & Oscar Hsu, her recent guest at RabbitHoleCentral as 

they share methods to unfold our bodies' potential to be able to give and receive all the gifts life has to offer!

Thunder Dragon School and the Kunlun Hawaii Retreat Center is where Oscar, an authorized teacher 

transmitter of Thubten Niyama practices and after a show with Alan accepted Paula's invitation to make 

more practical and physical the theory.