Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Why Spiritual Mastery is a Shattering Process...Understanding the Path

namaste123 2020. 10. 3. 14:00

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/10/2016 


Anyone truly embarking along the spiritual path, must quickly give up the idea that it's easy, or especially, that it will somehow build you up into something. And it's definitely not all 'love and light' - not the true path anyway. In my experience, both of my own journey and in working with countless others, Spiritual Mastery is a shattering, breaking down process, that causes you to reconfront past-life trauma and source pain. It's also reflective of the current state of our reality right now.

Why is that? What might you expect? How might you deal effectively with what comes up?...


Walking the Spiritual Path

I've encountered many people who'll tell you they've been "walking a particular spiritual approach for so and so years". Yet really, when you dig below the surface, it's clear they're not truly Walking the Spiritual Path. Why not? What does Walking the Spiritual Path really mean?


