BUCKLE UP! 2020 Message
by Tiara Kumara
I am so pleased to present a summary of some of the most impressionable 2020 energies that I have been feeling and observing. This also gives a broad brush overview of the direction this Avatar platform will be taking in this tremendously potent cycle.
All indicators reveal this year to be an utterly massive opportunity for consciousness quickening. There are many rather dramatic astrological alignments throughout the entire year that synergistically meld to essentially blast us with a mind-blowing force for change.
Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are all very active in numerous celestial conditions. These line-ups are expected to give way to an enormous societal reset, which then continues on for several years.
It is extremely valuable to do a bit of research on the significance of the astrological indicators. It may help put into perspective why the plethora of extreme radical change is uprooting the fundamental nature of life as we have known it.
Expect very intense cathartic energy to be us all next year without much break. This will assuredly incite unpredictable volatility and even swifter dissolve of false foundations.
This will be highly noticeable in those areas vulnerable to erratic behavioral swings such as the sociopolitical stage, financial currencies, the internet, new technology. This of course greatly influences human consciousness and cultural trends.
There seems to be a willful determination in this 2020 energy. It is expected to burrow right through any resistance, literally forcing people into changing their ways whether they want to or not.
This ultra potent energy also triggers expansion, while giving unprecedented support to putting new structures in place. It also gives us our own determination and courage to get the job done! It's like the guiding hand of Divine Will is firmly held right on our backs.
If you are dreaming in a new vision or project, now is the time for implementation due to the supporting energy that 2020 brings.
This incoming "force for change" not only anchors the overarching tone for the year, but also catalyzes a monumental 'flip of the switch' in human consciousness. Whoever is currently 'unconscious' has much greater opportunity to awaken, and seemingly as fast as from night coming into the day.
Many of these people are not in spiritually supportive settings or even have one iota of understanding about the planetary consciousness shift. This is why all those who have already awakened, are needed in such a big way. We bring understanding to help lighten the load. We also bring stability and transformational support.
Needless to say, it is an immense year ahead of us so buckle in and hang on to your Avatar cap! We have now entered head on into a tsunami wave of evolution. It's here, it's upon us, and we are in it now.
The best news is that this ever-growing energetic tidal wave gives us unprecedented support for our ascending plight. It gives us the real potential for actualizing the Avatar blueprint. Our entrance into the light will be so much easier than ever before.
For example, up to now, a lot of emphasis for spiritual aspirants has been placed upon resolving our dark side, and even disposing the shadow self. We have suffered greatly to get through many dark nights of the soul, intensely purging so much of the ego-controlled nature.
In this new cycle and because of the sheer quickening that it gifts, we no longer need to desperately wade through all of the muck and mire of our human distortion. We no longer need to tenaciously hold on to our perceptions of how to right ourselves, fix ourselves, or heal ourselves.
Instead, this 'flip of the switch' energy initiates transcendence. It naturally lifts us and helps us to see with new eyes. It initiates ascension, as an organic human birthright. It paves the road a whole lot smoother for this to be experienced. We are being raised at such a pace now and to such a vibration that the darkness can no longer hide. It has no other choice but to transform.
Experiences of accelerated morphogenesis are upon us as we learn how to harmonize with this ultra potent energy. The old ideas around the constant processing of our issues will morph. Spiritual initiation has quickened.
There is no longer any need to process, process, and process the multitude of our dissolving layers. The shift is happening so fast now that all we really need to do is to acknowledge what's coming up, accept it and then let it go as we keep moving with the evolutionary currents.
It's sort of like shedding the old skin and to have it never come back. It never comes back because we hold too much light. We no longer can hold on to the density. This light of transcendence moves us swiftly beyond the physical.
2020 is a "4" year, which gives monumental support to new structures and stronger foundations. The planet Jupiter is very strong in the astro mix this entire cycle. It is actually hovering like a giant guru to seriously amplify and expand all of our situations. It doesn't want us to miss any cues.
A lot will be reflected regarding the moral fabric of our consciousness and the foundational principles surrounding personal power. True power will be increasingly defined.
It's going to be one heck of a year with a lot cutting loose from the stronghold of illusion. Everything will be restructuring as it seeks to align with divine order and the greater light.
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