Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Energy Update Assimilation

namaste123 2020. 5. 25. 09:36

Energy Update Assimilation

View all posts by awakening 5dhealing

Assimilation is the name of the game. Downloads are coming through at this profound time in our evolution. We have embarked on a collective journey of transformation, it is essential we take time to assimilate the new energies. Karmic clearing releases dense, heavy, stuck energy from our mindbodysoul being. The spaces left are filled with healing light energy. We integrate this healing light in self care and meditation. Healing is a holistic journey realigning our bodies, mind and soul to higher dimensional realms. We have completed two Cycles of Healing since the start of 2019. The trinity Supermoon Portal activated root chakra excavation. Childhood, ancestral and past life traumas coming up for recognition and release. We move forward by breaking chains and establishing love boundaries built on self respect. The second healing cycle, activated by back to back Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades took us deeper into shadow work. Those who engaged experienced foundational shifts in our lives. Burning through trauma, low self esteem, handlers and karma we have lightened our load significantly. The third healing cycle we have entered is surreal in its energetic frequencies, we become transdimensional. Keep guides, higher self and angels close and know we are downloading new skill sets in alignment with our new paradigm.

As the ascension of Gaia accelerates we are ricocheting up and down the frequency spectrum. The forces of darkness seek to keep us in our chains. The 5G network is the physical manifestation of the dark matrix, anchoring heavy low vibrations to the material plane. Locking our vibrations into a holographic hell dimension is their aim. So many of us have already raised our vibrations beyond the old bandwidth of humanity, we are immune to these low frequencies. The unawakened are targeted as the forces of light and dark play out a grand war on Gaia. The dark wants a perpetual apocalypse of zombies, robots, half humans, mindless slaves blinded by a system of war, depravity, poverty and chaos. It remains to be seen if the 3d matrix is solid enough in the memories of blue and black pill people to retain the disguise of a normal reality as we ascend through the fourth realm. Astral entities are seized with intense panic and fear, they are losing their hold on humanities souls. Their aim is to continue using human hosts to feed their low frequency lusts. The Arrival of divine light, warriors clearing the astral, has ramped up their fear and paranoia. Some go to the light gladly, others need coaxing, reassurance, others will only go kicking and screaming. Truth vibrations.

Black and blue pill people are being mobilised in the fourth realm, their demons in the driving seat more often than they are. As we return to our sovereignty they relinquish theirs to their astral pets. Blackouts will increase for those who have succumbed to their succubus desires. Memory loss and loops will intensify as the matrix fights to remain intact, manifest in the dark hearts of those locked in ego fear. Swathes of dark energies are drowning many in their demons. Blue pillers locked down in low vibration spaces, their divinity neglected, ignored or denied are vulnerable in the fourth realm. We witness perpetual memory loops, blindly reliving their karma over and over, lacking the will to reflect or learn. Denying gut instincts, truths, their sixth sense, their heart vibrations. Too often locked in cycles of work, work, work, guilt or matrix addictions to zoom out, meditate, reflect and break the loops. Blue pillers stumble from one day to the next, unwilling to stop, be still and think, constantly seeking distraction from stillness. They surrender to the bidding of matrix algorithms of envy, resentment, competition and service to self. Citing synthetic stresses and ego fears to explain or excuse their decisions. All flows when vibrating from the heart, this is our lesson for ascension with Gaia.

Following the Trinity Supermoon Portal’s opportunity to root out the darkness in our lives, we moved into Mercury and then Jupiter’s Retrograde. Karmic clearing requires we pullback the onion layers of our emotional energetic beings. Each layer we face, recognise, reflect on and heal enables us to move forward in positive energetic spaces. The years of transition we have moved through leading up to 2019 determined what level we were at for the profound portal of light that was the Trinity portal. Foundational resurrection of truths, key to our core transition, had to be pulled out by the roots. Tumours of low self esteem cut out of us in high frequency healing. Incubus of toxicity surgically removed from our beings in shamanic or spiritual exorcism. Wells of depression, despair and grief drained in meditation and divine ritual. Modifications binding receptors, had to be dissolved in source light. Many of us can now identify our handlers, past and present. Our third eye has been fine tuned over the last few months, we see where before we were blind. Those who can no longer maintain eye contact with us are hiding their demons, their darkness from us.

The duo Retrogrades got underneath the skin of our traumas, allowed us to see self sabotage behaviours and negative thought pattern. The healing of cancers of neglect, tumours of abuse, dis-ease of the mind, body and soul, opened our eyes to the causes, triggers, of our anxiety and our ingrained responses. We break these triggered behaviours to completely free ourselves from our handlers. We are still very much in this process. Identifying who limits us, pins our wings, knocks us down, and keeps us down was only possible when spells of deceit are broken. The rules have changed in the fourth realm, everything wants to be seen. Our guides are able to communicate more clearly than ever before guiding us to who and what the sources of our psychic enslavement are. We follow through on the spiritual healing, karmic clearing, and meditative insights we received.

All of us were levelled up in the Trinity Supermoon gateway, if we were on level 1, we moved to 2, if we were on level 4 we moved to 5. This is a simplistic, holographic perspective, it works well for the reality and the dimensional fluctuations we are currently experiencing. 2012 was the great awakening, whether we took part in it or not, consciously or unconsciously we have all been propelled into a new paradigm. Sleepers determinedly keep their head in the sands of matrix energy wizardry, unwilling to break the bonds of soul slavery. Woke folk delved deeper into their research, their karmic wellbeing, their soul sensory spaces and their heart. Lightworkers were levelled up, a quantum leap for all of us consciously existing in higher dimensional frequencies. Our guides are much more closely connected to us, our third eye able to see, our heart able to interpret and act upon their guidance. In healing we saw what had been hidden before. Healer lightworkers have found their practise has deepened, their intuition improved and their channelling evolved.

Preordained paths of transformation from lightworker to warrior have kicked in. Some lightworkers have been levelled up to supernatural lightwarriors able to see in the dark, vanquish all that exists there, dragging it kicking and screaming into the light. Light warriors are currently experiencing massive downloads required for the ongoing astral combat we are increasingly conscious of. The supernatural energies requiring clearing on the material and astral planes become visible, less scary, training programs have commenced. The fourth dimension has changed all the rules. We can interact with astral fourth entities in a way quite impossible for most high vibration people pre 2019s levelling up. Jedi’s are straddling dimension realities every day. The dual process of surrendering to divine source love and remaining grounded in the material plane is our challenge for now. We learn to manage the Bends as we traverse dimensional frequencies, reducing sickness with deep meditative practise. We receive shamanic attunement, DNA upgrades and spiritual downloads preparing us for assimilation of our conscious selves.

Assimilation of our higher consciousness with the conscious us operating in the matrix has begun. Dreamstate has become so lucid as to be more real than our waking reality. Dreamstate and awake are merging to one flow of surreal, magical, dark and light surrender. What happens to us on the astral or ethereal dimensions, where we have been working all along, is manifesting in the waking world, fourth realm realness. As Trinity said if we get hurt in the matrix we experience that hurt in our waking reality because we believe it. The mergence, assimilation of our consciousness means we are retaining memory of events on the astral in our waking world. As we retain more memory of what has occurred, our bodies express or manifest this across the dimensions. Injuries, cuts, scratches, bruises, stings, shrapnel and extreme exhaustion are becoming our reality. We are able to leave ourselves messages as we get more adept at jumping frequencies or realms. We are protected at all times by the divine light of source angelic love, we are Christ’s army, the manifestation of Gaia’s kundilini awakening on the material plane.

Transdimensional existence is the assimilation of all memory. The integration of all parts into the whole. Our guides take us gently, we seek healing from our team, physical, energetic, emotional and psychic. Many of us were grounded from conscious travel across the astral for the duration of Jupiter’s retrograde. Mercury’s retrograde had us looking the sneaky, devious behaviours of our handlers, our matrix managers, in the eye. Catching them at it, so to speak. Mercury’s retrograde is all about the darkness, it is exploration of the darkest sides in all of us. Whether we embrace our demons or reject and seek release from them, mercury retrograde let us know who, where and what they are, if we were awake and looking. Jupiter’s retrograde was the gut punch from the universe to make the changes happen. To act upon what we had seen, learnt, figured out, to change things up, follow through on breathing life into our dreams.

Astral activity reached a peak, dementors swirling overhead, black portals activated drowning us in dark energies. Many indigos, healers and lightworkers struggled to maintain basic routines, energy levels so depleted by the vast swathes of darkness unleashed upon us. Light workers did their best to stay lit, illuminating divine love for all who were falling by the wayside. Our guides directive was to keep us off the astral unless absolutely necessary. Healing was limited, astral jumping was limited, astral combat training was grounded. We watched and waited. We saw. We heard movements in the shadows, tuned up our senses to astral overlap on the material plane as the veils thin to almost non existent for higher vibrating folk. Our physical sight often blurry, eyes irritated, as our third eye steps up as the main control room for reading of our environment. Each supernatural or divine experience is a calculated exposure for us, a training programme if you like, though very much real, to prepare us for what’s coming. Unlike Neo’s simulation training programmes or his downloads, our training programs are transdimensional truth. We are assimilating what we already know and do. Twins hold the knowledge, rainbow children hold the keys and we all open the doors to the new earth.

The Shift is now in perpetual motion. Celestial alignment accelerates or compounds the lessons for each step of our awakening journey, offers downloads and upgrades, but the Shift itself is now ongoing. 2018 was the starter pistol, activation, 2019 is assimilation of upgrades and downloads, 2020 will be manifestation of our shift. If we do the work in our own lives the micro will roll out to the macro. It’s all about the collective conscious. We can use social media to track collective conscious, to cut through the elite’s rhetoric, programming and spin to gauge what do people really think, feel, believe? Social media and the internet are the cyber manifestation of collective conscious. The physical manifestation will be in the way we negotiate the downfall of the regimes that have enslaved us. Each country, each state, each city and town will respond in its own micro collective consciousness to its local and national political economic systems, all of which assimilate to form a whole.

The pyramid demonstrates how easy it is for a tiny number to subjugate the masses. The raising of our vibrations should trigger evolved collective consciousness. Evolution will manifest in our political, economic systems changing from ego led to heart led spaces. When political decisions are made from the heart all that is compassionate, kind and caring will fall into place. Public sector funding will go through the roof as housing, education, health and wellbeing become the focus. Economic revolution will occur when political bodies no longer work for the good of the pharaohs but switch or shift to focused intention for all. None of it is complicated when we zoom out and see our own power to change everything. The elite harness our souls in perpetual weaves of doom and gloom, it’s all lies. The advances in technology we are experiencing as we enter the new millennia can and will ensure the eradication of many of the dis-eases we currently struggle with. The redistribution of resources will wipe out poverty, also realigning us to a much higher state of consciousness. We cannot think when we are in pain, need, distress or fear. Take all that negativity away with people centric politics and compassionate economics and we are all free to contribute, meditate, share, create, grow.

Evolution is technological tribalism. And it’s within our grasp. Keep the work going beautiful people, what we achieve in our little lives is essential to how the bigger picture will form. Keep working on aligning all in your life with higher vibratory fields of light and love. We can do this. Watch social media, observe higher consciousness cyber spaces, the wit, humour and intellect of Twitter, the instant indigo light of Instagram, the nuts and bolts of petitions and meaty articles on Facebook, the truthers on YouTube. Listen to guides, follow the white rabbit with intuition locked on. Know that social media moves fast for the matrix algorithms to keep up, to kick in with twisting the narratives. Energy wizardry is all around us, most evident on the world wide web. We can change the algorithms, we can make the internet a manifestation of our higher consciousness journey, a space where we collectively communicate and assimilate our wisdom, healing and compassion.

The mirror is evident at all times. We choose which side to look in, the dark or light. We choose what we see, read, hear and how we respond to it. Choose wisely friends. Dark algorithms have reached desperation, their remit is to strike fear into our hearts. What doors do we open online, what passages do we walk down, be savvy, selective and censor anything that looks like elite rhetoric. make up your own mind with independent research, meditation and observation. Set the dial on your internal vibration rather than allowing others to set it for us. Detach in meditation as often as possible to gain perspective, insight and guidance. For now we continue with protocol 5 travellers. The Light will vanquish all that is rooted in evil thought, deed or practise. As it has been written across seascapes and constellations, so it will be. Higher states of consciousness in a transforming paradigm of dark to light. Our heart will lead us all to zen vibrations of peace, abundance and love. In love and light beautiful people.
