
Time is A Useful Illusion – The Past, Present, and...

namaste123 2022. 1. 9. 02:23

Time is A Useful Illusion – The Past, Present, and Future are NOT separate.

You have been conditioned to believe that the Past, Present, and Future are all separate, sequential experiences. Yet this is simply a useful illusion. Linear time (as we know it) does not exist.


One of the more persistent illusions of this reality is time. Specifically the concept of linear time which is actually an illusion. Linear time doesn’t really exist. But from the time that we’re very young we’re taught that it does. We’re taught to treat the past as an actual thing that happened and is over. We’re taught to think that the future is this actual place that’s going to arrive.

But that’s an illusion. Because the past isn’t real. Neither is the future. The past that’s a word that we use to describe another present moment. The future is another word that we use to describe a present moment. It’s all happening simultaneously. Through our individual consciousness we have this illusion that this is all there is. But it’s kind of like if you’re in a house that’s got all these rooms. Well you may be in the living room and somebody else might be in the kitchen and some one else might be in the bedroom. But they’re all in the same house. And so the house represents the present moment. There’s just different experiences of the present.

This can be very useful if we realize that everything is happening right now. So that thing that you think happened way back when well there is a version of you that is perpetually experiencing that moment and there’s a version of you if you imagine forward to the future and you imagine yourself next Thursday afternoon doing a certain task or with a certain person where you can imagine that, right? But it’s not happening then. It’s actually happening right now elsewhere in this quantum field. And here’s where it gets really interesting and actually very useful. Because when you’re remembering something. I mean you can do it right now.

Think back to this morning. When you woke up and you were getting ready for your day. Right now you are remembering that. You’re experiencing it as something that’s already over. But check this out. Right now you can also imagine something in the future. You can imagine yourself tonight getting ready to go to sleep after a long day. But here’s the thing. When you’re imagining something you’re actually catching the memory of your future self. So just as right now you can remember back to the version of you that was waking up this morning well what if the version of you that’s waking up this morning is imagining to where you are right now.

Memories and imagination are the same thought energy we’re just experiencing them from different sides of this illusion. So how does this become practical? Well since everything that ever has existed, does exist, will exist is all happening simultaneously we’re just experiencing it through these different subjective individuations of consciousness that means that you can literally feel for and you can literally access that version of you that’s in the future experiencing your highest and best reality.

Your highest and best outcomes. You may feel like you’re imagining forward and you might feel like you’re being creative. But the reality is you’re simply receiving the memory of that version of you that all exists right now and through the very useful illusion of time we can experience different versions of ourself and you can actually make your intuition tactical. You can begin to feel for those best next thoughts. Just know that those thoughts are coming to you from the version of you that’s already experienced it and in doing this you collapse impossibilities into possible. Possible to probable. Probable to inevitable and inevitable into your current reality. None of it’s preordained.

None of it’s prewritten. Reality is infinitely malleable and in this ever present moment of right now you can begin to feel for and receive the thoughts that are the most aligned for you right now. Time piercing is a thing. Linear time is a very useful illusion. And life gets a lot easier when we begin to practice it

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The Singularity

By Larry G Maguire

All there is is now. Everything exists in an ever-present moment from which everything in the perceivable universe comes forth from. Things only seem to be separate by virtue of our relative experience.

It is accurate to say the point of creation is our point of focus, otherwise known in astronomical terms, as the Singularity.

The Singularity is the point which all things we experience rise from, and eventually fall back into. I believe it is where consciousness itself dwells in a state of readiness.

What you see in the above simulation is a black hole/white hole pattern of the universe. When we try to define the singularity, the centre of the torus, we find we can not.

What is created passes through its cycle and then falls back into nothing, available again to become whatever it wants.

It is impossible to define the singularity in ultimate terms. Nassim Haramein has found that the centre of the torus is infinitely dense, or in other words, it contains the entire universe.

Fundamental reality has an infinite number of answers or possibilities, it has any number of possible outcomes. When the future comes about it does so now and is directly related to how we focus our minds.

The future does not exist until we create it. We are the factor, the parameter that decides the outcome whether our conscious waking mind realises it or not.

We can not isolate ourselves from the universe, we form part of the equation, always.

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