The Energies of May 2018 ~
Conscious Creation
"A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation."
Neale Donald Walsch
Beloved Light Emissaries,
As you know, ascension is nothing but the descension of who we truly are, within a physical realm. It is not about ascending, but about integrating all this higher wisdom into our human self and earthly plane, that makes us the energy masters and sovereign beings that we truly are and that, as humans, we are here to remember. This is a month to realize if we have created inner synthesis or if we are yet in need to unite what remains unhealed and fragmented within.
Manifestation is the conscious use of Power, one that comes from our soul and the loving essence of our heart, one that is never forced but that embraces all as equal and that only manifests what is aligned with our true soul path and mission. Manifestation is to be able to descend from the ethereal, all this Power, as well as our soul desires and as the magicians that we are - to display our true potential, in the physical.
By manifestation, we tend to understand the physical creation of material things. In truth manifestations can be anything that helps us feel at peace. It can be a peaceful state of being, the abundance we need to sustain us in the physical, a change we have been consciously creating for the betterment of our human experience, or simply the pure bliss we feel when we are aligned with who we are and with how things are, whether we resonate with them or not, in our existence.
Anything that assists us in increasing alignment with our God Self, is a manifestation, for as ascending souls, we are beginning to remember, that not everything is about creating more money, nice material things etc. but about the true peace and joy originating from our loving state of being - of acceptance, surrender and trust.
As a confirmation of the April energies of change and the subsequent progress that comes when we have transformed the old and are heading into our true soul desires, this month of May is a 16 universal month - 7 reduced. Number 16 is represented by the tarot card of the Tower, which is destructive for many, but to me, it simply means the conscious change or the necessary one that must occur, for us to dissolve an inner state of being and/or situation that is not aligned with our true soul journey.
A misguided path can be destroyed by conscious desire, for we have realized this is not the path we are meant to navigate in, or by Divine Intervention, for sometimes our God Self can cause the necessary changes required for us to return to our original path. When this occurs, the human self may tend to see it as something negative, and as if everything from the outside is causing us troubles or as if it was a curse. In truth, what we see as chaotic or as destructive, is the required frequency we need to change the direction of a "mistaken" path, for in truth all paths end by taking us to our true destination, nothing experienced is ever wrong or useless.
On the other hand, number 7 - 16 reduced - is represented by the tarot card of the Chariot. This card represents the triumph that comes when we are aligned with our God Will and when we have finally passed the challenges that may come with change and with the apparent chaos that seems to reign while this change lasts in our human experience. In the end, if we learn how to accept, embrace and navigate through change, we will end up being the warriors and powerful brave beings that we naturally are.
Many of us are already beginning to feel the amplification that this new month brings, as well as the many intentions from the dark forces to regain control over human consciousness. This is something we already knew and that I have been sharing since the summer of 2017. This will continue to occur for we dwell in a dualistic Universe where both forces are essential to keep the balance and for us to experience what we came here to master - transcending polarity consciousness and stepping into a unified path. Therefore, only by remaining in the Illumined Essence of our soul, doing our unique task, is that we can avoid the many attempts from these unconscious entities to impede us do our unique mission.
Fragmented souls reintegration: Sexual-creative force vs. masculine essence
As our Planet and ourselves continue to merge with the new 5D/6D consciousness timelines, the 3D lower ones begin to dissolve, bringing an opportunity for those who are ready to awake and step into a conscious evolutionary path. At this time, there are many fragmented humans, who are beginning to reclaim their lost fragments, bringing unification and healing to their long term fragmented state. The process of soul fragment's integration can be a long and painful one, especially when the person has been used by the dark forces, as it occurs many times, as a conduit for their dark tactics. However, this is the first step to regain balance and wholeness.
Due to the new opening portals and the frequency we are integrating from them, for our Planet's grids have been manipulated not to receive the frequency coming from the 6 and 7D, for the matrix was created to keep us in a limited manipulative reality. It is now, after this bifurcation, that our Planet is able to receive these frequencies from the Illuminated Relams.
May is a decisive point for the ones working with the clearing and purification of their sacral-feminine chakras as well as masculine essence, both deeply distorted, eons ago, for we are now experiencing the embrace of the masculine essence, as well as an earthly one, in this second phase of the year, and it is now when many will realize if they possess imbalances in their first and second chakras and masculine essence, or if they finally synthesized, and hence, balanced both essences.
As you know our first and second chakras are our main channels dealing with our sexual-creative essence and it is by our creations in the physical as well as by our state of being, for not everything has to be physical manifestation, that we can see the evidence of the balance we finally have created or the lack of it. Having imbalances in these main chakras is also a common cause of soul fragmentation, for when there is great pain, there is always a fragment of our soul that splits, dwelling in separation and suffering.
Venus, the ruler of Taurus, entering into Cancer on May 19, will be a good omen, so to speak, for the ones working with the healing and integration of both essences, for this frequency is meant to help us realize where we are not yet loving all aspects of ourselves and what we still deny embracing. Are you the caretaker of others except of yourself? Are you giving but not allowing to receive due to your unconscious fears and feelings of guilt? Pure and unconditional love cannot be given if first it is not within ourselves, what we give is self-sacrifice, which is a totally different frequency that has nothing to do with Divine Love.
Our sexual-feminine essence is so important that two of our main chakras are in charge of dealing with this creative force. When we have suffered abuse, especially sexual ones, familial traumatic experiences, violent relationships, between many other forms of physical and emotional damage, a conscious or unconscious fear will be created, impeding the proper healing and awareness required for us to work with what is still wounded, within.
When this occurs, many, as they become adults, will have already created the mental defenses or protective mechanism not to become aware of the wounded child and/or the situation that must be brought to the surface to be dissolved and understood. Pain, must be faced, embraced and accepted, for when it is covered, with time, it become a physical issue, that the majority of the times impedes the person to have balanced relationships, first with themselves, and then with others, for when there is an imbalance in the feminine there is in the masculine and vice versa, impeding them to manifest the required balance to nurture themselves and to build strong foundations.
A balance comes when we go within, face our fears, integrate what our pain is showing us, and heal and unify what was fragmented. There are many that have not yet integrated their masculine essence, for they tend to focus more on the ethereal and in connecting with the Illuminated Realms - unable to manifest a prosperous life.
When this occurs, it is a sign of deep traumatic experience/s with the masculine and a clear sign that we have not integrated it yet, and it is unconsciously denied by the individual. These people will also manifest physical issues in their solar plexus area, for it is related to our masculine essence as well as our personal power. All is intertwined and all must be worked as equal. The embrace of the masculine is as important as the feminine-intuitive one, to be able to function as empowered and balanced beings.
When we are not able to create strong foundations to support ourselves in the physical, no matter what our job or mission is, then usually it is an issue of not having these power centers or channels in harmony, For sometimes we know how to create, from within, but then, as the masculine has not been embraced, it cannot manifest these inner creations, in the tangible, resulting in lack of abundance, which again, is another form of love for the self, another main reason of not being able to embrace infinite abundance.
We all have passed through this until mastering inner synthesis and dissolving all that was hidden. only compassion and self-love - and respect for where we are in our journey - will help us deal with the challenges that we now experience.
These are some of the most common physical signs that show imbalances in your creative and power channels:
- Survival fears: It occurs when we dwell in lack, in fear of not having enough, and hence another sign that our feminine and masculine essences are not yet balanced. Some of these fears are also related to the negative alien agenda, manipulation, eons ago, with our main creative channels, and of course with the distortion of our main power channel, that led many to this disempowering state of being. This is something that can be healed if one works daily with the remembrance of who they truly are as well as by healing primary fears etc. All depends on the main issue we would like to dissolve.
- Delusion of control: This occurs when we have not yet surrendered to a Higher Will, believing we can truly control what is outside ourselves. This is a sign of masculine imbalances.
- Abusive relationships: If the woman is the abuser, although genre is not really relevant, for it happens in partners of same sex as well, it all depends on the imbalanced essence more than in the physical genre, it is a sign that the masculine has not been integrated and hence the individual keeps repeating old traumatic experiences or tends to manipulate, punish and/or abuse the male, in the relationship (parenting problems, childhood abuse etc). on the other hand, if we are the ones being abused, it can denote lack of self power, self-love and acceptance.
- Narcissism: An excess of love for the self, although again, is delusional for there cannot be real love in only loving the physical aspects of who we are instead of embracing all as Divine, and equal, more than as a human ideal of beauty.
- Lack of abundance: This is a clear and very common one, manifestation of the imbalances that occur when we focus more on one polarity, for the masculine is not able to manifest and protect what the feminine is not first nurturing from within, from a space of lack of self-love and balance.
As usual, there will be more physical signs that will show you where you are in your path and what you need to heal. We all are unique and only by knowing yourself completely and by being in constant neutral observation mode - can you know what story your body is telling you. If the issue is beyond the emotional and has become now a physical one, then if you are experiencing certain pains or challenges in your hips, sexual area, etc, it will be showing you it is the feminine.
On the other hand, if your issues are related to your stomach area, lack of personal power etc. then it is the masculine. It all depends on the original wound behind all this and your particular situation. Independently of the cause of the imbalance, remember that only by using the tools you feel guided and by loving and being compassionate with yourself, can you improve and finally solve the issue. Using others to do your inner work, denying the cause of your original pain a well as covering it with substances, will only add more inner work and imbalances.
It is pivotal to begin working on emotional healing as well as polarity integration, for this is the first step towards hieros gamos in both within and in our relationships.
New Earth's 6/7D grid layer’s activation
As we continue our journey to unity consciousness, and as our Planet keeps evolving - within this endless spiral of creation - we are now beginning to activate, again, after eons of manipulation, the 6D and 7D layers both within and on the Planet, that connect us with the Illumined Realms and that were a long time ago distorted - to be able to create a race of slaves instead of the empowered beings that we naturally are.
For the ones who work with new earth grids, this is new but not surprising, for we have been experiencing the increase of light received and the new openings since our bifurcation, in December 2017. It is a time to keep working on creating unity - and strong boundaries - to repel the dark attacks and their many tactics to regain control, and choose to be in service to All, which is a concept only the ones working in service to humanity can understand, for we are the ones who remember the true meaning and existence of the dark, as well as its purpose within Creation, and hence, we choose not to separate and serve All as equal, for the Divine never separates and loves All as equal, for All are in truth equal, in Essence.
For some souls who are beginning to experience hieros gamos or the fusion between their feminine and masculine essences, they could be experiencing many sensations due to the merging of both polarities and the new openings - in our body channels - that connect us with this New Earth Grid system that goes beyond the 5D realm and that enables us to connect with higher planes of existence. Some of these sensations are:
- Dizziness: due to the awakening to our multidimensionality and the work we do behind the physical, .
- Spine-tingling: due to the proper embodiment of these new frequencies and the activation of our Kundalini essence.
- Loss of our 3D personality identity: due to the awakening to our true mission, we become All, for we remember true unity and begin to leave behind our egoic desires to serve our God Will and hence, All without separation.
- Emotional breakdowns: This is due to the constant integration of Light and hence, the releasing of more aspects of the old self, between many other factors, for we are all unique, and the human self tends to suffer this process. It can be also tears of joy, of gratitude and of simply relief for letting go.
- Feeling asleep or sleeping more than usual: We all are different and while some people are hyper others need more rest after their integration process.
There are many things you can do to improve the activation of these new 6D and 7D layers within your DNA, which is the first step, to begin reawakening from within, to our physical body:
- Removal of 3D chakras’ membranes: something some of us experienced one of few years ago, and the embodiment of the new chakra system.
- Dissolution of your 3D egoic personality.
- Elimination of dark forces: For some of us we are attacked by proxy, for these forces are no longer able to enter into our auric field. This comes with conscious inner work as well as with the proper protection required, as well as with the neutral observation and compassion - experienced instead of egoic desperation and other egoic mechanisms that can only lower our frequency.
Remember beloveds, we all are unique, we all have our time to heal/dissolve and/or to continue experiencing the same old patterns until we become fully conscious of what is impeding us in embodying our true essence and mission. There is no need - or point - in comparing ourselves with others, in judging ourselves when we catch our repetition of old habits, for this increasingly delays the healing process.
Only by respecting ourselves as the innocent Divine beings that we, in nature, are, allows us the experience of rehabilitation and the emergence into a new path of self-love, respect and expansion - within limitless horizons.
Planetary Alignments
We end April with a stabilizing and healing Full Moon at 9 degrees of Scorpio, to assist us in dealing with the transformative frequency we have been experiencing - during the entire month. A Moon which sextiled Saturn and that invited us to observe if we take responsibility for who we are and for all our creations, or if we are yet blaming others or external circumstances for the physical outcomes we create ourselves. This Moon also served us to create balance after anchoring the necessary changes into our lives and relationships.
To confirm what we are already experiencing/feeling, like I shared, in the beginning, this new month holds a 7 frequency - 16 reduced. Number seven is a mystical and master number, for it holds all the wisdom required for us to manifest in the tangible, all we desire to experience. on the contrary of what is often thought of this number, it is not a passive one, for its masculine essence means the one who wisely brings into form that which was once nurtured and properly discerned from within, from a space of love and connection to All That Is.
Number seven shows us where we have been and where we are going. Have you mastered all the challenges that were kindly showing you what you needed to remember? Have you realized the illusion of separation? Have you found the mystic within? If so, and as the tarot card that represents this magical number - the Chariot - you are now ready to bring all this inner magic, creations and abundance into your physical realm, where you decided to become a master of the tangible plane.
If you still hold within separation, if you still judge yourself and put yourself into a lower place or compare your journey with that of others, then you are yet to master your lower self. This is not something that is showing you how slow you are with respect to others, but how blessed you are to be shown all you still need to dissolve and purify, for it will not serve you within the New Space that you have decided to inhabit. As the men in the Chariot tarot card, you must walk your path with decision, patience but always in motion towards your true path, and only those who are ready to confront the challenges in the middle, will achieve the soul expansion they are so eager to experience.
Now, we move from the frequency of change we experienced during April to the conscious creation of our soul desires, in the physical, during this new energetic month of May. As a reminder of the importance of focusing and treating as equal our earthly realm, we begin this month with Mercury entering into Taurus on May 13, until May 20 when it will enter into Gemini, and in the next days, on May 15, we also have a New Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus, to remind us the importance of connecting to our physical realm, together with Uranus, entering into Taurus as well.
Mercury in Taurus will show us where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in our tangible lives, for our existence is not just to dwell in the ethereal remembering who we truly are, but to also be practical and descend into the physical all we have created in the non-physical. Mercury in Taurus is a wonderful time to observe - from a higher perspective - the aspects of our lives, in which, we should set strong foundations and create more abundance - which is always another form of love.
Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, and the first of the transcendental Planets, in Taurus will assist us to reinvent ourselves, breaking free from old mental chains and finally expanding into new horizons by creating that which is finally aligned with who we have become. Uranus's frequency is meant to destroy old worlds, obsolete ones that impede us in embracing our true potential and experiencing new realities.
Traditions, old habits, what is familiar... Uranus's essence will dissolve all that is keeping us enslaved, giving us the opportunity to detach from our 3D personality and its fixed desires and move into a zone of infinite possibilities, whether known or unknown, for Uranus does not fear what is new, on the contrary, it dwells in what is genuine, unknown and inexperienced.
On May 20, the sun will enter Gemini. We pass now from the earthly sign Taurus to move into the speed of the element Air. It is now time to focus our attention into our mental Plane until we reach the perfect balance and wisdom that we need in all planes. If we learnt how to manifest in our earthly world with Taurus, enjoying the simple pleasures of our lives, our mere existence and the joy to be here at a unique time - experiencing a human realm, creating infinite abundance etc, now, the Twins, will make us cultivate reason and everything related with our intellectual side.
It is also a good time to study and expand our knowledge into new directions that could benefit our inner growth and give us new ideas for the next steps of our journey. Gemini will also assist us to express our hearts and feelings, by communicating with freedom, and discernment. It will help us to realize if we tend to focus more into one polarity or the other, so we can find union between different poles. A perfect time as well to dissolve from our mental body negative thoughts, conflicts, confusion and everything that is there causing us imbalances that later will be manifested into physical pain, in our bodies.
The Planet of expansion, Jupiter, will trine Neptune on May 25. This is the second trine, for the first one happened on December 2017 and the last one will be on August 2018. This cosmic encounter is precious for the ones who are working on transcending religion, and all human fixed beliefs, and expanding into a path of self-knowledge, beginning to search within the Guru we are so eager to find externally, and being the endless quest of personal enlightenment.
This frequency will also assist those who are beginning to surrender to their God Will and moving beyond their human desires, being of service to All. This is when we begin to leave our 3D personality and our identity with it, aside, and move into a more unified state of being, where we no longer have personal desires in the egoic sense, but our will is now aligned with the Divine one, working only to bring love and compassion instead of personal satisfaction.
Finally, on May 29, we have a Full Moon at 8 degrees Sagittarius, which is linked to the trine between Jupiter and Neptune, for this trine is also about seeking the Truth by ourselves as well as the essence of this Moon in the Seeker Sagittarius - the Truth-seekers of the zodiac, as they wander for more wisdom and answers to their inner questions, not hesitating if the road gets hard, as they know that finding the Truth will be worth it.
Sagittarians are perseverant in what they truly desire, and they enjoy the journey more than getting to their “destination” as they are grateful for all the lessons learnt in their unique path and know that it is in the journey in itself where true wisdom resides. Sagittarius also gives us the strength to go after our dreams and goals, so we can use and direct this fire within to regain new insights for this new cycle and be brave enough to enrol ourselves into a new way of BEing and doing things.
Sagittarius' essence invites us to do precisely the same, to enjoy the Now and what is being nurtured in this moment - finding the truth for - and within - ourselves, instead of searching it outside, for it will be the only way, in which, it will be revealed to us - unfiltered of any mundane human illusions.
With this Full Moon in Sagittarius, we conclude a cycle and begin a new one of heart expansion - birthing new soul visions into the physical. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, asks us to expand into new horizons but also, and even more with the Sun in Gemini, to embody new knowledge, as this Fire sign is represented by the figure of the Archer - a Centaur who used to be the intellectual one in Roman ancient mythology, encourages us to dig into our inner wisdom and ancient soul memories for further soul expansion.
This is a Moon for revelations, for diving deep into the truth our human self denies to see, for it feels comfortable in the shadows of the familiar, and for us to finally embrace a path of authenticity, courage and a higher wisdom.
Conscious creation
May is a month for us to create synthesis between opposite polarities, for it is only by inner fusion that we can birth a reality that is aligned with our true soul desires, and hence, God Will. It is a phase for us to begin acting as the masters of energy that we are in nature and begin to love our earthly essence, and realm, as we also love to dwell into the ethereal.
A month to prosper, to expand, and to illuminate, even what we call "dark", for we did not come here to serve only the Light but to love All as another aspect of the Divine who serves us to grow and expand, even if we sometimes choose to deny the purpose of the opposite forces.
Conscious creation is the ability to unify our human self with our God one - creating with pure intention and clarity, from an illumined and wise space of Divine Love what will enrich our soul, and human self, in the physical.
I AM the Creative Power that consciously creates worlds and that is ever expanding within you and within infinite Universes, for I, have no beginning nor end, and so are you.
I AM forever embracing the masculine and the feminine, for I AM both, since one cannot exist without the other.
I AM the Fire, the Impulse, that push you to go beyond your human limits - always thriving within unknown horizons.
I AM a Source of inifinite possibilities, abundance and unconditional love to All - manifesting a prosperous reality for the Highest good of All.
And so are You!
I wish you all a month filled with infinite abundance, love and blessings, Beloved Companions!
In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba
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