Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Message from the Team: "You are Being Recalibrated"

namaste123 2018. 4. 25. 20:20

_________ Message from the 'Team' _________ 

You are Being Recalibrated

Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here once again to empower you in owning your true understanding of who you are. We often acknowledged you as a multidimensional divine being. As this multidimensional divine being, you are having a very physical experience in this dimension and time frame.  While in your physical aspect it becomes your total focus, which has the interesting ability to lock you in, so to speak, to this hologame.

We are inviting you to expand your conscious awareness beyond your physical focus. Your conscious awareness expands beyond your body; it is not your mind. You mind processes information according to your beliefs. Begin to experience that you are not confined within the narrow space of your skull; your mind is not separated or isolated. You are not alienated from your body, your environment or other living things. You are interconnected. You truly are a conscious being connected to all aspect of the universe.

There is interconnectivity between your consciousness and this Earth's energetic systems. Realize that it is the Earth's magnetic fields that assist to synchronize and support this interconnection with all living things. There is a field of collective consciousness. Your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, intentions are not limited to your mind. They are truly a broadcast. There is an energetic entanglement that exists between all things, from the stars in your sky to a blade of grass. Begin to own this reality, begin to invite the possibilities.

These mental and emotional states that are being broadcast by you can and do affect others. Consciousness permeates your reality; it is the very foundation of the universe. Consciousness is present in every particle and in all physical matter.

Begin to play with this potency. Allow yourself to imagine, pretend if necessary, that you can communicate with your own body cells, with plants, animals, stones or non-physical being of love and light. Allow yourself to own the possibility that you can send a mental pattern or thought to another. Practice this; allow your telepathic abilities to emerge. It is like any task the more you practice the more skillful you will become.

Begin to imagine, sense or feel yourself shifting to another time frame or dimension. This is all possible once you begin to entertain the potentiality. You exist as a being of light vibrations; it is conceivable to open your awareness to the entire multiverse.

Allow yourself quiet time, away from all your electronics. Give yourself this gift. Humanity is in the process of evolving. The old paradigm is struggling as this shift is taking place. Individuals like yourself are awaking to realize they have been in a very limited mental box. As a divine empathic being in a human body they have matched this field of unconscious limitation. The shift is occurring. You are a big part of that shift.

Humanity is being supported by galactic consciousness. Frequencies and vibrations are being offered that bring about a shift. There have been major solar storms; this cosmic energy has been extremely high and will continue for some time. These solar storms have an impact on radio communications, navigation in your GPS systems, the earth's magnetic fields and all living organisms. 

They often disrupt sleep patterns and heart rates, create body sensations of aches and pains, and cause difficulty in focusing, fatigue and lack of energy. They can also trigger heightened states of awareness, enhanced intuition, intense dreams, or seeing or feeling energy in a new and more profound way.

These solar geomagnetic storms have a very real effect our your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well being. The frequencies emanating from these storms trigger a cleansing of dense toxic energy or blockages held in the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical energy fields of each individual as well as the collective consciousness.

This is truly an opportunity to cleanse and clear any old traumas, dysfunctional or limiting patterns or thoughts. We invite you to embrace this cosmic energy, and allow yourself to ride this wave rather than being fearful and resisting.

We want you to understand what is occurring. You and everyone are going through an intense awakening period and your physical body is transcending from a physical body to a "light body." You are being recalibrated. These celestial gifts are shifting your level of consciousness from a totally physical focus to an interconnected focus.

You are here to anchor this very happening. You are here to hold this awareness and make it available to the collective consciousness. This is how evolution happens. It is triggered by galactic vibrations and energy.

While you are experiencing these intense changes, be kind, compassionate and forgiving of yourself and others. Remember to breathe deeply and often, drink plenty of water, eat healthy high vibrations foods, spend time alone, spend time in nature, meditate, move and dance. Watch your thoughts and words for they create your reality. Welcome this transformation. Embrace all the wonders that are being offered. Tap into your inner wisdom and knowing.

This energy is opening a portal allowing and inviting you to step into your true power as a conscious cosmic member of the universe. You are a creator of realities and are a part of the creation of this new reality that is becoming. Remember you are a conscious alchemist, here to transform dense misqualified or negative energy whenever or however it appears.

We celebrate this transformation that is manifesting. We celebrate you as you anchor the energy that is being offered. Remember to reach out to the non-physical beings of love and light as we are always here to support you and your beloved planet. Be in your excitement, grace and gratitude for all that is manifesting. We embrace you. the 'team'

 ___________ My Personal Message___________

This has been a wet month for me. It was raining when I left San Jose to fly to Kauai. It was pouring rain when I arrived and continued for the entire two weeks of my visit with my daughter. one night we had the mother of all lightning and thunder storms. It lasted over an hour, very very impressive, talk about loud WOW! My daughter’s home has lots of windows and French doors, so every flash would light up the entire room. All roads were closed; bridges were down, with cars and houses swept away by rushing water or mudslides.  Kauai was in a state of emergency.

The visit was intense. She is still emotionally raw from the death of her beloved. She is dealing with all of his belongings. Several times a day she would be triggered and a flood of tears would occur.  It takes a lot to overwhelm me and I was a bit overwhelmed with the task ahead of us and supporting her in dealing with all the stuff. The storm happened and we shifted gears and spent several days assisting friends whose homes were flooded.

A situation like that causes you to reflect on your own blessings with gratitude. This is certainly a difficult time; however I know she will be fine. It was so sweet just to be with her.  I was sad to leave her, yet it was nice to get home. I plan to go back in a few months.

I have been so excited to respond to all the incredible feedback regarding my new website, I invite you to visit and check out all that is offered about my work, my garden and my personal experiences of transformation. 

Please contact me if you are interested in booking appointments to have a personal interface and connection with the 'team.' I love making the 'team' available for these sessions, they bring clarity and guidance.

Thank you so much for your kind support. The emails, bluesky gifts and cards I receive from you are so inspiring. Your love and prayers are greatly appreciated. We are a powerful community of spiritual beings and I am honored to be a part of our service together. 

I acknowledge each of you as you recognize yourself as a master of transformation when dealing with all that is occurring in your life and on our planet. We are making a difference. I acknowledge your magnificence as you willingly heal and transform all that you encounter. I invite you to live in gratitude. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life sustaining for all. Blessings of grace and joy, Peggy

©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. 

Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. 

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