Supporting Your Multi-Dimensional Body For MORE LIGHT To Be Held By You!
Collective Physical Body Ascension

It's going to be more important than ever now to honor your physical body, with your Living Plasma Crystalline Light Body DNA Activating at an Accelerated Rate
With each activation and phase, our DNA awakens our physical body to come online more through Higher Consciousness, while making unconscious programs visible/audible/feelable so we can identify them for transcending from within.
What your body will "need", will be different all along the way. There are no more "have to's" or "should's", like there was in ego dominant realities. Here, there is what feels right, what resonates, what speaks to you, what you know inside and what your body/higher self/Universe shows you/tells you.
Those "random" thoughts become Universal Messages (light encoded information) for you to pay attention to and "learn" how to utilize this information to enhance your own life.
AS ALL HOLD MORE LIGHT, the physical body and physical realities continue to transform and change.
NEW Earth REALities materialize all around us, as we are truly open and ready to experience this. The human mind tries to conceptualize and figure things out, and while this is important for expanding the mind beyond the previous perceptions and limits/conditioning/programming held within, the ACTUAL EXPERIENCE reflects/shows us all we need to know, our body speaks and our thoughts tell us what programs are/were anchored in our cellular storage, as well as what we are creating to experience here. The Physical Reality is a Vibrational DELIVERY System of REALities we believe(d) and support(ed) through our own energy (and things) before, and the vibration we were coming from that created them to be "what many call reality" to start with.
As more awaken from the heavy veils of amnesia, to come to understand and REMEMBER through their own hearts opening and re-connect with their own HUMANITY inside, the collective realities once having a hold, becomes no longer, because each realizes how their own belief energy is supporting that to be. This is where each takes their power back, to unify and FORM our NEW Earth HUmanity through truly caring about what is truly important. A thriving, just and supportive society that is created and contributed to by each one of us.
All of this starts within. The truly caring, the believing, the knowing and the "work" to make it happen. It takes everyone ready for NEW, ready for all to change and disclosing/sharing that which was hidden, bringing it all into Light, opening up to realize that the old systems do not work, have not worked and NEW onES are necessary for where we are going now.
You are the systems, the ones who make a difference here. You are the NEW. You are the one that opens your heart to connect with each other. We all are. You are the one that holds all, that must choose and be ready to anchor a whole new reality through your own higher consciousness here. You are the one... that must release every one of those old beliefs by holding on, while embracing the wonder, the brilliance and the magic that's available when your heart is wide open and fully connected to your own SOUL from inside and everything around you that's beautiful and wondrous too.
You are the one that must respect, honor and love you, that must care about you enough. You are the one that matters and is more than enough, holds the KEY to the entire Universe, Galaxies and Gaia inside of you. You are the one that is CHANGE, the onE that has the ability to CREATE, the ability to do anything you desire and can see with your heart. Getting your human on-board is your "job". only you can.
All of your dreams and desires are available, when you re-unite with your purest you from within. All the magic and wonder, the beauty... is an essence, and energy that you re-connect with. All of the amazingness emanates from within you, when you are ready to shift your mindset from "less". When you decide that you are ready, truly ready, to be happy beyond your wildest dreams. You can.
The "circumstances" of awakening from a deeeeeeeep sleep (slumber), make you shake your head, rub your eyes and blow your human mind. The experience of being "shaken awake" or "shocked awake", of feeling discomfort, is all a part of the process of realizing what you could not see/was not fully visible before. The abruptness occurs when the vibration has raised high enough for your Higher Consciousness DNA to "turn on". Returning to Full Power within yourself means no longer accepting less that love in your own reality world, no longer accepting what does not support humanity, what divides, separates and forces one into submission through fear. This is the 3rd/4th Dimension, an illusion that each believed .... before...
The Grand Awakening is changing this, as all are faced with their own HUmanity and more. To transition from a society (Earth) that's divided, in chaos to awaken, shaking up realities to open hearts, presenting the opportUNITY for each to reclaim their own power through Unity as Love, the opportUNITY is always there. Each has to take it, accept it, choose it and make it their "new reality"/world.
Suffering is a mindset, it's the energy of your/the ego being experienced/played out. It represents attachment to an outcome, a need, a lack of power and love for self and each other too. It's a mentality, a old program/unconscious belief and energy that must be cleared from the cellular body.... how one experiences this is determined by many things. Mostly when each is ready not to suffer anymore and chooses a different experience, WHILE the ENERGY clears....
Bliss, magic, peace and love ... these are mindsets that create energy to be FELT and EXPERIENCED too. These too are a choice of raising our own vibration OUT OF THE OLD UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING HELD and shifting all ourselves. This is each's ability and responsibility too. Others can assist, yet the onE must be ready, or they hold themselves to EXPERIENCING less, because it's safe, habit or feeds a lack/need within where each prefers to put responsibility on others... this way is ending, the ability to not stand in your power dissolves with the veils of amnesia and all around you who become conscious too. :)
Those who are conscious, realize that each have a choice on HOW THEY EXPERIENCE all, that each reality is a response and also understand that THE EXPERIENCE is what TEACHES our HUMAN ASPECT and wakes us up. We don't intervene to save, impose or try to change the experience that each chose to wake themselves up/open their hearts. We honor their SOUL's choices, while BEING THE LIGHT, SHINING THE LIGHT and opening up OpportUNITY for each to go inward to re-connect with their own Light and self-love too.
As sleeping collectives awaken to EGO SEPARATION, it can get intense, because the ego aspect will do anything not to take responsibility, not to open their hearts, to impose, insists and keep things the same, out of fear.... which is no longer an option for anyone anymore.
Your ability is to recognize, when the ego is present, when the heart is closed, to see the patterns, the programs, the habits, the fears, the separation and dissolve it yourself as Love. Dissolving it by not participating, not supporting, not allowing it to continue... this is just one your higher consciousness responsibilities as LOVE for all of us here. To not re-enter the old realms of amnesia and go unconscious too.
YOU become the Guide, the one who shows the way, with your actions, your caring, your honor, your integrity, your respect, your kindness and your UNITY that you hold within. You are the one that is the center of Your Universe, the one that dictates which dimension you experience here. You are the one that created everything to experience, by what you held in your body, DNA and cells.
As your body moves into RAPID ACCELERATION and release of all to raise it's vibration high enough to PHYSICALLY ASCEND FULLY, where NEW Earth is the reality that you experience every moment too, you will have to choose to honor your body, as it determines the Earth you walk on, the Vibrational Dimension you EXPERIENCE, the realities that present to you. As your Consciousness expands beyond your body, your body serves all new purposes and NEEDS you to listen to, love and respect it. Your body SPEAKS and tells you what it needs and what it's trying to do in order to evolve as a Multi-Dimensional Body for you.
NEW Earth is all United, working together as Love. It's all of US sharing, holding the Light and making a difference in small ways, in huge ways... in every way... by not going unconscious/asleep anymore. It's each sleeping enough to dissolve the heavy duty veils. It's each ready to embrace a MUCH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE and make it reality here.
Compassion is holding a SPACE for each to work through on their own, for each to transcend duality and struggle inside, it's providing an opportUNITY for each to step into their own power and return to loving themselves, so that they can love each other/all of humanity too. It's where each no longer accepts separation as a way of existing/living anymore. That was the way of the old.
You, me, us... we all experience exactly what is necessary to bring each one of us into a higher consciousness existence through opening our hearts, so our higher mind consciousness can come on-line too. It's each's higher heart-mind consciousness that makes the impact, because of the power and strength held by each as we do. This is where you stand in your power, this is where you say no, this is where you see what oblivion and ignorance/ignoring, not wanting to see/know/take responsibility, taking your power back creates as an experience for you/all.
NEW Earth is all around you, when you live NEW Earth and full Unity inside. When you re-connect with the beauty, the magnificence and you CHOOSE THIS as your life. NEW Earth is a VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE that you FEEL and EXPERIENCE as old suppressed programs and emotions dissolve. The old vibrations in the body are being activated to awaken the body fully, so that you can FEEL your way back HOME too.
Open your heart to be completely ready for a whole new reality too. You will have to do the inner work, so that the outside can be realigned easier for/by you. ♥
Constant an continual Accelerated Harmonic Realignment, with your body, your reality and your consciousness... this is where we are now. All must completely be brought into Harmony through Love, Unity and Purity, as our Multi-Dimensional Earth/SOLar System RETURNS all to full consciousness again/now.
Thank you to all of you, who are dedicated to your own evolutionary and awakening journey/processes here, for all that you do as you open up to share and reconnect all through the Purity of Love too! Keep shining your light, embracing the awesomeness and recognizing your own separation/unconscious programs as they emerge within you and present in your physical reality for you to work through too.
With love and appreciation from Kauai,
Lisa Transcendence Brown
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