
Orin: "Aligning with Your Soul to Express Love as Your Purpose"

namaste123 2019. 2. 11. 02:22


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Transcript of Orin: 

"Aligning with Your Soul to Express Love as Your Purpose"

Greetings from Orin. 

One of the purposes of your soul is to love, to radiate love, to express love, and to change the energies about you by holding a focus of love.

You can do this by connecting with your soul, opening to receive its love to increase your capacity to love and to express more love, a higher love, in every area of your life. No matter what situation you are in, as you express love you will transform that situation, and in so doing you will be fulfilling your purpose.

Start by joining with your soul, by becoming aware of your soul, perhaps as a radiant sphere of light all around you lifting you higher, increasing your vibration.

You might think of your heart center as having many petals, with a jewel in its middle.

Your soul also has a heart center made of many petals with a central jewel that represents the highest energy within you. As you picture your heart center imagine you are blending with your soul’s heart center.

A beautiful note is sounded. A very pure, kind, loving vibration travels through your body, harmonizing all of your energy and synchronizing it to a higher note — a more harmonious, loving, very magnetic, pure vibration of love.

Your soul’s love is pouring into your heart center. If there is anything in your heart where you feel hurt, separate, or alone, let this energy of your soul begin to heal that area with love and compassion for you and all you have been through.

As you deepen your connection to your soul and allow its love to heal you, you then have more to offer others. Think of a situation in your life, an event or circumstance that you would like to shift and align with your soul’s purpose.

As this situation comes to mind, sense that beautiful, harmonious note that comes out of your heart right now. As your heart center is blended with your soul’s heart, you are now beginning to radiate love to that situation, to everyone involved, and to yourself, lifting it with love. Expressing your purpose as love.

Imagine what would be different, or just watch the energies change as you express loving understanding and how that might change this situation, expressing your purpose of love.

Let the quality of compassion radiate out from you into this situation, circumstance, and to everyone involved.

Let that note of harmony pour forth from the center of your being, your heart center aligned with your soul’s heart.

Let the quality of forgiveness shine forth from the center of your being, forgiveness of yourself; forgiveness wherever it is needed.

As you align with your soul your soul will show you exactly where these qualities are needed and will create a shift, both now and whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Feel that quality of compassion and forgiveness shining through you like a soft, gentle, healing light.

And with your soul let go of any sense of separateness, of criticism of yourself or the other.

And just rest for a moment in the peace of love as you express your purpose as love.

Let that love expand throughout the day, knowing that every time you do this your capacity for love will grow. Your ability to lift all the energies about you with love will expand, and you will be able to experience more peace and harmony.

And come back when you are ready. Remember that beautiful note that flows out from you, bringing the light of love to all the energies around you.

And I bid you good day for now.