December 2017 - Planetary Ascension
Michelle Manders
At the time of writing this, there are only 33 days left before the end of the bifurcation. In other words, there are only 33 days left before Density 1 comprised of the 3D world, is permanently split apart from the higher vibrating dimensions in the Higher Harmonic Universes we as a planetary consciousness are ascending into. This means Goddess Gaia is ascending into her 7th Dimensional Body emanation and opening to fully embody her entire 12th Dimensional Christ-All (Krystal) Living Body of Living Light.
When does this take place? We cross the threshold on the 31st of December, marking the end of the 17-year ascension upgrade cycle (2000-2017) and makes way for the next level of our planetary accelerated authentic awakening, and the further anchoring and activating of the Full Planetary Ascension programmes and projects which are pro-human ascension upgrade projects assigned to be completed by 2020.
Goddess Gaia has opened herself to receive her Higher Heart Note Codes, as have we, and now we must ascend into the higher harmonies communicating their divine and sacred language to us. We must now rest assured knowing that we DO have the ability to understand what we were originally encoded to decode. The time to decode the myth has arrived and we are unravelling our own story as well as the true story of Mother Earth.
We are entering an intensive 30-day ascension gateway marathon. Every day of December is a step leading up to the threshold of the Higher Harmonic Universes we will cross into the moment 2018 takes her first breath. The Living (Organic) Network of Living Energy (Matrix) we Source energy from is closer now than it has ever been before. This is largely due to the fact that we have risen to the occasion and have chosen to transcend the densities which kept us trapped in the 3D density in which we were held prisoner and enslaved to be a source for darkness to feed off of in order to perpetuate more pain and suffering.
During December 2017 our Authentic Pro-Human Ascension Teams comprising of our Galactic brothers and sisters of the Living Christ-All (Krystal) Worlds will be guiding us through our final walk to freedom out of Density 1 (Harmonic Universe 1), a walk that shall result in us experiencing less influence coming from the 3D world we have spent all our lives in. The Heavenly Dimensions are ready to receive ALL who have chosen to receive their Living Christ-All Body Template, Keys and Codes by choosing to open to and experience the full activation of the Higher Heart and receive the Higher Heart Note Code of the Living Father-Mother God. Therefore Palace of Peace and Prosperity will be hosting our assigned Planetary Ascension Events for the month of December beginning on the 1st of December.
The December Planetary Ascension Event as a whole is a new lease on life. It is a step up the rung of the Collective Ladder of Authentic Ascension where we find ourselves redefining our life purpose, our perspectives and our understanding of self. This is where we experience the deeper dimensions of the broader world of our collective self, and move into the higher dimensions of our higher intelligence; the divine intellect, which is expressed through the divinity of our awakened soul.
This Planetary Ascension Event brings into our life a more tangible experience and expression of the inner Father God and the Mother Goddess of ALL Living Love and Living Light. The Divine Living Mother has prepared our energy for this day.
We are now ready to embody more of the higher octaves of the Sacred Sound of the True Voice of Mother/Father God. This is a time where the word of God is being expressed on a higher level. By this I mean, it is a voice inside of us that becomes louder, the eyes of God within us become clearer, the body of God within us becomes stronger.
When we embody more understanding of what the expression of life in truth is, we then realise that many of the destructive patterns and experiences we have experienced up until this point have been powerful drives getting us to this next level of the collective Authentic Soul Awakening journey.
As we move into the higher expressions of our collective self we are faced with new challenges. These challenges are however opportunities. This is where we step into another level of our status as an ascending being - our Avatar-Christed Status. This has absolutely nothing to do with feeding the lower-ego and everything to do with empowering the Spirit within us, taking the nature of the Divine Living God and Divine Living Goddess inherent within ourselves, and expressing that nature, merging it with the nature of the external world and creating within that experience, the expression, as these natures collaborate and a new way of living comes into being.
This is like starting over, beginning at the beginning once again, however, this beginning is not one where we are left without knowledge, without power, or wisdom. This is where we move into a higher standard of "education". Higher education regarding our Universal Time Matrix broadens our awareness and understanding of what we are and a part of. This understanding enables our Living Golden Monad to come closer than it has before, merge with us, and then we are more freely and easily able to receive directives from this part of our Higher Self Christed Architecture.
It will take time for us to grasp the magnitude of this, however, as we begin to understand the many dimensions within this grander Universe of experience, we will understand that the aspects of ourselves that have eluded us until this point are now returning to us - why? Because we are ready to deal with these aspects, heal them and integrate them back into our Living Christed Template.
We have the capacity to understand this more advanced language and technology our soul speaks to us. Up until recently, we did not have the capacity to understand it. However, our higher intelligence which has been estranged from us until now is moving into the realms of our ability to consciously understand these vast paradigms. A few hundred years ago there were words that did not exist in people's vocabulary, yet exists at this current time, therefore, all that time ago certain concepts could not be presented because there were no words to describe them.
It is exactly the same now - we can now grasp these concepts because we have completed the initiations that were required in order to open up the inner dimensions within us, to open up the portals inside of our being that could allow access to the Living Akashic Records of Living Wisdom, thus we will witness the unravelling of a whole new world of knowledge, disclosure, experience and interaction with the higher aspects of ourselves and our magnificent universe.
When the Living Golden Monad interacts with us on such a direct level change is to be expected. It is change that reveals to us who we truly are, what we are made of, and it is through this that the creative aspects of Father God and Mother Goddess express themselves through us and take form.
We know that the physical self is just one aspect of many aspects. We know that we are a part of the elements - seen and unseen. We are now moving into a cycle where we are renewing and crystallizing our relationship with the one and only TRUE Mother/Father God of Unconditional Living Love and Living Light in a whole new way. This is a personal and very profound process of reconnection.
This Promise of New Life is not limited to the fantasy of experiencing Utopia. This is not to say that this is a far-out fantasy; those ideals will come into being, but before anyone can settle into a Utopia of any sort, we must be in alignment with certain very important aspects of the self, therefore, this cycle of the new Harmonic Universe(s), post this Ascension Wave, is taking us into the very depths of who we truly are beyond the Anti-Christ Grids and destructive agenda and architecture.
Our new journey beginning January 2018 is one where we ascend into a space of objectivity. When we observe from this higher perspective, we can see more of ourselves, which is the most important part of this new Ascension Wave.
Currently, there are a number of portals activating across our planet; half of them are activating within Mother Earth's body, the other half are above her body. As these vortices of energy meet so it is that the Waves of this New Energy radiate into the etheric field of Mother Earth's body, which penetrates the magnetic field of every human being on the Planet, and every other kingdom of organic life. This Wave takes everything in its wake into this new energy template. once we are connected to the Living Grid it is then that our choice as to whether we will go with the flow of that Wave and ride the crest into the new harmonic universe; into this new dimension of self-awareness, or remain within the old paradigms of suffering and pain.
Those who choose to remain within the old paradigm will find that their challenges, obstacles and lower-ego create an intensity that becomes unbearable because there are massive cracks in the inorganic matrix field causing collosal collapses of the false field of Mother Earth's body. There is a crust over her body at this time, which is like a gargantuan scab on a wound. During December 2017, she is releasing this wound to the Cosmos to receive the healing she is now ready for, which she deserves, and every single one of us too.
The wounds now opening to receive healing go back millions of years in Earth time, which include all parallel and alternate realities. As these existences come together we will find many layers come to the surface. This does not necessarily mean that we will be faced with the challenges of unresolved issues all of this time, all it means is that the collective wound of this particular period of time can now be healed related to the loss of power brought on by the abuse of power through money, sex, and through the manipulation of the elements and abuse of nature (the human nature and every other aspect of nature).
This equates to an accelerated shifting beyond the destructive consciousness that left people estranged from their Living Golden Monad since the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, going even further back where worlds ended; worlds that we have never even heard of - to when the original Victim-Victimizer Anti-Christ seeded the earth. APPROXIMATELY 20 MILLION YEARS AGO.
The vibrations of the constellation of Bootes, as well as Cassiopeia, and within the Andromedan Galaxy, are permeating Mother Earth's body and bring with them Sacred Signatures. Signatures are unique vibrations of energy placed within a living crystalline seal, which is held within a vortex. Within these vortices are atoms of living light, and as these energies come into our energy field it begins to activate what is held in darkness, so it gets everything moving again. The brighter the light the greater our chances are of understanding our purpose and that which motivates our purpose.
When we know what motivates us, our actions, our decisions, thoughts and words become the clarity that empowers us and we make informed decisions, as well as being in the position to be able to understand the motivations of others. When we can see the motivations of others we are empowered within that moment to make choices that support the greater good of the whole.
This is very good news for those of us who have chosen to take full responsibility for the creation of our life; those of us who have taken full responsibility to choose what motivates us, even in the face of some of our most challenging moments. It is important that we realise that the energy that we are going to be working with from the 1st of December has a completely different signature to what we have been working with up to this point.
In December, the Divine Cosmic Mother's energy is amplifying, this is not female energy per se, it is the Voice and Signature of the Sacred Wisdom and Soul of the Divine Mother amplifying. This is because our subconscious is undergoing one of its greatest transformations of all time - deeper layers and levels of forgiveness leading to permanent and irreversable healing. This is essentially because the subconscious has moved into a higher level of healing potential, meaning that the Beings of Higher Spiritual Intelligence, Living Love and Living Light who vibrate at levels our subconscious has never vibrated at before, can now be reached. This means we have a greater chance now of transforming the debilitating self-sabotaging programmes anchored within the subconscious that have constantly manifested as obstacles and self-defeating ways in the physical.
Self-defeatist ways will essentially be left in the old paradigm. Although there may be times where the patterns re-emerge, this is not to prevent us from moving forward, these will come to the fore to be permantly and irreversibly released, reminding us of where we have come from, what we have achieved and where we are going. It is also very important for us to acknowledge that because we are moving into this higher realm of experience, it does'nt mean we have the right to adopt a self-righteous-holier-than- thou attitude, which is absolutely NOT what this Ascension Wave is all about.
We are moving deeper into the realm of humility, and the more we do this, the less place there is for self-righteous-holier-than- thou attitudes and spiritual-ego.
Ascending into the higher harmonic universes have nothing to do with elitist attitudes and everything to do with merging with the community of the highest order of Living Wisdom and Living Light on Earth and beyond. It's important we understand the true essence of what this new realm is bringing us. This opportunity also means we have a more direct link to Spirit, to the higher wisdom of our self, of our collective soul, therefore, the voice of our authentic self becomes louder.
Since 2012, we have stepped out of many realms of lower-ego based motivation and stepped into the realm of our Living Golden Christed Monad, therefore, not only are we closer to God/Goddess, we are closer to ourselves, and although we have to operate within a 3D world of human beings trying to find themselves, we must celebrate the fact that we have found many aspects of ourselves and that what we are about to find will reveal the deeper dimensions of the Spirit that resides within us and animates us.
This takes us beyond the human personality and into the deeoer soul-understanding of who we are and what we are made of. In other words showing us the deeper dimensions of the being that we are and not the identity that our name gives us or our position or our gender or financial status. This is a wealth beyond our comprehension. This is an investment in our soul we have never experienced before and is something that stays with us for eternity.
We have already acknowledged aspects of ourselves that we never knew existed, which was not such a long time ago.
Take a few moments now to give thanks for every challenge you have experienced, for every tear you have shed, for every moment of woe, of grief and sadness. Give thanks for every dark night of the soul you have endured, because all of these experiences made cracks in the walls of your false defenses and burnt through the veils of illusion, broke down the constructs of ignorance and revealed to you your inner wisdom, your inner tutor and showed you the higher spiritual intelligence of the advanced aspects of your divine self that have guided you, guarded you and gifted you.
The "Earth Walk" is one of the most challenging any soul can choose to undertake. It is the most stringent school of learning and is a place where the soul is stripped bare, left with nothing but the potential to gain everything. Our journey into reclaiming the treasures that exist within Living Love and Love Wisdom are to empower us as a spirit and as a being of Living Light. This is not to say that we have not been doing this already, the difference now is that we are "swimming with the big fish." We have move out of the dam - we have moved along the rivers and streams and now we enter the vast ocean of organic life, living and of Spirit, and dive deep into the essence of our TRUE Father/Mother God.
In your meditation or quiet time, imagine or feel your energy as it moves along with the streams and the rivers and into the great oceans, becoming one with the vast body of Divine Living Wisdom and Living Love represented by the seas and oceans of our Planet.
There are worlds that exist beneath the water that no one has yet discovered. There are things that lie in the depths of Mother Earth's body hidden and protected by water that would blow our mind. For this and many other reasons, cannot as yet be discovered, but they do exist. We, the ascending ones are now moving into the depths of the TRUTH.
This Ascension Wave brings our emotional body a profound healing experience, one of the most profound of our lifetime. Mother Earth's body is undergoing the same profound emotional body healing as this wave washes through the darkest realms of every living being and place on Earth.
We have earned the right to merge with this powerful, more advanced and deeper essence of L iving Wisdom and Living Love. It is through Living Love and Living Wisdom that we will master the plan that lies before us. It is by combining these energies that we will manage to integrate more of the qualities of the Master Alchemist and liberate ourselves from the prison of ignorance.
During december we are downloading, integrating and anchoring sacred codes, keys, and letters of the ancient sacred languages that have until now never been released into the Earth energy field. These are being absorbed into our body first, which is wherein and how we will learn about them, where we will master them through our earthly experience and then, and only then, will they be released into the physical world. These will come through us - these unique codes, divine letters, sacred names and keys freeing the soul from the prison of ignorance.
We have earned this right, our perseverance and our patience have paid off - we are the ones who bring the Living Authentic Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity into this level of manifestation during this new cycle. We are the ones holding these keys, and it is through our Earth Walk; the journey through the gauntlet, our walk through fire, through density, darkness and evil, that we leave our mark of Eternal Living Love and Living Light.
The imprint of Living Light consumes darkness, transmuting it, absorbing it to be healed. The realms of darkness that have their right to exist will therefore no longer be a part of our existence. The separation of these existences (3D D1 from D2 and upwards) changes us completely in terms of the consciousness that motivates us, the directives we receive from the intelligence that supersedes human nature, earthly identities and the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and ideas that we have taken on as a human beings identified by our name, our status, our gender and life experiences.
As this wave expands beyond all earthly things, concepts and ideas, we discover the new world we have been intending and waiting for, and as worlds separate (bifurcation) and new worlds merge (in a positive way) we will see how distance between the old and the new grow further and further apart.
During 2018, we will experience great revelations regarding our inner world and how it plays out in our external world. We will move further and further away from the dramas of the old paradigm. At times we may feel detached from the old world as if we're sitting in Heaven looking down upon the world observing the chaos, the hecticness and craziness of the human drama of the souls locked within "the game," imprisoned by their ignorance. Then we will see just how empowered we have become. We will be grateful, truly grateful for our new hard-earned position.
Always remember that this position is one of humility, not one of power to wield our authority over those whom at this stage do not know what we know and don't understand "the game of life" as we do. The new codes coming through now and during December are showing us that this new position puts us in a very empowering position to serve from within a new paradigm of Living Love and Wisdom, and always with a humble heart.
This is an extraordinary time. The new world we are stepping into and the new Living Christ-All Technology we are coming to re-embody will reveal to us just how extraordinary it's design is and how extraordinary we are beyond the human form. We will, therefore, remember why it is so important to bring our Golden Monad's living essence and energy into form, into the world of form through our human form. Much more than that I cannot explain, but you will "get it" when you see it unfolding.
On Friday December 1st the Bifurcation Countdown Event begins, so look out for your FREE copy of December 1st's event in your inbox on the 1st, so make sure you are signed up to receive my newsletters. The "Join my list" is at the top of the page. If you can't find it simply go to my website and use the pop-up to subscribe. I would truly value and appreciate you sharing this information with your tribe too please. In the December 1st FREE event I will provide a lot of information regarding the remaining December Planetary Ascension Events. Please note, that unless otherwise stated, some ascenion events require an energy exchange.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this. Beacsue this was a long one, I will send you the Ascension Events line-up in a separate e-mail.
If you want more info on the bifurcation and the current energy intensities, then take a listen to our latest Soul Chat episodes on YouTube. Feel free to also make full use of the free content on my website You'll also be able to download the Mp3 version of our soul chats in the same section - just choose the "Soul Chat" tab.
Thank you for all that you are and all that you do. You are deeply loved and appreciated.
Much love,
Michelle xxx
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