Six Ways To Free Your Mind From the Matrix
A less radical view is that the Matrix is contained in the world all around, the things that prevent most people from reaching their spiritual potential. It keeps people locked into materialistic ideas, and common misperceptions about their purpose in life. The Matrix continues to thrive because of ignorance of the masses along with a deep-rooted reluctance to change. It is safer to live the life that one is used to and conditioned to believe is correct than to break free and explore other ways.
People can help you find the way to free your mind, but ultimately it is you who must make the choice to break away from the concept that is the Matrix. There are six strategies to show you how to free your mind from the Matrix.
1. Raise Vibrations
Everyone is a slave to their thoughts. Thoughts generally consist of low-level, low-vibratory energy. To free minds from this enslavement, you must raise your vibration levels, increase your conscious awareness and help your minds to evolve.
To raise the level of vibrations, you must start to feel happy with life, be thankful and appreciative for all aspects, see positives in seemingly negative events and be content. You must also banish traditional ways of thinking.
To become free from the Matrix, you must harmonize your vibrations with those of the universal vibrations all around, search for the truth, overcome fear and start to live a more positive life. The concept is relatively easy; become one with yourself, one with those around you and one with nature.
2. Still Your Mind
Doing activities that require a lot of attention and focus are good ways to keep your mind present and thus have a calming effect. You are prevented from thinking so much about other distracting things. Clearing your mind of distracting thoughts paves the way for your inner awareness to emerge.
Stop worrying about those things in life that you cannot change, and instead focus on the things that you can change.
Meditation is a very effective way of calming your mind. A calm mind makes expansion of awareness easier. Chaos is removed from life, instead replaced with harmony.
3. Become Free From Your Emotions
Believe in the concept that you are not your mind. When you feel an emotion threatening to overwhelm you, take a few moments to focus on your breathing and be still. Feel the emotion and then let it pass. Do not hold the feeling, do not allow it to grow, acknowledge it and it will quickly dissipate. An enlightened person is free from the chains of their own emotions.
4. Accept Alternative Views of Reality
The mind is imprisoned with general beliefs of reality. As human beings, we resist and fear change because we are not aware of our real creation, origin and purpose. We are unaware how to expand our consciousness and raise our awareness, so we continue in a state of ignorance. Accepting other possibilities is vital for growth.
5. Raise Your Levels of Intuition
Meditation can help you to raise your levels of intuition. Intuition is instant feelings or thoughts that do not come from your logical and rational brain, but rather from an inner part of you.
6. Expand Your Awareness
Awareness is when you can feel and be conscious of your existence. Human awareness is mainly evolved to the level of self-awareness, where we are able to differentiate ourselves from others around us. It gives people a sense of difference and allows people to exercise free will and explore their own versions of reality. In reality though, all people come from the same source and share a connection.
7. Change Your Root Thinking
People must rid themselves of their desires and relinquish their egos in order to be able to understand, and access, a greater power than the individual self.
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