MORAG: “Earth Warriors, Lightworkers Create the New Earth!”
As the frequencies rise we attain heightened awareness of timeline shifts, parallel lives, universes, our sliding doors moments. We can almost see, hear, feel, these other paths. Echoes of different choices, different hopes and dreams can haunt us. To be a balanced being is to be at one with the past, the future, by being in the present. To be quantum is to know all those other paths, alternative choices. It is to see your future and have the ability to change your past. It is to be grounded and expansive, rooted in Gaia yet connected to cosmic frequency of love.
We are transforming, transitioning, transcending. From 3d to 5d, from linear to multi, from slaves to free people. We are ascending in frequency. An organic process triggered by cosmic waves of higher frequencies. A rare opportunity to clear many lifetimes of karma in one lifetime. This is Gaia healing. This is Enlightened Unity Consciousness. This is Awakening.
We stay mindful, present, connected and fluid. Over time we learn to meditate love frequency. We face the dark night of the soul and release old, stuck, negative energy. We become masters of our own destiny, manifesting higher pathways of being. We affect our reality. We can communicate with our guides and higher self. We can consciously fine tune our vibration, adapt to our environment. We can become adept at reading and speaking energy.
Compassion, gratitude and openness are the foundations of this transition. A society who cares for its people, catches them when they fall. A society that takes care of its planet, it’s resources, working in tandem with Gaia. This is the new earth. It may be all about frequencies and wavelengths, dna upgrades and cosmic waves of accelerated evolution. But what it’s really about is the people of this world finding their hearts, their compassion, their empathy. Overthrowing, disbanding, breaking down the warlord overlords. Deleting the dollar, the euro, the yen. Creating one global, culturally diverse, glorious people.
This is doable here and now in the third dimension. In fact it’s happening. Maybe as we change things here, we raise the vibrations and become who we are supposed to be. Maybe there will be an old earth stuck in the third dimension, a place of war, depravity and greed. We don’t know. And it doesn’t really matter. To upgrade our DNA and unplug from the matrix is to be humble, to be compassionate, to be love. To understand sovereignty, synchronicity and spirituality from deep within yourself. As more people wake up and come online to these higher wavelengths we create unity consciousness. We create the new earth.
To be in the present is to paradoxically move forward. It is to evolve and grow by being connected to the moment we are in. To reach this frequency spectrum we cannot be looking backwards. Always looking over our shoulder at what could have, might have, should have been. Just as we cannot be over ambitious or competitive, always peering up the ladder at the next rung. Both vibrational spaces are dense, heavy frequencies. Weighing us down with emotional baggage. Unwilling or unable to move on and accept timeline shifts, let go of paths not chosen or walked upon in this lifetime. Connecting to the here and the now. Grounded, balanced and expansive in our consciousness, is being mindful. It is being grateful. It is being balanced.
We all make choices, some are preordained, we may regret them or feel we underestimated how hard it would be here, but we honour them. Other timeline shifts are by chance, by luck, by instinct, by guidance or by passion. We are led to pathways. We can choose which ones to look at, which to walk. We have free will. No-one owns us. We can free ourselves from the inside out. Be at peace with your choices, preordained or instinctive. Accept trauma and release it. Exert your freedom. We are becoming quantum beings. We should own it, be it, love it. In gratitude, in humility and always in grace. In love and light friends.
I am a fluid being of love light energy.
I release all that no longer serves to my higher purpose.
I anchor my light to Gaia’s grid sending healing, peace and love to this beautiful world.
Your Soul Group is like your spirit family and are all the souls that were cut from the same “energetic cloth” as you.Together, you all have a specific mission and purpose to achieve that is part of a greater and bigger vision for the Universe.
All the members of your Soul Group vibrate within a certain frequency and your soul is in harmony with that vibration. Your Soul Group is often chosen by you before you were born as it is believed to support your soul and its mission and growth in this lifetime.
You may not meet all the members of your Soul Group in this lifetime, but regardless you are all working towards the same goal or mission here on Earth while bringing your own unique flavour and personality to the process.
Members of your Soul Group come into your life to change your world and to expand your mind. They also come to remind you of your journey, purpose and mission. Some people identify members of their Soul Group as Soulmates as often there is a strong chemistry, connection or familiarity upon meeting.
There are different levels or types of Soulmates that we can encounter which could be presented to us as family members, romantic partners, teachers, enemies and even chance encounters.
There are no finite rules surrounding how a member of your soul group will come into your life, but here are 10 signs that you may have met one:
They may mirror or have a similar life experience as you, helping you to understand your situation better.
They may highlight your personality traits helping you to change or grow.
They help you to turn your weaknesses into strengths.
They help to balance out your energy and show you a different side of life.
They can help you to find patience, understanding and compassion.
They can highlight a need for you to heal or let go of certain events or emotions.
You can work together to create, brainstorm ideas or bring visions into the light.
They come into your life to help you on your path right when you need it.
They help to advance your soul and your soul journey.
You work together to support global causes or a bigger vision.