

namaste123 2017. 7. 30. 00:22



Steve Nobel

That Old Scare-City Consciousness…

I worked in international banking in the City of London for a around a decade leaving in the late 80’s. To be honest I was a bad fit. I did not believe in the work I was doing and I really was on ly there because I did not know what else to do and because there was a golden cage of financial benefits closing around me. This was a painful time where I felt I was a round peg being squeezed into a very square hole. 

Ethics was not something that was much talked about in the places I worked. on a number of occasions I raised concerns about a number of large projects the bank was involved \and I was told by most of my colleagues to forget my concerns about social justice and just focus on the bonus at the end of the year. None of this worked for me, you see I never cared about shareholders or bonuses. I knew in my heart that I needed to do something else but with a young family this was not an easy decision to take. 

Eventually I hit a crisis and energetically hit the wall. I took a year off sick to convalesce. Then I resigned. My soul was calling me to adventure and I could not longer resist to the call to the journey. I had no idea where it would lead but actually looking back this was on e of the most important decisions I made. I am certain that if I had stayed there I would be dead or mad by now.

I know from working in the system and also my experience of being at the receiving end of the system that it is on e that generates Scare-City Consciousness on the planet. Currently, in this outgoing 3D Matrix, we have a monetary system that locks many into debt, anxiety, consumerism and a very low frequency consciousness that blocks our ability to truly know our vast spiritual nature. Money itself is not the problem, it is the system that controls and manipulates monetary flows that is the problem. This system could be viewed as a pyramidal structure with a small group at the top reaping most of the rewards while many at the bottom struggle to survive. 

A very few people at the top own a vastly disproportionate percentage of the global wealth. This system is wobbling badly because it is unjust, destructive, alien to human nature and to every living kingdom on this planet. I am sure that you are reading this because you feel something is very wrong with this current global system. That this system is in dire need of reimagining and reinventing and this possibility is not as far away as you might think.

People are More Easily Controlled When in Fear…

Scare-City Consciousness has been deliberately manufactured by a highly controlled monetary system over the thousands of years it has been in operation. This system quite deliberately installs and reinforces a sense of helplessness and an excessive need for safety. All the various peoples around the world are more easily controlled when they are fear. I know from personal experience that every time I came to a major choice point in my life where I felt invited to take a step outside my familiarity zone it always came with a sense of fear or threat to my personal safety and survival. How would I pay for my mortgage? How would I manage to eat? What if it all goes badly wrong? 

All of these thoughts were on e way or another associated with having enough money. My worst-case scenario thoughts would include a fear of homelessness. on on e occasion, I remember taking a walk around Hampstead Heath in North London looking for a cosy spot to sleep should worst come to worst. (It never happened of course!) Scare-City Consciousness is rampant in Western societies but has also reached to every corner of the world. In countries such as Britain and the United States there is an almost hypnotic compulsion to shop in order to stay safe and feel good and worthy. Scare-City could be viewed as a disease of chronic unhappiness where the on ly remedy on offer is to chase and accumulate. This is a disease of the spirit that creates a state of spiritual bankruptcy.

That Old Babylonian Slave Money Magic…

Scare-City Consciousness has been around for a long time. Our current monetary system has been referred to by some as a Babylonian Slave Money Magic system. This is for obvious reasons, it was created long ago when those in the know were aware that money was energy and there were many advantages in creating such a system. Money changers long ago discovered that control over the money gave control over the assets of the people and also control over the government of the people. Many well-meaning people have tried to improve the system. When Julius Caesar first came to power in ancient Rome, on e of the biggest challenges was a mountain of debt which caused social unrest, poverty and civil war. There was a distinct lack of coinage, as people were hoarding currency. 

Julius Caesar ended the unrest by providing free rent for a year, limited how much currency could be kept per citizen and cancelled all interest payments due since the outbreak of civil war. Many were jubilant but not everyone was happy. The money changers had lost control of a lucrative business but this would not be the case for long. Caesar was assassinated, corruption returned, taxes increased and the money supply was reduced by 90%. Businesses failed, citizens lost homes and lands, and poverty became more the norm. Sound familiar? More recently John Kennedy attempted to change the American financial system and look what happened to him. on June 4, 1963, John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 calling for the issuance of currency through the U.S. treasury rather than the Federal Reserve System. He was assassinated less than six months later.

Scare-City is Created From the Inside Out…

Scare-City is driven by fear based programs lodged deep in the subconscious mind. This is what keeps the false money system going. Such programs, based on false beliefs about the nature of reality, have been passed down through many generations. Such programs get triggered whenever we want to take a step towards personal freedom, abundance and success. It is important to realise that such scarcity programs operate invisibly in our consciousness until they begin to become visible. 

If we believe that our self-worth is based on how much money we earn or how big our house is or how much status is attached to our job then we are heading for trouble. We need to see how these ideas are at work inside our minds so they can be cleared and replaced. I am not writing this because I have been immune to picking up such programs. If anything I have been an expert. 

My family had some deep scarcity issues and these they passed on to me. I have been clearing these programs for some years and know that they are like layers of an on ion. These programs can be changed. When this happens, like Neo in the Matrix, we begin to unplug from the old system and open to new ideas and possibilities that more closely reflect our true nature as a multidimensional spiritual being. From that point we will feel much more aligned with the true nature of the universe and the natural order of life on this planet.

We are Moving Towards a 5D Monetary System…

The natural of the Universe is abundance. Just notice the sun and the generosity of nature. on e sunflower seed will produce a gorgeous flower that in turn produces many hundreds of seeds. Just as Scare-City is created from the inside out so too Wealth Consciousness is created in the same way. We can learn to create a more abundant personal reality. We can learn to open the channels of abundance in all of its forms. Abundance can come through money, it can come through friendship, it can come through support in time of need, it can come through a pooling of resources, it can come through unexpected opportunities.

Following the 2012 alignment we are experiencing an increase in light on the planet. This is serving to wake people up to a new level of consciousness. This will in time help to reboot many of the governing systems on the planet including most importantly our financial systems. Many awake Lightworkers and Starseeds are already working within such systems helping to shift the old energetic blueprint. Many are working on the outside to open new energetic possibilities on the planet. New new ideas are being created in the wings birthing new possibilities that will end the old paradigm of control. 

Current examples of this include certain cryptocurrencies, which although still operate within the old system, they are helping to shift some of our core notions about money and how it is controlled. Such movements are shifting the planet towards a new economic paradigm, on e that will be in harmony with spiritual laws and with the natural prosperity of the universe. 

2017-18 are crucial years that are initiating some massive shifts in our dominating systems. This will be ultimately liberating. Overall the planet will continue to see slow and steady change towards a more wholesome light. Darkness will continue to be witnessed and released as we move towards greater global transparency and justice.

We Can Embrace 5D Wealth Consciousness Now…

As mentioned the nature of the Universe is abundance. The natural state of human beings is Abundance or Wealth Consciousness. There are a number of ways to adopt this into your daily experience. In your personal dealings with money please remember that appreciation, gratitude and blessings are powerful practises. Every dealing with money can uplift your energy. Look for just energy exchanges and for win-win situations. 

Be clear in your agreements and contracting. Work with light meditations and creative visualisation to clear all money streams entering your life. Wealth consciousness which is primarily a service to other consciousness is a form of planetary service. Wealth consciousness can shift your own life but it is also meant to impact on the collective. 5D Wealth Consciousness is not just an I’m doing alright Jack so I do not care about anyone else. 

5D Wealth consciousness is not about rescuing or going into sacrifice. It is important to remember that service is not the same as martyrhood. You are not here to bleed for the sake of the planet. Your path of service will uplift you as much as others. Your ability to attract and channel more wealth into your reality gives permission for others to do the same also. 

The more Lightworkers that overcome poverty conditioning (That stretches back through many lifetimes) the quicker the planet will be able to manifest collective abundance. This collective abundance is a cooperative form of consciousness it is not highly competitive as our current 3D Scare-City consciousness. Wealth Consciousness will save the planet from the destructive short-sighted tendencies of 3D Scare-City consciousness.

Your Job is to Clear and Raise the Energy of Money…

Wherever money enters your life, from whatever source, imagine clearing that stream of energy with light. I imagine great nets of light catching any lower energies. I filter all money streams entering my personal space so that any energies such as fear, greed, shame etc. are neutralised. Money carries so much projections of anxiety, desire, greed from the collective consciousness on the planet. 

This is on e reason why Lightworkers keep money at bay. They feel it comes with a mixed bag of other energies they would rather not have. The good news is that it is possible to clear money of ‘negative’ energies so that you can let more of this cleaned energy into your life. Just as water needs filtering money does also. Can you imagine cleaning all the streams of money coming into your life so you feel uplifted by money? on ce money is filtered the vibration of money can be enhanced, I personally like using gold energy to do this.

As We Move Through this Time of Transition it is Important to Energetically Seal Your Bank Accounts…

As mentioned the Babylonian Money Magic system is highly controlled and manipulated. For this reason it is important to clear all interactions with the banking system. Remember that money is energy and energy can be diverted, siphoned off or made to disappear down black holes. 

Make sure your bank accounts are energetically clear and sealed so as to not leak energy anywhere. You can imagine filtering all the channels of money coming in and out of your bank account. Do this in meditation. Imagine your bank account is a large tank. Check it for leaks. Seal the tank with gold light. Put protective symbols in all sides of the tank. Place filters of ultra violet fire across all channels coming into your tank. This helps to clear money coming in and also protect your money from energy vampirism.

Creating Heaven on Earth…

We are the path-finders, the map-makers, the dream-weavers. Much darkness is ending. Imagine cancelling all ‘negative’ karma with money, imagine deleting all poverty vows and associated negative patterning in your consciousness? Imagine having a spring clean in your Akashic-Soul records. Close doors that need to be closed and open new doors that need to be opened. You have lived many lifetimes. Some of these lifetimes were amazing reference points where you experienced creating flow, joy and abundance. 

You are a multidimensional being. You have experienced wealth consciousness in different higher planes of existence. You know how to create a heaven on earth. Imagine upgrading all your thoughts and feelings around what is possible for you and the planet. Imagine being grateful for all the small and not so small miracles that come your way. As your reality shifts into greater flows of abundance you give permission for the collective reality to shift.

Tips to create more abundance in your life. Sit for at least five to ten minutes daily and connect to your inner light. From this connection cultivate the feeling of love. Self-love is the baseline of happiness, health and abundance. Imagine wishing abundance to all the people you live. Then do the same for all the people you know and feel rather neutral about. Do this for your neighbourhood. Wish all of the people in your reality many blessings. Then begin with self-forgiveness. Release past experiences or judgements about these experiences. Unhook yourself from toxic emotions so that you can move forward in a healthy way. 

Ancient wisdom teaches us that attention flows where attention goes. Train your mind to shift from fear and anxiety to what gives you joy, what you feel grateful for. From there focus on what you would love to welcome more of in your reality. Start with feelings and from there open to specific experiences. The  intention of giving and being generous opens a flow of abundance in our lives. Give what you most wish to receive. When you begin by giving then open your consciousness to receiving from all directions, especially those that are unexpected. 

Notice what feels light and expansive in your life and what feels heavy and tense. What do you need to walk away from or let go of? Then start to drop the heavy and open more to those things that feel light. Spiritually speaking we are all drops in the great ocean of existence. Together let us create a great wave of spiritual light and abundance on the planet, right now!


Steve Ahnael Nobel









