Transitioning into Spiritual Mastery The Next Level of the Human Experience is at Hand
From the group with love. Greetings, dear ones We join you this day watching from afar. We must say first of all, we are so incredibly proud of the work that you are doing, of the energy that you have brought to this beautiful game of free choice. Humans are absolutely astounding. First, know that you have done well. Many of you are so incredibly interested in all the details—how many times have I incarnated on Earth? What have I done before? Where is my energy now? Dear ones, you already have all of that information. You are what is important now; what you bring to life by looking at it, what you work with, and at this point your energy is starting to really accelerate. Now we have shared much of the information about the proverbial line in the sand, the 50-year mark that is remaining on the timeline of planet Earth. That does not mean that humanity will end; what it means is that humans will change form in some fashion—all of you. But you have been doing that anyway, have you not? You have been stepping toward light body, elevating your spirit and the Earth. The challenge here is that you have been trying to measure the Earth as a rising vibration. Even the Schumann resonance had a new high recently and everyone was very joyous that things were getting better. And then we sort of dropped a bomb by stating that, in fact, from the Earth’s perspective she is transitioning.
Planet Earth is transitioning We have used a lot of different words to explain this, including “dying.” She is certainly on what you would call a death cycle but nothing ever truly dies, dear ones. Energy only transforms from one form to another. As you now look at Mars, you can see that she lost her magnetosphere some time ago. That is the magnetic protection that keeps everything at a distance and allows for the creation of the ozone layer that she had in the past. It is fascinating to see that the cycle of planet Earth is reaching the end. It does not mean she will die, but it means that she will go through a transition. Most of the forms of light that are currently here may not go through the transition the same way that Earth will. When you look at Mars, you think of that as a dry, desolate planet lacking the water that is so necessary for life to exist. However, that is not true. What you will also find is that Mars had and still has water, but by losing the magnetosphere it allowed the solar winds to come in and basically wipe the planet’s surface clean. As you discover even more about the cosmos, the worlds around you, and your human experience you will learn much more in the years ahead. Watch in amazement, for this is actually why you placed yourself here at this time. You are a transition expert, even though you may not realize that or have the calling deep in your heart. In truth, there was a long line of spirits waiting to come in. We have told the story once before and we would like to share it again now so you will understand.
The grand meeting of all spirits after Atlantis sank You see, dear ones, there came a time when Atlantis sank. Yes, it really happened and right after that time stopped for the very first time in human history on Earth. Then a grand meeting of all spirits who were involved in any part of it came together on the other side of the veil. Discussions took place and everyone wondered, “What did we do wrong? How can we correct that? How can we change for this the next time?” Yes, dear ones, there is always a next time so never forget that. During this grand meeting certain things were decided, such as if planet Earth ever reached such a level where humans could actually make a difference then the people would start coming in with the information necessary to make the transition occur smoothly and comfortably. And with that a long line formed in heaven, what we call Home. All these beings lined up hoping to have an incarnation, waiting to have an opportunity saying, “I can make a difference right now.” I know this is my calling…” and they would feel it in their heart to jump in this long, long, long line. It was fascinating to us. Then something happened that bears repeating because you see, dear ones, on the other side of the veil you are not burdened with egos the way that you are weighted down with them here. In truth, you feel each other; you connect with each other in entirely different ways. Although you are actually a part of each other the same way that you are here on Earth, you cannot feel it. Something happened in the beautiful line. The first person in line turned around and looked at the person behind him, number 2 and realized, “You know, you have the opportunity to make more of a difference than I do. Why don’t you step forward in the line and I will take the next place back.” Then an entire series of re-arrangement of this line took place. That way the highest vibrations of beings coming into this planet could be here to make a difference, to shift and change the energy, and to work with it. There were no egos involved. Quite simply, everyone wanted the very best and that is what took place so here you are.
Let the incarnations begin! Those of you who moved to the front of the line made it to Earth specifically with a reason to be here at this very moment. You made it Home. And now what is going to take place is that many of you will be re-membering, even if you have not before. You will start re-membering your power, your nature, and your gifts. In those you will find the confidence and certainty that this is what you came for, this beautiful celebration of light. So, let the incarnations begin. Although at one point, everything seemed as if it was going to reach that same level of vibration yet surpassed it. Many of you arrived en masse and had a major baby boom on your planet. Of course, as time went forward you grew up. When you could finally take the veils off and re-member who you were, many of you were well into your teens and 20s. So, you had a grand party that you called it the ‘60s. You are here now, working through all of this. We also tell you that the process did not stop there. A refreshment of that line has been continually coming in since that point, which is why many of the highest vibration beings with gifts had to go Home early. They had to do so to become part of that line, to be here at just the right age and time to make a difference on this evolving planet. Do not be melancholy, dear ones, for this is not a sad situation. Instead, it is a joyous reminder of who you are and what your gifts are. Welcome Home, dear ones. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play well together. Espavo. Greetings, dear ones. I am Em and I join you this day for a very specific reason. All of planet Earth is in the process of balancing in a new way. That is my specialty—balancing. I balanced what you call the sexual energy of masculine and feminine together as one to have the full aspect and vibrational reach, to better understand your situations at this time. Dear ones, let us first address what is happening with the planet herself. She is on a cycle and timeline that is very individual to her. It does not mean you have failed, dear ones, so please keep that in mind for it is absolutely not true. Nor does it mean that everything is going to end, because everything has a season on your side of the veil. on your side of the veil all things must be finite in some way, each carrying a little imperfection. Therein lies the beauty and fascinating aspect of the game you are playing. Never think that this was wrong or a failure in any way, for that is simply not true. In reality, had the Family of E not come together at exactly the right time you would not have passed that mark of 2012. Yet, here you are. Oh yes, we know, many of you expected to step into heaven at that point getting rid of all your day-to-day problems inherent in being a human. In some ways, dear ones, you did. Perhaps you have a different perspective on that shift, because you did such an incredible job. We tell you also, there is a small baby boom going on.
A Babyboom of the Family of E It was not that long ago that we brought the Family of E together in a physical location. Not all of them, of course, but those who could break free and be in that particular session. We did something rather unique: we declared the Rights of Spirit for human rights. These are well-known for much of the Family of E is all about the balancing of human rights and equal rights, which is why I address you today. But it is much more, considerably deeper, than you originally thought. You are spirits and you have done this before, which is why we are here to help you re-member. We are not here to teach you, for you are masters in your own right. You have taken off your wings to come play the game of pretending to be human inside a bubble of biology, which is absolutely imperfect and has a timeline. You are here as spirits and the Family of E has gathered in massive ways. only a couple of years ago when you gathered in that place called Arizona, someone asked the question in live channel to us, “How many of the Family of E are here on Earth?” We told them that roughly under a million at this time were on Earth, which was incredible because the room of course only had a couple hundred people. There were many beings on Earth that had that bent as a spirit and had those answers; it was incredible. Today it is almost 1% of your population and we hope you do the math, because that would confirm for you that there is a massive baby boom of the Family of E. Whether you wish to call that Empowerment, Evolution, or any of the other “E” words there are, the most important part is to know that you have help; it is already on its way.
You have help Although it has to go through a time cycle to reach the levels, it is absolutely something to look forward to and welcome these beautiful beings in. Many carry the indigo or crystal vibration, with all sorts of new attributes that are needed during these transitionary times. You not only have guidance from those, but you also have help from your original parental races that have been watching this game unfold with great pride. You, dear ones, are the stars. You are the highest vibration that has ever lived anywhere, and have now superseded even the vibrational status in the days when the Lemurians ascended. That is what you will do and it is exactly what took place before. Yes, we know your books and channels talk about Lemuria sinking. Although the actual land mass did sink, the Lemurians ascended. Are you getting an idea of what is coming? You have been preparing for it a very long time, so let us share with you some good news. First of all, the baby boom. Huge, absolutely wonderful. Many of you have worked your way into a parental situation where you can help guide, making a safe space for them to emerge and take their power. This is absolutely incredible and needed during these times. We also mentioned that your parental races are watching, but can they simply come down and swoop you up? No, it will not work. That is not the nature of the game which you have helped to design. In truth, you will do this on your own but so many channels are opening now. So many beings are coming in to help, share ideas, and to plant seeds in very fertile ground. These are beautiful, wondrous times. Let us also speak of your great hope. As you evolve and your brain continues to grow along in harmony with your heart, you have new capabilities. Now you can see things that were right in front of you before, even though you could not see them.
New technologies You are starting an entire new life cycle right. one of the areas that this will appear in involves your areas of technology. There are many things that have already been discovered, which are working their way into your practical use and daily life.. You will find new discoveries every single day. Many of them will jump the normal tracks and most of the time, you have to go here to gain an understanding then talk to the public about buying it. You are going to find shortcuts to reach people, for you already hold much of what is needed now. Oh yes, you may not know it but all that is truly needed is to give your spirit permission to re-member. That is very beautiful. All the wisdom of the universe, rather than knowledge, is accessible to each and every one of you. You have learned to listen to yourself in new ways. Five or six decades ago, you would not have been able to hear our voices because your vibration was not high enough. Now, you are going to start having direct communication through many people in different ways. You will have opportunities to see your own reflection of beauty and power, along with the re-minders of Home. Take a breath, and on the exhale, give yourself permission to re-member. The technologies that are coming in will help to change your world and shift the energy in many ways. Was this originally the timeframe for planet Earth? No, dear ones, it was not. Your industrial revolution, pollutants in the air and disharmonies with the Earth herself have brought this forward. Currently you have about 50 years to work with the Earth in the state that she is. We tell you that with full understanding that you are creator beings. Does that mean you can change the timeline of planet Earth? Somewhat, but in truth she is going through a normal, reset cycle that has been done five times before. This was to be the sixth and final time, although that still remains to be seen as well. There is so much that can happen here and the technologies have been dropped in place to help make these transitions easier.
The next four years are critical in setting the timeline for Planet Earth Here you have been working with your spirit to raise your vibration. Raising the vibration of everything in your reality, yet over here you work with the hard science that has no faith, only proof. What if those two came together to meet in a new way? We have vowed never to do that, for these over here do not understand all of this aspect. Now you have a new motivation, do you not? There is a line in the sand. Although it is movable slightly, you are roughly 1,000 years ahead of schedule due to the pollutants and the disharmonies with Earth. Now along that same vein, the next four years are going to be very critical in setting that timeline and putting forth everything that can be done in harmony with the Earth. Whether it is buying an electric car or simply connecting with the Earth, working with her from your heart, watching the carbon count yourself, changing things that you know are out of harmony. Every part that you can do over the next four years will have a ten-fold effect. In these ways you will have definitely set and determine the end days of planet Earth. She is going to continue to live, dear ones, she will not split apart or return to the dust from which she was formed. Earth will still be alive, of course. However, it is the life forms on Earth that will probably not make this transition, given the state that you are currently in. But have you not been raising your vibration so much? Yes, and that is why. You are stepping right out of one situation into another. We ask you to keep in mind that you have done this before, not only on other planets but even during Lemuria. Before the sinking of the land mass, Lemurians ascended and they are still there waiting to greet all of you and to help you. The technologies that have fallen into place are fascinating. You have physical restrictions and the laws of physics that you have placed on your game board. Now even that will be changing slightly. You have learned to do something very fascinating, which is to make a material that is only one atom thick. one of the major substrates being used for this is graphite, specifically the substance called graphene. Very strong, powerful and effective. one small piece of graphene can take the salt out of water. It can be made into something so light yet incredibly strong. Graphite is only one of the first substances they are working with for this. What if you could make a rocket ship that only weighed six ounces, or one full size? Would that not change some of the energies and possibilities of taking a look at your Earth? What if you could do that with your automobiles? Then your automobiles would not weigh as much as the passengers inside? Would that not save on gas and carbon emissions? Yes, absolutely. All of these technologies are here and the more that you can integrate over the next four years will be absolutely critical in determining exactly where this line in the sand is drawn. We also tell you, dear ones, it is not possible to go backwards. You are going forward and bring so much with you. You have been going through the grief for some time, but do not lose sight of the fact that you are here on this Earth right now and that means you had a contract for it. You have something to do, your mission is to bring in a piece of wisdom. That piece is absolutely necessary and many of you know exactly what that is, for you have already been working in those directions. Keep your confidence high to allow you to feel who you truly are, and keep focusing on moving forward.
New materials You can gain the ability to draw on the strength of your spirit through the physical body, which will be more important than ever before. Not only is graphene a substance that can make everything lighter and stronger, it also happens to be a semi-conductor with very unusual properties. In the very near future it will be replacing the hearts of all of your computers. You are now carrying what used to be big-box computers around in your phones. Well, your phones are not actually phones; they are a program you run on a phone in a small computer. Soon they will be even smaller and will become a part of your life in a different way. They can also help to greatly reduce carbon emissions and your effectiveness on this planet. Yes, so much is taking place, but above all do not forget the ceremonies. When one of you and creates a ceremony with only 5 or 10 people around the Earth to connect her heart to yours, you have unbelievably profound effects. These ceremonies will be needed during these wonderful times of transition, and perhaps it is why you are here in the first place. Know that your energy is needed on this Earth at this time, and much more of what you have set about to do is making space on the planet for that to happen. We ask you not to doubt yourselves. You are creator beings with the greatest of strengths. Can you imagine what happens when a creator being doubts himself/herself? It sets up a cycle of negativity which is very difficult to break free of. Give yourself a break and when you do not have that confidence, just sit down and take three simple breaths. We will help you re-member because that is the time to awaken from the dream. It is the time to re-member what we put in our path, because now is the time to set it into motion. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. Although you see difficulties ahead, many of you see the challenges and, of course, the sadness changing your evolutionary cycle from Earth. Wait until you see what is coming, for it has never been done like this before. You have been through many cycles on many planets but this one is new. Trust that you are going to be so incredibly overjoyed at what you are about to create on this Earth. Take the challenge. Know that you were brought to the front of the line for a very specific reason and take pride in that. You are here and that will help you re-member. It is with the greatest of honor, dear ones, that I, Em, greet you in these ways. All of you have been working on balancing the masculine and feminine and that is so incredibly powerful during these times. And we love you for it. Keep up the good work. Know that we are watching just over your shoulder along with so many countless others. You, Earth, are the center of the universe right now. All eyes are upon you and we are very proud of that because we have the best people on the job. It is with the greatest honor we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play this new game well together. I am Em. Espavo. The group The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting: “Thank You for Taking Your Power”