Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Last Man Standing- It’s All Going Down!

namaste123 2017. 9. 28. 19:00

Last Man Standing- It’s All Going Down!

by anarchistbanjo

This is going to be an unusual post, but we are in unusual times! First I would like to announce that Gaia’s ascension is all over! She has taken all life forms along with her to her new destination! What is left in what we have been calling physical 3D is now simply a shell, an empty shell with very little life force left within it. Our souls, our awareness now resides somewhere else, either upon Gaia’s newly ascended body where it is supported by her new energies or it has been expelled to a new location outside of Gaia.

I don’t channel messages or information. I directly perceive the astral because I function within the astral, often at the lower levels that are not available to channels. What I am seeing is that the astral is done, complete, there is no more battle. We have won! Life has won! Divine Counterparts have won! All that remains are the remnants of old 3D that are still being kept alive by those that continue to believe in them.

Then why do we continue to be here? This old 3D physical body which we wear is a miracle! It generates energy which can be used to develop our souls to their maximum potentials. once the shift is made soul growth will be much more difficult and the process will take much longer, but the path will be easier so that more life forms can take advantage of it. That is the trade off. 

So we are all using the last few seconds of our old physical lives to generate as much energy as possible for the development of our souls and to help others do the same. The game is over and this is simply gathering some freebies while they are available to us. The more soul energy we generate, the more soul energy we take with us at the final shift when we leave these old 3D physical bodies behind.

So what causes our old 3D physical bodies to generate soul energy? Stress! Stress and expended effort! What we are now looking at is a massive collective death spasm as the old reality passes away forever. Both sides of the conflict can use these final stress energies to develop their souls but each will experience differently. one side is going to lose and lose big and the other side is going  to win and win big! Actually it’s already happened in the astral and now it just needs to be physically enacted. All we need to know about these final days is to live well and die well! Someday our physical bodies are all going to die anyway. This is the time when we choose how we want to go out!

I first began thinking about this after the last two Steve Rother channels suggested that earth was dying and there was only about fifty years left. I only follow two channels, Steve Rother and Lauren Gorgo. I consider the rest a waste of time, and sometimes I wonder about Steve and Lauren. So suddenly out of nowhere Steve Rother begins to say that earth is dying and there is only about fifty years left. I thought back to what I remember of Gaia’s ascension process and how I believe that light workers have fought for  the safety and ascension of all life forms, even the lowest. 

I have also felt in the past that after ascension there would be no life force left behind for the forces that were to take advantage of. Gaia was not energetically leaving anyone behind. It is true because Gaia has not left any life forms behind. They are all energetically in their new places. All that remains is an empty shell. I suspect that the acceleration of events will continue to reach a flashpoint well before fifty years from now! We are on borrowed time!

My own work has been done. My work has been in the astral planes and the completion of that work has left me slightly puzzled about what to do next. In the meantime I continue to share what information I feel is appropriate to as many that want to hear. This conflict is no longer within the astral planes but entirely in the physical world. The final physical conflict will happen quite fast. It will not be decided in the courts or in special investigations because that is not what it is energetically about! It has been about the super human struggles of larger than life individuals!

This is a war about narrative and which narrative wins among the general population. It will never get to the courts! This week I was struck by many indicators that tell me this is about over. The murder of Seth Rich is back on the news (internet alternate news I should say) with a vengeance along with increased speculation that it was Seth Rich who gave the emails to WikiLeaks and not the Russians. 

If true, that would completely destroy the narrative of Russian collusion and the Trump administration. Of all things this would be the easiest to prove. Julian Assange merely needs to release emails between WikiLeaks and Seth Rich. I’m pretty sure that is going to happen and happen soon. Julian Assange has been a player in this from the beginning. He will be a part of the ending as well.

Bernie Sanders lawsuit against the DNC has been under media blackout until a few days ago when the federal prosecutor was found murdered on a Florida beach! Bernie Sander’s lawyer seems a bit frightened as well. There are ugly things moving out there in the swamp!

So these things have been flaring up this past week. I also found it highly interesting that the hacker group “Anonymous” has recently been putting out all kinds of info trying to stop WWIII. This group has not been political in the past and this abrupt change seems highly interesting as they have taken sides, taken sides against the NWO and its pawns. They seem convinced that there is little time left for the world as we know it. They are also convinced of who the bad actors are. Now they are stepping up for the first time to make a difference. “We never forget! We never forgive!”

I’ve also seen a few in the alternate media say that if something happens to them, they didn’t commit suicide! These people are fearful that their lives might be in danger because of what they are about to do in the name of narrative, or the name of truth!

So what I’m seeing is the beginning of a massive wave of retaliation against the vicious and insane Trump-Russia narrative. People are taking sides and taking personal risks which they have been unwilling to take before. This seems to me that things are going to get a lot more ugly and a lot more intense very soon! This is not going to be resolved behind closed doors but is being enacted for the public! A struggle for narrative can’t take place behind closed doors!
