Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Ways To Unlock The Most Important Power Of Your Soul

namaste123 2019. 4. 2. 22:02

8 Ways To Unlock The Most Important Power Of Your Soul

by Magdalena Mihajloska; Life Coach Code 

There are moments when we feel like someone is trying to tell us something. Like we are being contacted 

by some higher power that has a message for us. 

All of us had that weird feeling at least once in their life. Most of the time we try to ignore that feeling. However, 

this inner guidance is probably our most accurate compass in life. 

We are talking about the intuition. And when we say intuition we are not talking about the ‘over used’ term 

you hear all around the internet. We talk about REAL intuition! 

Real intuition sometimes can be overwhelming. There are situations in anyone’s life in which the intuition is 

so powerful that it’s just unbelievable. 

With the use of the intuition daily, even for small things, we can almost always make the rightest choice for ourselves. 

And the best part is that with using this ability, we improve it and feel it more often, and it comes more naturally 

without much effort. 

Intuition is the highest form of intelligence! 

Some scientists claim that intuition is the highest form of intelligence. It’s a big chunk of information that can’t 

be processed quickly enough by our conscious mind, but other parts of our psyche can get the message and inform 

us through emotion. 

Intuition could be very likely the language most things in nature communicate through, the universal language 

that humanity, for some reason, have forgotten. 

Psychics and shamans tap into these dormant parts of our unconscious mind to communicate with Spirit Guides 

or some other forms of intelligence, and reveal information from the ‘higher’ levels of consciousness. 

However, each of us has the ability to be intuitive. once this ability was our main language that helped us survive. 

And there are ways through which we can all remember and unlock our dormant abilities! Are you ready to unlock 

the fullest amount of intuitive energy that you have inside of you? 

These are the 8 ways to unlock and connect with your intuition

1. Connect With Yourself 

What does it mean to entirely connect with yourself? It simply means that you need to be in congruence 

with yourself. The congruence lets you be who you really are and it is of crucial importance to know how to use it. 

Only when you are really honest with yourself, you will be able to connect to your inner self and to connect 

with your soul. 

2. Stay In The Present Moment (In The Now) 

When we are trying to feel our intuition, we want to be present in that moment. Because only when we are 

in the NOW with our body and with our mind, we can receive the VIBRATION about something that is happening 

in that specific moment. We don’t want to go in the past or to go in the future. The NOW is the best moment 

for any decision. 

3. Use Your Senses 

All of us have 5 senses and we are using them daily. We use the senses for perception of different things; to see, 

to hear, to taste, to smell and to touch. These are the recognized psychological senses. By using these senses 

all at once, we can receive a lot more information than we are aware of. Try to take all the stimuli at once and 

hear the bigger message they all say together and not individually. Practice this in order to sharpen your intuition. 

4. Feel The Vibrations 

Try to feel the vibrations when they “come” to you in your physical body. When we are congruent in the present 

moment and we use our senses, we can let the intuitive vibrations fill us. 

5. Trust The “Gut” Feeling 

After receiving the intuitive vibrations, comes that “gut feeling”! However, it comes with a “message”. Before 

you try to understand the message TRUST your gut feeling. Connect with it. When we trust and connect with 

our gut feeling there is nothing to be scared of. 

6. Let The Soul Guide You 

Calm down and just feel for a moment. You are now connected with most parts of your being, even with your 

soul. So let your soul guide you through and let yourself find the answers you need. Your soul will translate you 

the message. 

7. Feel The Sparkling Energy 

Stay and feel the intuitive sparkling energy inside your body. Let it be there for a while. 

8. Be Aware 

To be aware of what? To be aware of everything written before. To be aware of the connection with your inner 

world, to be aware of the present moment, to be aware of your senses, to be aware of the vibrations, to be 

aware what your “gut” feeling is telling you and to be aware of your soul energy. And suddenly you will KNOW 

what your intuition is trying to tell you! 


By following these steps, you will always know what your intuition tries to tell you. 

By listening to your intuition you are listening to the ‘highest form of intelligence’ that’s trying to guide you. 

Practice makes it perfect, so start today and get the best of your life. 

About The Author: Magdalena Mihajloska is internationally certified NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coach. She 

motivates, inspires and empowers people to obtain what they want in life. She is always ready to guide you 

through the positive way of setting your own goals. She shares her knowledge on her Facebook Page!
