Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information


namaste123 2017. 3. 27. 06:09


DO YOU SEE AN ASCENDED HUMANITY or a Broken one that you are trying to save or fix?


How you see matters, because this determines where you come from in how you treat others, how you view others, how you view yourself, how you view your exchanges, how you see your contribution, how you utilize your resources and which dimensional version/aspect of you is PRESENT .....

The dimensional aspect that YOU ARE are determines the dimension you experience here. If you "go human" and separate off from YOUR ASCENDED ASPECT SELVES, you see others as broken, hurt, victims and needing to be fixed and not capable of making a decision for themselves.....

Now, all of this is partially true, because until all has been transcended from within, then each will live those programs believing they are not capable yet.... which is not true.... that's just a story, an unconscious matrix program that's still running and held within their cellular body, which keeps re-creating physical REALities to support those auto-program stories....

The way you assist others is not to enter into their lack programming and try to do it for them, by trying to save them from their own chosen path... it's to expand your own consciousness and SEE that they DO have the capability IF THEY ARE TRULY OPEN & READY (this will usually require that they get over what separation is stopping them, which is the point)... This is the part that human aspect cannot see..... that each still lives in those old dis-empowered states, those "I can't" states "but wait, not until it's comfortable for me" states (limited mentalities & beliefs).... because there is something inside of them where they have not opened up to anything else yet....

How do you SHOW OTHERS that there are other options, that coming together, working together, sharing, supporting, creating and uniting in a way that makes a difference for all of us here?

You become the example... the WayShower... step into your own power, through your highest heart/mind aspect, your ASCENDED ASPECT YOU .... you become the PROOF....

You re-educate yourself through highest consciousness everything. Open up fully and you let go of the separation/lack mentalities (energy) that you have/hold and you show them what's not only possible, but DOABLE.... (because it's already occurred in a higher vibrational timeline, that each achieve when they expand/step into that higher timeline with every part of their BEing....)

Alchemy is easy when each are in-tune. Mastery is easy when each expands to BE THEIR HIGHEST ASPECTS and stop playing/living the small little human reality that is self-created from within.......

Realities are YOUR CREATION.... you hold all inside of you.... that out there is your reflection so that you can SEE what's going on with you. The confusion comes from "classifying" everything and just dismissing it as ego/human/separation..... you actually have to want to see THE ENERGY of what is truly going on to step into your own MASTERY here. You actually have to care, you actually have to stop the judgment, you actually have to open your own heart to tune in fully..... and then you have to be willing to DO what matters as a Master, which won't usually be what the human aspects wants... What you do makes a difference. It's HOW you intentionally affect realities here. REMEMBERING HOW to affect realities as an Ascended Being is different than the old human way. We can just tune into that dimension, vibration, timeline and shift/affect the entire reality ourselves.....

Divine Feminine is just the beginning.... Divine Masculine is the "counterpart/twin energy" that all must activate, merge and embody again. Birthing realities, this is where you step into CREATOR energy again. BEING THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION (GOD Energy) is you embodying the power that you truly hold, take responsibility for every breath/action. Embodiment is a proving/trust process that each will do from inside... You are not proving anything to others, you are proving to yourself that YOU can hold these highest vibrations at all times. You are the one that you don't trust, yet your human is not aware of this yet and will focus on "out there" as the reason/cause, when everything must be reversed from outer to inner to inner to outer again.....

CREATION.... realities all from scratch.... in-alignment with your highest versions of you.... this is just a small part of HOW YOU MATERIALIZE REALITIES for you to walk/vibrate into....

Human aspects fear their own POWER, because power in the hand of the human/Atlantean/Reptilian (same thing and each holds this until transcended from within) causes destruction and destroys... Look at every "story" and see what fear-based separated-self focus on control and power got us all.....

GALACTIC NEW EARTH is each standing in FULL POWER AGAIN.... yet this time POWER IS through PURITY and a deep sacred love/connection with all things as onE again. Power is UNITY, sharing, respect... POWER is the KNOWLEDGE that we HOLD when we LIVE AS our ASCENDED LIGHT BEING SELVES..... and work/exist from this PURE PLACE inside of us in all that we do & are....

To achieve this PURITY, each will have to "prove themselves" to themselves, that they can hold inner sacred integrity, honor, love and respect above all, that each can actually open up to fully share & support, without a hidden agenda of wanting something or trying to get something/control....

Every action shifts your vibration to the Dimension of Earth that YOU experience here. If you come from SEPARATION UNCONSCIOUSNESS, then this is what you will experience until all of that energy is gone or until you SEE what's really going on with you and you decide to expand beyond it and transcend your own HUMAN'NESS yourself.....

GALACTIC NEW EARTH is a Sacred and magnificently magical beautiful (ALREADY REAL) place.... it's where all come together, all ALREADY EMPOWERED as DIVINE LIGHT BEINGS again. It's where motives are pure... they are of creation and the vision that we've all seen along the way. It's where EACH IS THE WAYSHOWER .... showing WHAT CHRISTED/UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS LOOKS LIKE and how all works in unison/cohesively when there's no more separation/little self running the show anymore...

The REALity that each experiences is a vibrational MATCH to something inside. A transmission that is either VERY INTENTIONAL or "without a clue"....

When you exist as love and NEW EARTH VISIONS ARE what drive you to unite, then your reality will be very different than if/when you focus all of your energy on fixing a system that is not meant to work, because it was created out of separation to start with....

Fixing is fear. Saving is lack. Creating, building is what we do, all on new foundations of UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS.... Re-building/repairing is what we do when we see something can be re-formed negating the need for total deconstruction.... It's when the stable foundation of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS is already there and some much needed continual "tweaking"/re-calibration is required....

When you realize that it's time to put your time/energy/money where your mouth is, it's time for you to step into your highest roles, it's time for you to open your hearts and come on-board.... it's time for you to SEE your own separation and ulterior motives and where you come from when you do things....

These highest vibrations activating 24/7 now are "targeting" your deepest everything to become visible/felt, so that you can release all of that kept you in a state of separation..... These will take you to the depths of your CORE (Galactic/Soul), these will get to the ROOT of those programs, these will take you there so that all of that discordant/suppressed energy can be released. These make distortions loud & visible fast, yet if you rely on your human eyes/ears, you will get confused, because your heart/mind is not open for you to hear/see what's really true for you.... (If your core is beauty, magnificence, bliss, magic, abundance and connectedness, then this is what you experience fully too!).

The human's world was the opposite of how all truly is.... When you come together as love, PURITY LOVE as a Pure Divine Light BEing, there's nothing to protect yourself from.... there is no fear, there is no threat... all of that was human separation, a vibration, a belief MADE TRUE by a fear-matrix reality simulation/experiment/experience that you chose for your own human experience until you were ready to exit the matrix reality and return to your own Quantum State again by transcending all of this from within.....

YOUR NEW EARTH is available to you when you STOP the old, when you say "no, not any more" and you decide which EARTH you want to exist on NOW... and you HOLD THIS VIBRATION long enough for the old energy/program to break/dissolve/dissipate and for that "shift" to occur, therefore shifting your vibrational plane of existence as well.

Our NEW Earth has already been created, it already exists, we are already here working together, united, as love and making a difference, contributing, supporting each other, joining in UNION, combining all of our own resources and DOING IT.....

At first, NEW Earth becomes visible in increments, so that you can see/feel it and KNOW THAT IT IS REAL.... then it's time to shift back to your human realities to see what you created and allow still.... to see what you must do in order to leave the old, to see what is REQUIRED for you to come to LIVE on NEW EARTH ALL OF THE TIME and it will challenge every bit of your human, trigger every safety/security/fear/lack/belief that you still have.... this is the point....

NEW EARTH... there is no fighting, no war, no lack, no sick, no struggle, nothing of the old, because WE chose to move out of those realities and move on.....

This mis-perception of the human is that you come to live fully on NEW EARTH without DOING anything.... this is an old program too. The momentary experiences of NEW EARTH will stay longer each time as you UNIFY FULLY INSIDE and identify everywhere you hold back and still live in fear/non-believe/lack inside....

The human aspect holds out, can't support others fully in ways that truly matter.... they just want to do what's easy, just enough to get by, just enough to "get what they need".... this is old earth programming and keeps each bound to extinct old earth realities.....

First your consciousness, then your physical: Each version of Earth is vibrational.... when your vibration changes, your cells actually start vibrating to TELEPORT you to that dimension to experience.... if you go selfish/disconnect from the bigger picture/whole, if you shut down, go unconscious, forget, enter the realms of amensia again, then your body carries you back to that dimensional timeline to re-experience that reality that matches your overall transmitted vibrations... (again and again and again)....

When you REALIZE that you've gone unconscious, separated off inside, disconnected... then ITS UP TO YOU to reconnect again .... utilizing everything you have access to.... for the dimensional earth you experience is totally relative/a response to your own inner-connectedness and your ability to maintain this all of the time....

NEW EARTH IS FULLY CONSCIOUS BEINGS not focused on themselves. It is LIGHT BEINGS honoring their own physical body structures, honoring PURE EXISTENCES through BEING LOVE, BEING LIGHT, BEING SOURCE, BEING CREATOR.... and each already BEING THIS ... UNITED....

At first though, all have to pull out of the matrix and focus on themselves. Then, as each fills their vessel full of love energy again, they start to realize the GIFT that they are, the GIFTS that they have access too and that's their new purposes are to share this for all of HUMANITY here.

When anything becomes more important than why you are here as a Galactic Pure Soul, then you separate off to experience a parallel timeline .... the only way to merge those timelines is to RECOGNIZE that you unconsciously chose an alternate reality to work through/resolve your own energy of separation....

These mega physical body/physical reality re-encodedments, re-configurations, re-calibrations and re-alignments are beyond anything any of us have experienced in our human timelines thus far. Polarity "rules" mean that all can either be the most devastating (human) or most profoundly magnificent (ascended aspect/highest self), or both simultaneously when multiple dimensions converge in the same space....

Go deep inside.... see what's going on with you.... take the blinders off.... OPEN YOUR HEART TO SEE AND HEAR..... This is where you will understand.... and where there is human resistance held, this will inner-fear. You'll have to see your own passive/aggressive resistance (unconscious programs your body holds) and choose to shift out of this (open your heart bigger, wider, totally to accomplish this) and get your human mind out of the way....

Physical realities are dynamically restructuring in every moment now. They are built on ENERGY..... as all realities are. Unity Consciousness will be at the CORE of all.

Those built on unconscious energy have to be completely re-worked.... Everything must be brought into alignment with FULL CONSCIOUSNESS now.... walking with one foot in each world will require that you choose all along the way.... When you don't choose then your human gives up it's right for "choice"... your highest you/YOUniverse see's that you are asking for it to make the decision for you... this is just one way your "I'm not ready yet" cells transmits a message to speak "I'm not ready to stand in my power yet, so I need an experience to help me get ready"....(we use words to describe a process).... and your Universe you lovingly honors your request....

Where you do not hold unity inside, this becomes more visible now. Your decisions/actions speak for you.... there's no "hiding" in vibrational realities... only the unconscious human believes/even tries, which makes them the only one (human) that cannot see...

Profound, amazing, magical, fun, happy, immense joy, bliss, love, peace, kindness, respect and infinite abundance... this is the unknown, what's on the OTHER SIDE of those veils. This is what our human feared, because what was required to achieve this, meant letting go of our need to control, selfishness, remaining separate by keep walls of protection up and not letting others in to see us, experience us and we short-changed ourselves.... we were the ones that were scared of opening up, had these huge-fear-based illusions of losing control, held on to the belief that everyone was out to get us, betray us, hurt us.... which is only true if we keep creating these realities by holding onto these beliefs and projecting them into that hologram that becomes solid when particle matter takes form in response to us.....

The constructs of each's reality are now changing dramatically, because we've left the lower density planes where unconsciousness used to live...

It is TIME to open up and embrace the magnificence that you already are, to embrace your gifts, to embrace you and to step into your power fully, by opening your heart and UNITING IN LOVE and PEACE again......

It is time to leave old earth completely from inside and to not only be ready to step fully onto NEW EARTH now... but to make it happen with everything that you are by ALLOWING YOURSELVES to feel it, see it, experience it and anchor it with every breath now....

Join us here.... unify inside... see how important you are and the roles that you play/hold and how you can contribute if you truly really are ready and you truly really care.... Go deep inside to expand out as your highest aspects of you.... and you will see, you will know....then it will be up to you to "do" what you see/know...... only you can.

I love you... as a Galactic Soul embodied on this magical earthly plane of higher dimensional earth here. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Galactic Guardian of Our NEW Earth, Ascended Light BEing in human form.... Anchoring Heaven on Earth for us all... as a WayShower, Gridkeeper & Gatekeeper .... (you are too!)