
Freedom! Sacred Partnerships in 5D

namaste123 2017. 1. 7. 00:20

Freedom! Sacred Partnerships in 5D

When we embark on the sacred journey, we have no idea what we have gotten into on a conscious, mind level. We just have this deep knowing in our heart that this is special. And the first encounter brings so much energetic power with it, that it shakes us up so deeply – we have no chance but to move forward and step-by-step drop everything that is not authentic about us and is keeping us from being completely free. Nobody but our sacred partner is able to push our buttons so perfectly to recognize what is keeping us from ascension – and from self-love.

It takes quite a while until we figure out that the connection we have with the other person was never about a relationship. It was always about finding back to our true power, our true self and remembering who we truly are and what we came here for: Assisting humanity to ascend.


Cycles of Growth

As we move forward, we learn, we grow, and we let go. Just to enter another cycle of learning, growing and letting go. Although it seems relentless and like a never-ending story, the process takes us higher and higher in frequency. Into more and more wisdom, faith and trust and less and less attachments, beliefs and expectations. We learn so much about the energetic dynamics of these divine partnerships and are starting to get the idea, that this union is an energy that is not tied to one physical person (which only is true in 3D).

And yet – although we feel more and more confident and detached – somehow we still feel awkward around our cosmic partner. There is still some insecurity or anxiety around it. There is still not the ease and full trust and detachment we would love to have. We still have that longing and the expectation to reunite with our divine counterpart. And…. Exactly that is what is blocking it from happening.

“Expectations are a manifestation of a fear.”

Expectations are a manifestation of a fear. And in this case – it is the fear of not being good enough. We still doubt that we are worthy of this love. “But – we have done so much work, so we must come to reunion. We deserve it! And all the writings and texts out there say that if you do your inner work, you will get to reunion and ascend together. So it must be in store for us!” That is how our 3D ego-mind tries to cope with it. And that is what blocks the energy from being transformed into 5D completely.


Beliefs and Expecations are preventing a Reunion

Although we often are not aware of it, we still have certain beliefs and expectations around the process and the outcome of this union. And that shows that we are still in 3D. Existence in 5D is only possible without any beliefs, labels or expectations. It is about opening up to the endless possibilities we have. only then – the energy has the space to do its magic for us and create a reality that is far beyond of what we could have ever expected. By letting go of it all, including the expectation of a reunion or the expectation, that our partner is that one person in a physical body we are supposed to live happily ever after with, we set ourselves free. Free from humanness. We become divine. We ascend into a state of no-mind. A feeling of floating in a stream of warm and golden water. The most beautiful flow. The flow we once felt when we were meeting our cosmic partner for the first time.

“Once we go through this shift, we are coming into wholeness. The fear of not being good enough is gone. That is the moment when this cosmic love becomes truly unconditional.”

Once we go through this shift, we are coming into wholeness. The fear of not being good enough is gone. That is the moment when this cosmic love becomes truly unconditional. It carries no more expectations of a certain outcome, no more fears, attachments, longing, anxieties or awkwardness. With this wholeness, we break completely free. When it happens, the energy we perceive with our partner feels pretty flat. It almost seems boring after all that human drama and all the push and pull dynamics that were caused by our fear and by the fairytale and Hollywood programming, how romance and relationships should be like. Now, we cannot relate to all that drama anymore as we have overcome the addiction to it.


Unconditional Relatedness

The partnership becomes a relatedness, a friendship. Two whole people that do not have any fear left and cannot hurt each other anymore, sharing their love, being fully rooted and anchored in their self-love and authenticity. They come together and part in a natural flow. Without any human ties, without any need, any pain and with full trust. Because both parts know: We can never lose what is a part of us. No more uncomfortable feelings or anxiousness. No more doubts whether we said the right or the wrong thing and worries how the other would perceive it. Because we know that we always say what is necessary from a soul perspective. No more desire or pressure to reunite. Communication and meetings become easy and normal.

“It feels like talking to a different person for both sides. And – that is true: Both have changed and evolved so much and have returned to their essence. We indeed are different persons.”

It feels like talking to a different person for both sides. And – that is true: Both have changed and evolved so much and have returned to their essence. We indeed are different persons. We have moved beyond the human concepts of the 3rd dimension. We are fearless. The connection feels so easy and natural, because, in the 5th dimensional plane, the plane of oneness where the concept of separation does not exist, we already have been reunited – all the time. We just did not realize it while still being in 3D – the vibration of perceived separation. When we enter 5D, we understand – that this whole process had only one goal: To lead us back to ourselves and our self-love, playfulness, joy and absolute freedom. To prepare us to inspire and assist the masses in their awakening. And being in that place is so much more amazing and beautiful than anything we could have ever dreamt of.


Painting by Vera Ingeborg

The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

