Light-Time Acceleration and its Impact on Consciousness and Ascension
By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
It is discussed that the quanta of light energy being received on earth ever since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 has been progressively increasing causing increases in the velocity of light, speeding up the spin of the earth’s core. This, in turn, has been causing time acceleration as well as providing an opportunity for an up-shift in consciousness for humanity. It is expected that the process of light and time acceleration will continue keeping the gateway for human Ascension open for those who will gain and maintain their light quotients in order to reach the requisite frequency for 5th [and higher] dimensional Ascension.
- Everything is governed by Light.
- Light is the precursor to ‘life’ and the creator of consciousness in all sentient beings.
- Light manifests itself through the life-force potent particulates of reality manifestation, which were termed by our ancients as ‘Akash’ or ‘Adamantine’ particles.
- And, these particulates are the predecessors to what we now may refer to as the ‘Consciousness Units.’
- Light is energy, massless photons of light that animate, drive, and propel everything that may be characterized as conscious.
- Although it cannot be accurately measured by humanity at our current level of academic knowledge, the speed of light has been increasing around our planet.
- Therefore, ‘light’ is accelerating, and it affects every aspect of our current experience.
- Indeed, 2012 continued the benevolent mission of light acceleration.
- Time and space are different aspects of light.
- Time and space are interrelated, conjugate pairs. one is the reverse of the other.
- Decreased tendency in sensation of time is often accompanied with the increased tendency for the perception of space.
- The area under the time-space curve depicts the extent of light energy being expended.
- At one point, both time and space collapse into a foam [point of origin on the time-space continuum curve], and matter to antimatter conversion pursues.
- This may be referred to as the point of Zero Free [light] Energy.
- This happens as a result of transformation of black holes containing matter into infinitesimal micro dimensional antimatter-generating white holes.
Time-Space Continuum Program Server and the Grid
- Consciousness manifests itself as ‘reality.’
- Reality manifestation occurs through the time-space continuum holographic program server.
- Different epochs and eras associated with such programs can appear suddenly from nowhere and then fade into oblivion.
- One such example has been the sudden appearance and disappearance of the Mayan civilization.
- Dimensional reality on Earth is programmed to appear in a time sequence we perceive as linear.
- It is the consciousness grid that enables the creation of these realities.
- In truth, all programs are running simultaneously.
- On the level of the oversoul, many civilizations experience all lifetimes that are occurring at the same time, as well as multidimensionally, in the Unified Field of the Crystalline Multiverse.
- Reality, in essence, is a computer program facilitated by a server, which in this case, is the 144-Crystalline grid.
- Through the 144-Grid, the sub- programs of ‘time’ are inserted as hologramic realities.
Demise of Man’s Consciousness
- Humanity reality manifestation is governed by ‘Consciousness Units.’
- Since the fall of Atlantis [past 13 millennia], earth has undergone a ‘step-down’ transformation of light consciousness energies.
- This has resulted in a reduction of the frequencies of earth and the emergence of lower consciousness, giving rise to a ‘dense’ physical reality within a 3D paradigm of duality.
- In turn, there has been a ‘slowing down’ of the time giving rise to a linear perception of time within a ‘linear’ sequence of time-space continuum.
- Linear time, however, is a functional, purposeful illusion. It has served humanity well through providing a university of higher learning on earth. And, its professor has been ‘Cause and Effect’ through advent of duality.
- The annihilation of the energy firmament prevalent at the end of the Atlantean era has been followed by advent of polarity and the introduction of electromagnetic light energy causing the phenomenon of duality.
- The ‘consciousness units’ have been manifesting as what is termed electromagnetic energy units.
- These electromagnetic energy units were ordained to function in a physical polarity field, and represent the linear space-time aspects of the third dimension.
- In this respect, the contiguous linear aspect of humanity’s space-time reality has not contained the faster resonate context of ‘crystalline consciousness energy’ indigenous to the higher dimensions.
Mayan Prophesy and the 9th Wave of Ascension
- There has been 8 other such occurrences during the past history of earth, in which mankind has undergone considerable reduction in consciousness.
- The latest, being labelled as the 9th wave, and is the ultimate.
- The Mayan understood this and left us many indicators.
- This is why many of their pyramids, the pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chitchen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque were all built with nine stories.
- The concept of the ‘ninth wave’ is only an interpretation.
- It is an interpretation that is truly subjective but it has its own benevolent purpose, drawing focus to a ‘unity wave’ that forms its praiseworthy intent.
- The conceptual intent of the ‘ninth wave’ has a core value, one that is capable of giving momentum to the institution of Unity consciousness, and therefore, has its own advantages.
- The acceleration of the Ascension energies present the true intrinsic basis for providing the opportunity for expanded consciousness, and these are occurring whether they are termed as the ‘ninth wave’ or not.
- Of primary importance is that our planet is gaining the appropriate inertia and positive momentum in centering itself in the Galactic field, and this is the crux of present planetary Ascension.
- As Mayans also predicted, humanity Ascension is to follow.
- A new paradigm of reality is now setting precedence.
- The resonant momentum of the Ascension is quickening the energies.
- The acceleration of the Ascension energies are truly the basis of the opportunity for increased consciousness.
- It represents the highest quantum state, and is the basis for a harmonious peace on earth.
- An important aspect of the Ascension is the centering of all time in the time-space continuum holographic program server.
- An aperture in the hologram programs of simultaneous time is allowing all holograms to complete themselves in this cycle.
- And as a result, consciousness acceleration is being experienced on the planet at this time.
- It is the upsurge in frequencial resonance that is accelerating the ‘potential’ of each individual to shift upward into greater conscious awareness.
- Humanity Ascension is dependent, and indeed, fortified by the dimensional expansion of the Earth into the ‘crystalline’ realms.
- This is associated with moving to higher dimensional consciousness characterized by advent of new higher frequencies of vibration.
- Every dimension has its own light physics and distinct set of universal physical laws associated with it.
- The crystalline realm begins at the level of the fifth dimension and extends to the 15D in humanities paradigm of the Omni-Earth.
- What has existed for mankind’s access prior to the dimensional expansion of the Ascension has been a ‘stepped-down’ version of Consciousness Units in what is now termed as electromagnetic energy units, which are ordained to function in the physical polarity field and linear space-time aspects of the third dimension.
- Crystalline consciousness units operate in a much more rapid frequency, and are prompted into creative manifestation of reality through the higher aspect of mind, in the realm we refer to as the ‘subconscious.’
- The reality in the 3D paradigm aspect of humanity simply could not contain the faster resonate context of consciousness units in crystalline dimension.
- Accordingly, it is consciousness shift and quickening of time pulse that are the results of the essential intense energies for generating the requisite powerful resonance.
- Thus, Ascension, the expansion of 3D humanity to rise into the greater crystalline dimension, absent for many millennia, is now available to the denser physicality of humanity.
- The recent upsurge of light energies on the planet has enhanced the opportunity for expanded consciousness facilitated via passage through this ‘doorway’ via frequencial jumps occurring on earth today.
- We are now experiencing the ultimate shift in consciousness (there have been 8 previous ones) that has driven evolution for thousands of years.
- And, the opportunity for such frequencial leaps has been accentuating ever since the Harmonic Convergence Inception of 1987.
- Indeed, there have been many astrological influences that have played significant roles in the Ascension.
- In particular, the equinoxes, solstices and eclipses of 2011 and 2012 have been the original and true potency sources of the energetic contributions toward the field of Unity Consciousness.
- And, Unity Consciousness is, indeed, a noble aspiration, and is very essential to Ascension.
- Ascension, in mathematical terms, has been occurring in base 12.
- The Atlanteans also utilized base 12 in mathematical terms for dimensional expansion.
- It is perhaps more accurate to say that the Crystalline transition, which is the core essence of the Ascension, has been occurring in 12 waves, in triple dates, from the 01-01-01 through the 12-12-12.
- The Ascension and unity consciousness has been occurring since 2001, and quickened through 2012.
- The ’12th-wave’ represents the highest quantum state and constitutes the basis for a harmonious peace on earth.
- The Ascension expansion of earth curtails 12 dimensions.
- The 144-Crystalline Grid has been activating in 12 stages through the phenomena of the 12 triple date portals utilizing base-12 mathematics.
- The base-12, twelve- wave scenario is frequencially fitting to the resonance of the Ascension.
- There are 12 major ‘Sun-Disc’ on the planet.
- Each of the 12 Sun Discs carry specific resolve and have been receiving new crystalline codes.
- Each of the 12 primary apparatuses feed 12 satellites.
- These are relevant to the 144 in a complex geo symmetry that is suited to the base 12 of the Earth, and indeed, represent the ‘Crystalline 144-Grid.’
- And, the 144-Crystalline grid is, in essence, a computer server facilitating a ‘software’ program.
- Through the 144-Grid, the sub- programs of ‘time’ are inserted as hologramic realities.
- Ascension, in essence, is a Universal truth, and Unity Consciousness has been occurring since 2001, and quickened in 2012.
- It was a needed achievement.
- It can be more accurately stated that the 2012 Ascension was the 12th wave of the Ascending Earth, and the movements and forward inertia have been quickening since the dawning of the Harmonic Convergence era.
- It involved the replacement of the electromagnetic grid by the 12 phase activations of the Crystalline Grid.
- The conscious divine energy behind what has been termed the Mayan Calendar is independent of, and vastly predates the Maya.
- It is, in its core, a potent living energy field that is by no means dependent on what is contained in the Mayan calendar or interpreted from the remnants of the calendar.
- It is far more than what we can imagine it to be. It is dynamic and ever expanding. It is the source energy that allowed the calendar to be composed.
- Many have thought that the Mayan calendar was about something that would happen on a singular date, but in fact, it was an extraordinary plan from the Cosmos that was divided into 12 different phase of consciousness.
- The energy of the planet, indeed, has been changing.
- In this respect, a requisite magnificent up-shifting and purification has been occurring.
- The earth is transforming as a result of upsurge of light energies causing ascension.
- This has resulted in reduction of the electromagnetic energies around earth and the advent of a new and pristine form of energies we refer to as Crysto-electric energies.
- This has, in turn, been causing a reduction in the arc swing of duality.
- The integral result of duality reduction is a more compacted experience, one that is perceived in duality as more amalgamated and continuous, and accordingly, less abrupt.
- The rate of acceleration is determined by and actuated by the individual’s intent and ability to rise into and obtain the procurable expansive energy.
- The inertia of time-chronology speeds more quickly today than it did yesterday in linear sequence.
- It is evident that all is quickening and time is accelerating.
Relation among Light, Time, and Consciousness Acceleration
- The curvature of space-time by which time-pulse expands or contracts has a direct relevance to the quanta of light the planet receives at a given time.
- When a greater quanta of coherent light is present, time pulse flash sequence can and does accelerate, either forward or backward, from our linear perspective.
- The speed of light around our planet is, indeed, accelerating.
- Time as we know it is, indeed, accelerating.
- Time and space are different aspects of light energy.
- The acceleration of the time pulse we are now receiving is the direct results of the increased velocity of light we are currently experiencing on earth.
- But, it is not merely the pulse-flash of time sequencing that is increasing.
- Indeed, humanity is increasing in vibration.
- Accordingly, 2012 continued to urge mission of light acceleration and our articulate interpretation of consciousness.
- With this surge, our consciousness shifts into higher tempo.
- So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind.
Time-Light Acceleration and its Relation to Reformation of Earth
- Indeed, our earth is reformulating.
- The Crystalline Grid is transforming light via quickening sequences of space and time as it appears in our dimension, and is indeed, affecting the physical body of the earth.
- The pulse of time is increasing as the earth reshapes itself.
- This transformation of spatial time results in an increase in the spinning of the earth’s core.
- Indeed, the ratio of the inner spin to the axial tilt of the earth determines the time movement in linear earth.
- As a result of transformation of light, the earth spin is increasing, giving rise to a sensation of time acceleration and perception of a faster progression of time.
- Time as we know it, is indeed, accelerating.
- This is the reason why there seems to be fewer hours in the day, and one cannot seemingly accomplish the same number of tasks within the same perceived measure of time.
- Time as being measured in 3D traditionally is out of sync with the relevant pulse of time flash of consciousness.
- The time flash aspect of consciousness is now increased by approximately 25%, but our ability to adjust to this effect has not equalized.
- Therefore, it ‘seems’ to that time passes more quickly relative to what humanity experienced three decades ago.
- Although it cannot be accurately measured by humanity at our current level of academic knowledge, the speed of light has increased.
- It is evident that all is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension has been downing upon us.
- The moments, hours and days flash by much quicker.
- So as time reshapes itself, it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the earth itself.
- Strictly speaking, however, time does not exist at all.
- It only characterizes the passing sequence of one event being accomplished after another.
- In our civilization on earth and within our perceived paradigm of reality, we often associate the progression of time as the continuous passage of daylight-to-night sequence as our planet is revolving about itself.
- What needs to be said is that the spin of earth occurs as a direct consequence of divine sunlight energies being impended upon it that generates the sensation of linear time.
- In reality, linear time has been a purposeful illusion.
- The world now remakes itself as the inertia of time speeds up more quickly today than it did yesterday in terms of linear sequence of time chronology.
- Linear Time is conceptual within duality.
- Linear time signifies the expansion and contraction of the duality-polarity aspects of the 3rd dimension.
- In reality, the acceleration of time pulse lessens the arc swing of duality.
- The integral result of this is a more compacted experience, one that is perceived in duality as more consolidated and seamless, and accordingly, more refined and less abrupt.
Crystalline Consciousness
- Dimensional reality on earth has been traditionally programmed to appear in a time sequence that we perceive as linear.
- The crystalline dimensions begin at the level of the 5th dimension.
- Each dimension above the 3rd, beginning at the 5th, has its own unique Laws of Physics and own succinct time pulse.
- Light becomes crystalline coherent light at the level of the fifth dimension, and increases in velocity and frequency in each higher dimension.
- “In time, time disappears.”
- The crystalline core of the earth is now spinning faster and the ratio of the inner spin to the axial tilt of the earth determines the time movement in linear earth.
- It is, indeed, appropriate to say that the clocks and chronometers of the earth no longer accurately measure the pulse of time as received from the flashing pulse of consciousness – the reality sequence, as perceived by the brain.
- The settings we perceive in our physical earth in linear time, the aspects of life as we generally capture it are purposed illusions.
- Consciousness shift and quickening of time pulse are essential in order to conform to the intense energies needed for generating the requisite powerful and fast resonance of ‘crystalline’ consciousness.
- Simply, the 3D humanity consciousness requires expansion in order to rise into the faster crystalline dimension, and therefore, effect ascension.
- The crystalline realm begins at the level of the fifth dimension and extends to the 15th D in humanity’s paradigm of the Omni-Earth realities.
- Crystalline consciousness units operate in a much more rapid frequency, and operate in the higher aspect of humanity mind, in the realm referred to as the ‘subconscious.’
- It is the upsurge in frequencial resonance that is accelerating the ‘potential’ of each individual to shift upward into greater conscious awareness.
- Humanity Ascension is dependent and indeed fortified by the dimensional expansion of the Earth into the ‘crystalline’ realms.
Brain, Mind, Consciousness
- The settings we perceive in our physical earth in linear time, the reality of life as we generally perceive, is purposeful illusion.
- The purposed illusion of linear time is deciphered by the brain according to fixed signals received initially by the mind, and then again, are influence by the changing speed of light.
- Thus confusion or misconception can occur in the brain.
- It is important to understand that the mind is quite distinct from the brain.
- The human brain is a physicalized aspect of mind.
- The brain occupies physical matter and space. It interprets and exists in time.
- The mind takes up no space; it does not have its core existence within linear time.
- The reality of the ‘inner universe’ does not occupy material space, nor does it have its intrinsic essence in linear time.
- It functions in dream state in the form of ‘sub-consciousness.’
- Our illusory physical reality is not the true reality that our divine mind, our soul exists in.
- The divine mind’s perceptions are determined by Cosmic Forces that are now shifting.
- In essence, time and space are different aspects of the light energy.
- The speed of light around our planet is constantly increasing as a result of upsurge of light energies being bombarded upon our planet.
- In terms of physics, the curvature of space-time by which time-pulse expands or contracts relates to the exact quanta of light present in a particular space quadrant.
- As such ‘light’ is accelerating, and it is affecting us.
- It is not merely the pulse-flash of consciousness and its consequent time sequencing that is increasing; indeed, it is humanity that is increasing in vibration frequency.
- The event has been escalating since the Harmonic Conversion of 1987.
- The Schumann resonant vibrational frequency of earth has been continually increasing from around 7.83 Hz at the inception of the Harmonic Resonance timeline to what may be perceived as being around 13 Hz today giving rise to a ‘new age’ of progressively expanding consciousness.
- The upsurge in the Schumann Resonance of earth and the expanded consciousness of mother Gaia oversoul is being accompanied with a surge in consciousness in people of earth.
- Accordingly, the mission of 2012 has continued with light acceleration and is still increasing our eloquence of consciousness.
- With this surge in our cognitive expression of life, we continue to shift into higher dimensions.
Ascension: a Personal Choice
- Having the expansion of energies that make Ascension probable does not mean each individual will immediately utilize the newly made available prospect. Indeed, the choice to do reside with humanity, and depend on the subtle, particular decision of each individual.
- Ascension is then a personal option, depending on the willingness, inclination, the pure intent, and indeed, the light quotient/frequency of the individual.
- For Earth is a free will, free- choice environment by design.
- The energetic blend occurring on the planet at this time provides the opportunity for expanded consciousness.
- Yet, such a prospect is only possible through clear intent in crossing the threshold through the ‘doorway’ and through gaining the frequencial prerequisite provided on the ‘present’ earth.
- The energy of the planet is, indeed, changing, and an essential superlative up-shifting and cleansing is now happening.
- Remember that prophesies of the Mayans and others only refer to this prerequisite frequency for each prospective soul to achieve ascension.
- It is, therefore, better said that the factor of conscious shift is determined by the consciousness of the individual, and not any other preset factor(s).
- Indeed, the choice remains with humanity, and is contingent on the diligent decree of each person.
- Ascension occurs one heart, one mind at a time. It has always been so.
- Consciousness acceleration made available through the present advent of ‘Ascension’ is not subject to any fixed ratio.
- The rate of acceleration is triggered by the individual’s intent and ability to rise into and obtain the prospective expansive energy. For Earth is a Free Will, free- choice environment by design.
- Ascension is not a magical ‘pixy’ or star-dust that immediately transforms all that it touches. Rather, now there exists a newly opened frequencial doorway that the individual may choose to pass through when ‘prepared.’
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