
Bio-Field Mastery (Master Healing the Bio Energy Field)

namaste123 2016. 7. 27. 07:11



The Bio-Energy Field Transmitter Certification, this is one of the most cutting edge and high frequency healing modalities and systems in circulation on our planet today.

This healing system is built off a 15 dimensional Time-Space Matrix Model, and utilises the stepped down energy, frequency, and living conscious intelligence held as scalar wave programs in living codes, known as the Rishi Codes of AS.

Astral Objects are located in the fourth level of the Bio-Energy Field which is a gateway to the fourth dimension. This is a dimension that is known as the great arena with an enormous amount of activity, beings, and potential traps. The astral realm is a huge realm, it contains every experience we have ever had and is also the level of relationship. It is in this level of the Bio-Energy Field that objects from other people, beings, and time lines can accumulate in your Bio-Energy Field. 

The astral realm contains all of the events that have not been processed or healed which is leaving an energetic imprint behind affecting the quality of the Bio-Energy Field. This is like junk that is accumulated in ones field and these very often take the place of Astral Objects.

These need to be removed as they can block, stagnate and freeze energy in the system depending on where they are located. Their origin can come from past life death’s, jealously, anger, rage from known and unknown people in this lifetime, contracts and agreements held with other non physical beings, orders and alien races that bind you in place to keep you stuck or stagnant or locked into an agreement. 

The astral objects look just like the real objects except they are held only energetically in place in the astral plane.

Only objects which are ready to be removed will be removed, often you will encounter objects that need additional work in other areas of their system before the object is ready for extraction, for example Imprinted Program Removal, or Shielding and Armour Removal. Sometimes you will scan their field and not pick up any astral objects, however they are there hidden under various levels of programming, armour, shielding and are not yet ready for detection or removal.

Reality works in layers and as you continue to peel back your aspirants layers you will reveal more programming and issues that need to be addressed including the sudden appearance of Astral Objects which perhaps you did not previously detect.

The astral objects can accumulate in the Quantum Time Field. Here every event continues to exist and we can connect to our past and future easily. From this space we may access the experience we need to heal.


The most common objects extracted are swords, knives, arrows, bullets and broken glass and other various instruments that resulted in death in a previous life stream. Often people send energetic daggers through psychic attack that can also accumulate in the Bio-Energy Field. You will also encounter other finer objects like rings, religious objects, shackles, but any object can present itself for any number of reasons.

These astral objects are simply templates of energy that form into various shapes that are created in the grand arena of the Astral Plane. These astral objects are often the reasons why people get caught in loops of negative patterns, such as addiction or abuse. They get stuck in the past or present moment and the program scripts that form around the Astral Object keep them unable to move forward with their lives.

Removing these objects from the past and the associated Karma allows the person to move forward in their Life Stream since they are no longer held in place by the object that is keeping them static, stuck or in pain.

If the above resonates with you watch the replay of the FREE WEBINAR!

Experience the higher dimensional codes LIVE in action and find out more about the Bio-Energy Field Transmitter Certification.

