Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

June Solstice 2016

namaste123 2016. 6. 19. 12:34

June Solstice 2016 – What? Why? How? Tips & TOOLS!!

June Solstice-SM800x800V2Why the June Solstice 2016 is RARE, powerful & vitally important!

Sharing A PREPARATION TRANSMISSION, tips & tools to help you attune and soar!

On 20/21st June 2016 as the Solstice Sun is rising on the Galactic Cross & a powerful STARGATE is opening, pouring fourth ascension codes that are only available to us during this short window every 26,000 years!

As if this is not exciting enough – the energy of this June Solstice 2016 is further magnified and enhanced by a Full Blue Moon in Sagittarius and the 3rd & Final Jupiter/North Node conjuction in Virgo – occuring on the same day!!


In this article I will offer you insights into;

  1. WHAT is Solstice - the science/astrology?
  2. WHY is it so important to align with – espcially now? The JUICY DETAILS!
  3. HOW you can consciously work with this energy?
  4. Supportive CELESTIAL RESONANCE light language tools, videos & GREAT TIPS!

But firstly – a quick overview!

2015 June Solstice 4Solstice translates as ‘stand still’ of the Sun,  a solstice occurs when the sun’s zenith is at its furthest point from the equator. Solstice is exact for at least three days and is nearly exact for almost three weeks.

The June Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is the Summer Solstice & in the Southern Hemisphere it is the Winter Solstice!

Doorways or thresholds into the mysteries are more easily accessed during Solstices, especially when we consciously engage this Celestial Flow. This is why solstice is such a powerful time for doing ceremonial activation’s at sacred sites or anywhere you happen to be.

THE BOTTOM LINE IS: We are at the turning of a great astrological age,  one of the ways we know this is that the Summer/ Winter Solstice Sun is rising on the Galactic Cross near the Galactic Edge. This rare placement of the rising Solstice Sun only occurs during a brief period of time every 26,000 years ( we are believed to be in the centre of this time, at the most potent aperture of this stargate alignment right now!).  

WHY is this such a big deal?  In short, these rare Solstice Sunrises on the Galactic Cross open a potent stargate, directly connecting to the Great Central Sun, through which our Sun transmits starry ascension codes directly from’source’ down upon us, supporting our re-calibration, and our rapid en’light’enment process!   

The June Solstice was celebrated by many ancient cultures who understood it’s power and  importance.  At this the turning of the Ages – we are called once more align with this very important timing/cycle, to go into sacred ritual, in order to facilitate the healing of  ourselves and our world!


June Solstice 2015ACCESS AN INDIVIDUAL MASTERY INITIATION & LIGHTBODY ACTIVATION SESSION WITH KYRONA – facilitated on 20/21st JUNE (while the stargate is fully open!) – this session will support you to energetically align with the evolutionary imperative of this event, to catapult your spiritual growth & evolution! 

 REGISTER NOW (IF YOU CAN REGISTER YOU ARE IN TIME!) or keep reading to learn more about these sessions and why this event is so important!  See testimonials from participants of past events. 

(This event is FREE for members of the CRAOL Consciousness Movement)

 1.  WHAT is Solstice?

This years June Solstice falls on the 20/21st June depending on where you live (CLICK HERE to view time in your city).

The Sun is our seasonal metronome ( a Metronome is that device used by musicians to mark time at a selected rate). For us our sun marks time via the four primary Solar Gates located at the Solstice and Equinox points. These Solar Gates mark the beginning and ending of our seasons and many other important energetic shifts!

Due to the tilt in our Earth’s axis of rotation, throughout the calendar year the Sun appears to rise and fall in different regions of the Sky. This is not of course due to the Sun moving, but due to the Earth moving relative to the Sun.  A solstice occurs when the sun’s zenith is at its furthest point from the equator.  During the June solstice it reaches its northernmost point and the Earth’s North Pole tilts directly towards the sun, at about 23.5 degrees.

sun four quarters

The June Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is called the ‘Summer Solstice‘ – this marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (daylight hours). As we commenced our journey from the last Winter Solstice we have been energised from Sun in our Heart through to the Divine Heart of all creation. We now reach the peak of growth – and it is a time of celebration for all. As the days post Summer Solstice become shorter, it is a time of inner reflection/review as we move toward the next cycle.

The June Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is called the ‘Winter Solstice‘ – this marks the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere (daylight hours). It is a time of inner reflection, turning to the Sun within, our solar selves. It is a time to gain strength from within, and get ready to embark on the new journey as our days of daylight get longer beyond the Winter Solstice and we are being energised from within.

Ancient cultures understood the importance of these gateways and aligned with them through ceremonial intent, building monuments in stone to capture these seasonal gates in the Sun’s rising and setting points (think stone henge).

Why is the Sun so important to us?

The Sun is our source of light, life, energy, and health. Sunlight gives us vitamin D and helps our body with other important functions. Without the sun we would not continue to sustain life on earth!  

Did you realise that sunlight also helps to attune (or entrain) our bodies to the light frequencies of planetary ascension?  Let me explain…

So first thing to understand is that our Sun is a huge star and as such it emanates star light out into our solar system!  Our Sun’s star light carries its own starry codes that helps to activate the area of the sky it is passing through. At this time the Sun has the ability to help us calibrate our own frequency to the higher frequencies becoming available to us (thus all the Solar Flares).  This CALIBRATION IMPERATIVE is especially powerful during a Solstice Stand Still as it concentrates the star energy from that part of the sky & through the open ‘stargate to heaven/source’ for several days.

So it is well worth attuning to this celestial flow, for the divine dispensation shared with us at this time can help with healing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues when harnessed.  For this reason connecting to the Solstice Sun in sacred ceremony is powerfully supportive of your en’light’enment, healing and evolution!

Why is the June Solstice 2016 so RARE, and solstices the most potent in 26,000 years right now?

We are at the turning of a Great Age right now – it is a truly incredible time to be alive! one of the ways we know that we are in such a potent time is that the Summer/Winter Solstice Sun is rising on the Galactic Cross near the Galactic Edge. Such Solstice Alignments one the Galactic Cross occur about every 26,000 years and last for at least 72 years – as that is how long it takes the Sun to move 1 degree through the backdrop of the stars.

Leading astrologers have suggested that using the 72 year window this shift began in 1962 and ends in 2030. When considering an entire 26,000 year Great Year of time – it is however reasonable to consider a period of time that equates to the sun rising one degree on either side of the exact center point of the galactic cross. By this measure we create a 144 year window, 72 years on either side of the exact alignment point. The exact center point was calculated by astronomer John Muess as occurring in 1998. Using this calculation when we calculate 72 years before and after – the window began in 1926 and lasts until 2070.

In the big scheme of things – regardless of what the exact dates of this Grand Cross Solstice convergence, what YOU need to know is that the Turning of the Ages, as shown by the Solstice Sun rising on the Galactic Cross, is a VITAL EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS created by the divine hand of source.

And in this moment of the  June Solstice 2016 we are near the exact center point of this Turning of the Ages process – so the STARGATE is open to its widest aperture!  We are being ‘LIGHT’ up by starry ascension codes like never before! Kyrona 

So it is that at this magical time in our evolution the Solstice Sun acts as a doorway to the incoming energies, illuminating and opening the stargate / portal to other realms and dimensions as it rises, sets and tracks across the sky during the solstice time.  As pictured below – you can see where the June solstice Sun is sitting on the Galactic Cross between the constellation of the Twins and the Bull.


(a big thankyou for C.K Castell & the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School for this wonderful graphic depicting the Galactic Cross alignment)


2.  WHY is is vitally important to align with Celestial Flow of the June Solstice 2016 STARGATE power portal?

As a Star Priestess and anchor of the Star Temple I call the Celestial Temple, I am passionate about helping you to understand why it is so important to honour the Solstice & supporting you to align with it!  So let me explain in simple terms for you why I know this activity is so vital…

Consciously aligning with the Celestial Flow of this Solstice Power Portal (in fact all power portals) allows you to align your co-creative activities with the Divine Plan for your life and for humanity.  Being aligned with Celestial Flow ensures that YOU are planting the seeds of your co-creative activities, at the optimum moments, in the right seasons, to ensure their most efficient growth & an optimum harvest!

Thus aligning with Celestial Flow allows YOU to power up your co-creative activities and supercharge their impact!  

As  you step more and more fully into your 5th dimensional consciousness and reality – as you more fully realise within yourself the physical unification of ‘as above’ and ‘so below‘ – you come to understand the importance and power of embodying Cosmic Consciousness in your everyday life!  Through choosing to become aware of and move with the Celestial Flow or ‘ as above‘ your ability to co-create magnifies exponentially!

Consciousness Movement

Become an Annual Member of My Star Temple & align with the CELESTIAL FLOW in the most potent way!!

This is why consciously choosing to align with Celestial Flow is not only wise, but I would go so far as to say VITAL to your growth & evolution as a soul.  It is also VITAL for the successful completion of the transition of our Earth/Humanity into the new golden age of unity/cosmic consciousness!

I am passionate about supporting you to move in alignment with celestial flow & become the greatest vision of yourself!  Supporting you to become the most powerful co-creator you can be, united with team light to birth our new world!  Celestial Resonance is a profound tool for supporting you to do so, as are services and workshops!

The Power Portal of The June Solstice 2016 STARGATE is profound and aligning with it provides you with a remarkable opportunity for expansion!  It is a seasonal moment that at this time in the Earths’ evolution bathes YOU in a huge influx of starry ascension codes and energy to uplift and empower, to awaken YOU even more fully to higher levels of consciousness, to connect YOU more powerfully to your Soul Self!  To MAGNIFY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF YOUR CO-CREATIVE POWER!…