Kryon: Hearing The Voice Of Spirit - The Dark And Light Balance
Channelled By Lee Carroll
Saturday, 20 February, 2016 at Sarasota, Florida (posted 27 April, 2016)
Greetings, dear ones, I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The energy of the day is so different than when my first experience took place with my partner. So much has taken place in the way we expected. My partner teaches about potentials verses reality, and when I met him in 1989 the information I presented was as real then as it is now.
I told him that there would be no nuclear war at the millennium; there would be a change of consciousness instead and that the magnetic grid of the planet would move. Now science has established a connection between Human consciousness and that very grid I spoke of. Everything I mentioned has taken place.
What I present next is one of the most esoteric things you can imagine: I will tell the story about free choice and where it has taken you and about Human consciousness development. It's not complex, but if you just tuned in, it may be a little strange.
Humanity has free choice, not just to do what it wishes to do without intervention from Spirit, but it also decides where it takes itself and the energy and level of its own consciousness. Humanity decides how it works and thinks and if it cooperates with itself or not. This is the free choice of humanity. This entire free choice puzzle is not a test of the Humans, but rather it is a test and battle between dark and light.
We have told you that your soul is eternal and that you live over and over and over. Your life experiences on this plant are vast and many. Do you think it's possible through many generations that you might be able to raise yourself from your bootstraps, increase the consciousness of humanity, and graduate into that which is peace on Earth? If so, it would require a totally different paradigm of existence. Can you change this much? I came in 1989 because that is the exact potential now, and it's measured by something that I will now speak of.
Your Immediate History
The entire reason that things took place in the 1980s the way they did is the "wild card" that you experienced, which was the fall of the Soviets. This was not only unexpected by your experts, but it was shocking to all of the planet. These big, unexpected shifts are tellers, messages of changing times, and of an increased consciousness for humanity.
Human nature is beginning to change, to grow up and get out of that which I call "the playground of consciousness" and move into a more grown-up "elegance of consciousness". This will be one that creates togetherness and peace, which is just the beginning of a new kind of Human and a new kind of society.
I told you earlier that we might title this communication, "Hearing the Voice of Spirit" or "Hearing the Voice of God". This, of course, is a metaphor. People who tune in spiritually don't normally hear a voice from the sky. Hearing the voice of Spirit is a metaphor for being tuned in to the intuition from your own Higher-Self. The Higher-Self is that spiritual part of you that connects with your eternal soul. It is what most seekers strive to connect with and it gives you help with your own life, and in that, helps the planet.
The reason this intuition is so hard to hear or discern is that there's a low, constant drone, you might say, which is a metaphor for a noise or rumble that seems to obfuscate, or cover up, the message. It's like trying to hear something while there is a constant noise. It's the best metaphor we can give of how massive darkness can cover light. But the noise level of this drone is starting to decrease. So, what happens when you get a better, clearer message? You change; the world changes; those around you also hear better and even those who don't want to hear it will still know there is something different happening.
Again, this hearing is a metaphor. The meaning is really discerning the intuition of what has integrity or not, what's going on with your own life, and the ability to enhance the feeling of coming potentials. All of that is hearing the voice of Spirit. It's the Human Being starting to "grow up" and have a higher consciousness.
The Relationship of DNA to Consciousness
Now, the hardest thing for us to teach is what my partner has been teaching for some years. It's hard because it's not something that you have been told before in this way. Your consciousness is related to your multidimensional body. The easiest way for you to approach this idea is this metaphor: Your DNA is not working at 100 percent. Instead, it's working in the thirties percentage area. It's not even performing at half of what it was designed to do. There is no instrument that is going to clamp around your DNA and give it a percentage reading. But this measurement metaphor is the best we can do to tell you where you are at when it comes to the potential consciousness of humanity. I want to give you some information that you need to understand - how this all started and what happened.
If you had to start a test of consciousness on the planet, the fairest thing would be to have it equal or midpoint of low and high. For this metaphor, you would have to start with the same amount of light and dark. That's the way it was in the beginning. That is the design.
We have given you the history of humanity in the past. Your entire history is extremely short, for the galaxy and your solar system have been here for more than 4 billion years. Yet humanity as you know it really only started 200,000 years ago. I didn't say, "Humans", I said, "Humanity as you know it", for the entire test started with the creation story, the seeding of the knowledge of light and dark. I'm speaking of Humans with altered DNA - you with only 23 chromosomes.
Then there was another 100,000 years to have this develop for all Humans. Then Lemuria and some other "seed areas" helped with the teaching for another 50,000 years. When the seeding was really finished and the test was working, it was only yesterday! You're new! If you looked at the length of time Earth has been here as a 24-hour clock, then you compare when an “aware" Human got here, you would have arrived at the last second! All of known history happened in the last second of this time clock!
The irony is that those listening to this, and some of those in the audience, have been there for all of it. Old soul, we've given you this explanation many times: You remember from your Akash what you think to be Atlantis, sinking islands, wars and chaos. It just means you've "been there and done that". You've seen the cataclysms and you've been there when many historic things took place. They are etched into a memory you can't really sort it out well, but you carry it with you. What it means is you are an old soul and, perhaps, you helped start the planet!
The Sisterhood [referring to the Lemurian Sisterhood as created by Dr. Amber Wolf] is a great example. For those of you who feel inclined to come to the Sisterhood gatherings, you will celebrate a beginning consciousness that "rings" within you as a positive ancient memory. It celebrates a time when women were given credit for their intuitive power and were the shamanic leadership of society. Who better to do this than the life-givers of all humanity? It represents a time, in the beginning, of equality and wisdom that was the beginning of the light/dark test.
The DNA, at the beginning of the test, was set at 30 percent. Now, standby because I told you the beginning was equal, but this doesn't sound equal, does it? The percentage quickly went to 35 - quickly, to create a fair test, because that is where it belonged (35%) to have full equality with the darkness. Now, stay tuned and listen, and you will learn why this is fair. I'll give you something you should know: These numbers show you the power of light over dark. When you had the 35 percent of DNA working, it was balanced with the 65 percent of darkness on the planet.
Now, for those of you who don't really understand these numbers, let me explain. The balance of light and dark was indeed equal, but because light is more powerful, it only took 35 percent of light to make that happen. This ought to show you that the dark is weaker than you are. You had less of a percentage of the planet of light, and yet you were equal to a larger percent of darkness. Light is more powerful, and you don't need as much of it to be equal, even with a lower consciousness.
The Process of Percentage of Efficiency of DNA
Now let me tell you something about what happens at 35 percent of DNA efficiency. It shows up in consciousness as well as biological efficiency. At 35 percent, there is an intuitive understanding of gender balance on the planet - who does what and why. This is what is celebrated today in the Lemurian Sisterhood gatherings. It was a time when the genders of Earth respected one another and understood that the feminine gender is the one that is more in touch with Spirit. Not only were women a bit more in touch with multidimensional things, but they are the ones who mother all of humanity (both genders) as teachers of the children. All men are held and adored and taught by the mother. Therefore, they are the ones who would help guide all the societies of Earth.
With free choice, the percentage of DNA efficiently started to go down as humanity grew. As soon as the DNA started to lose percentage, the gender balance was dysfunctional. If you want to have a test of any society, anywhere on the planet, and you want to know the DNA percentage number [consciousness quota] as a society, there's an easy test: How do they perceive and treat their women? The higher the DNA functionality, the more the feminine divine is honored. This is the test! Different cultures create different DNA consciousness, even at the same time on the planet. So you can have a culture on Earth at 25 percent and one at 37 - and if you did, they would indeed clash.
In the Middle Ages, or perhaps before, the planet went to 25 percent. If you doubt that, all you have to do is look at gender dysfunction. The women went from being respected and being the shamans to second class, even third class, then they were seen along with the animals. No balance at all! That's what happens when the percentage starts to dip in a survival mode consciousness. There is no elegance in consciousness during this time and no appreciation for art or culture. There is instead the dysfunctions of war, hatred, uncaring, anger, drama and perpetuation of horror.
Then recently, the average percent started to go up again, and you hit the 30 and 31 mark. History showed that women were finally seen and the respect again began to be rekindled. It happened slowly and it's very telling. In more elegant societies, women were partially given the right to vote and then it got better. You went to an average of 32. That's when the Soviet Union fell over, disabling a nuclear war at the millennium. That's also when you celebrated the Harmonic Convergence, and I arrived to begin to train my partner in 1989.
Oh, dear ones, there are still those on the planet who feature tremendous gender dysfunction. Lower consciousness society can't "look up" to see anything better. Darkness can't see the light, and we told you about this back in 1993. Someday you will look backwards in history and say, “What was wrong with us? Why didn't we see the obvious?" When DNA is at 25 and 30 percent, the strongest win. It's a survival consciousness and very little else matters. If you wish to see a balanced society working at 35 and above, look at the gender balance. Respect and appreciation will be there.
Learn from the Ancients
Let me give you something else that my partner always talks about: Find the oldest society, the most long-lived culture on the planet. Then look at the teaching of their elders to find out what they believed in the past and did. What do their records say? Let me tell you what the records say: Women were the shamans! It was acknowledged that they had better intuitive ability.
Imagine having somebody able to guide you, who could see and feel the voice of God? It was clear to them! That's gender balance. The men knew it and depended upon it, and the women depended upon the men to do the things that men do best, to hunt and gather and provide. Gender balance! This system is still around in many of the indigenous societies of this planet who have been around a very long time. It never changed.
Continuing the History
When the DNA percentage got to 32, I spoke to my partner and gave him the choice to tune in [1989]. The snowball of an advanced DNA was rolling. This planet was starting to lift itself up on its way to 35, on its way to an equal balance again. Perhaps it will even go to 36, where dark would run the other way.
Dear ones, we told you that 35 percent was equal dark/light, but you've never seen that in your lifetime until right now! In fact, it's getting higher than that and dark is running the other way. It's coming out of the woodwork, as they say, indicating that it's being squeezed out of many places where it formerly hid. Imagine a dark army on the planet who can recruit young people even from your own country! This dark army is not recruiting Americans, it is recruiting darkness!
This represents Humans who are invested in darkness and have a very young Akash and a very old consciousness. They willingly will be dysfunctional with the others, and they haven't got a clue about what's really happening. Darkness cannot look up to a higher level. A fool doesn't know he is a fool. Listen to me, darkness cannot look up and see light. It's blind to higher purpose. It only sees the strength of dark. It doesn't understand light, so it's not wise and can be defeated. It doesn't understand that it is going to lose. All it can see is itself. It's so obvious, is it not?
What is happening now supports what we are saying. What is going on right now on this planet? We said it earlier: Right now as I speak, you have the most dysfunctional politics you've ever had in this country. The reason? There is massive change going on! The fighting, drama and seemingly odd behaviors of many represent those who are tired of an old establishment government that is itself dysfunctional. The thought is, "Anything would be better than what we have now and the past!" This is what happens when higher consciousness can see something better as it starts to grow from a lower one that it has been participating in.This is different for all of you, and it's because of a continued increase in the percentage of DNA. It's for everyone, and not just for those who might be in a belief system like those in this room. Integrity, transparency and the longing for systems with integrity that actually work for people is at hand. It is the longing for integrity in high places instead of dysfunction. It's an awakening! You have a population that is tired of an old energy because it's starting to hear the voice.
Who "Hears" It?
The voice of Spirit is for all humanity and not for a select few. However, the select few who are old souls will understand it better and be able to discern and know better what the message is about. As the noise, confusion and the drone of darkness start to become more equal to the light, many will start hearing Spirit for the first time. They won't know it's Spirit, but instead it will be "the sense of what's better for us" and an intuition that is new. For the masses who are not interested in being in this room, all it is to them is a new beginning, a new awareness. They don't know what they're hearing or feeling. They just know they want change and a new feeling of "what's right". Old souls on this planet will recognize this clearer message for what it is and will start receiving messages and guidance from it. That's the difference! But all humanity is aware of the change at some level.
You're creeping toward 36. Even with the things that are around you, as you defeat the darkness on this planet, you'll be at 36. Now, that means you're winning. It also means the drone of noise that hides the voice of God is going to start diminishing, and things will start to clear up regarding understanding the messages. Intuition won't sail by so fast as it has in the past, where you are not certain what you heard. Intuition will stick around longer and will speak to you in a clearer voice. You may even be able to stop it and examine it!
The problem with intuition at the present is that it's covered by the drone-noise. This is a metaphor, dear ones. I hope you understand. Covered by the drone means that your intuitive thoughts are elusive and soft because this underlying energy keeps it from being seen and heard clearly. The logic inside your brain keeps stuffing it down all of the time, saying, "It's not accurate. It's just your wishful thinking or your imagination." This is all part of that which is the lower percentage number of your DNA. As the percentage starts to creep toward 36, everything changes. The logic of your brain changes, because it's in the DNA. There is an awakening, a more efficient DNA, and you start to think differently.
All the things regarding Human nature that you've been told about in psychology studies start to morph into something else entirely. Wisdom becomes intuitive, not something that you wish you had. Society starts to change in general. Solutions to the unsolvable begin to appear. New, wiser thought starts to be heard on the media as humanity starts to grow up and graduate from the playground of rock throwing and name calling. Programs to help each other really start to work. Funding is far more available for projects that make a difference for the poor.You're at 35. There's an equality here, you're starting to see the dark and light, and it's changing everything. You take a look at history and you've come a long way, but it took a long time to get here. Dear ones, we've seen this process before and the snowball is rolling. There isn't anything in the way that's going to stop it. In the path of this snowball of higher consciousness are all kinds of things that will be run over and perish. Part of this is what you call "the establishment". Watch for some very big established things to fall over! The snowball will simply knock them down.
Don't be alarmed and don't think it's the end of the planet when certain kinds of things happen that create fear, for this is just about being at 35, going to 36. Remember, the darkness is starting to react and be afraid of the light. The results are a battle where darkness will try its best to beat up your light and make you afraid. However, you're in the right place at the right time and will prevail. I've said enough.
When you walk out of here, I hope you understand this message. Listen to it again if you have to. It's about that which is the light and dark quotient of the planet and where you are. It's about the fact that you're winning, and that's why I came. It's hard to talk to those who are winning when they've never won before and they have a consciousness of loss. That's what you're working on the most. Stand tall when you leave this place and know who you are. This message of Kryon never changes, for it represent the truth.
And so it is.
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