Earth’s Dimensional Shift – Magnetosphere Frequency Is Changing
There has been ongoing frequency changes in the magnetosphere and it is all part of the planetary dimensional shift process. And it’s causing changes to the polarity of Earth’s inner core mass, which generates more heat and that energy is transferred to the tectonic plates. To compensate, the plates must release and realign themselves to the inner electromagnetic energy, which has resulted in the increased activities of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on. These Earth changes and the variety of dramatic weather patterns we are seeing more often are quite normal for planetary ascension.
There has been ongoing frequency changes in the magnetosphere and it is all part of the planetary dimensional shift process. And it’s causing changes to the polarity of Earth’s inner core mass, which generates more heat and that energy is transferred to the tectonic plates. To compensate, the plates must release and realign themselves to the inner electromagnetic energy, which has resulted in the increased activities of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on. These Earth changes and the variety of dramatic weather patterns we are seeing more often are quite normal for planetary ascension.
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Indeed we are losing our magnetic field. What’s taking place right now is the amplifying of the electromagnetic frequencies coming through the Earth’s magnetic field. As it reaches a breaking point in the following months, the 3D planet’s outer magnetic field will shift into the new dimensional frequency band, simultaneously raising the ethereal frequency of Earth and that will create a frequency jumper that will catapult the Earth’s ethereal body through the 4D portal shifting across into the 5th dimension.
This means that we will have an elevated advancement in consciousness on a global scale, Everything Will Change! The old reality will completely dissolve and for this very reason life will no longer exist as we now know it. The magnetic field is the mechanism that allows us to have a conscious experience, what we see around us and how we think. We need this outer magnetic field to create and store human memory patterns. The magnetic field is also known as the “Planetary Consciousness Grid”, “Earth’s Auric Field,”. Understanding that our consciousness is connected to the outer magnetic field.
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The 5D frequency jumper will commence in the Autumn Equinox and we will completely merge with Earth’s 5D parallel body – new Earth in the Winter Solstice of 2016. Many people will reject the planetary shift; some will choose to ascend through the physical death process for spiritual reasons, and others will wish to experience a new way of living on new Earth.
There will be no negativity within this planetary shift into the New Earth reality, except for those who have chosen not shift because they want to hang on to the old fear, greed and corruption. Those of us who have cleared our old karma, opened up our heart chakra and have been demonstrating unconditional loving light & heart-centered compassion, will be ready for entry into the more evolved 5D new Earth.
See you on the other side!
Within Love-Unity,
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