Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

What is Light? Part 4/4

namaste123 2016. 2. 24. 20:20

What is Light? – Part 4/4

There are rumors of an explosion of light soon. Can you comment please?

The Andromedans: Frequencies of light fill the air and atmosphere, penetrating through dimensions, form, matter and even other light vibrations. An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being. It has no other purpose but to unite with the essence of humanity upon the Earth; the very core and constant energy of creation within humanity.

Many of you can sense this light explosion nearing your being. …

A light which is the supreme love of the Creator and will intensify the supreme love of the Creator within you will explode within your being. It will fill every cell with light and create a powerful realignment encouraging balance, healing, further Creator consciousness awareness and resonance with the Creator. Imagine if all misalignments, blockages and limitations were dissolved and your entire being was free to reform itself into an awakened and aligned version of yourself. …

The waves of energy carrying this explosion of light are of supreme love and it is love which will awaken within you, the greatest experience will be of pure self-love beyond the interference of the ego. …

As the light explosion draws nearer to your being its mirror effect will become intensified and so more and more energies from within which you may not wish to acknowledge will arise. The greatest feeling which will manifest within many will be of frustration, a feeling of frustration with your reality, that desired experiences and outcomes are simply not manifesting as you would wish them to. A feeling of frustration that you have been on your spiritual pathway long enough, and yet you feel you have not yet achieved what you desire.

The closer the light waves move into your awareness the deeper the purification process taking place will manifest, this is a time to focus upon the divine manifesting within your being. We, the Andromedans, invite you to visualise, sense or acknowledge the gentle yet intense light explosion flowing from the Creator through our beings into the core of your being. (1)

How should we relate to the Light? What should we do?

Archangel Gabriel: Opening to the Light becomes the tool for transformation. Freedom is at hand. All life awaits the human experiment that is creating divinity in physical earth bodies. …

The more we can relax into the flow of the energy of Divine Light, the easier it becomes to know what to do. Please remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this holy moment. Allow yourself to be inspired and blessed and know you are profoundly guided through this process by a Love that never ends. And so it is. (2)

From the standpoint of Light, what’s in our future?

Ker-on of Venus: You are first and foremost great Beings of Light and your capacity to love is unlimited. (3)

The Arcturian Group: Earth is a powerful and difficult school, but you will graduate very prepared as powerful Beings of Light. (4)

The Arcturian Group: You are evolving into a consciousness that remembers who it is, into the Light Beings that you have always been but did not realize. Be not afraid for all is proceeding according to plan and know that nothing real can ever be lost. You will experience the same wonderful things that you love now, only on higher levels. Attempting to figure everything out is impossible as the human mind is limited to what is already known in collective consciousness.  (5)

Hilarion: The barometer of the future will be the beauty within the heart and its expression into the world externally. The true light of each individual will shine ever more brightly and will expand awareness of the higher realms of existence. Each individual will feel and express more joy, laughter and goodwill in their everyday mundane activities.

That which was termed altruistic in the old world paradigm will become the norm in the new consciousness that is now dawning. (6)

Thus it’s our absorption of Light that determines whether we can tolerate living in the more refined vibrations of the Fifth Dimension or not. 

This Light is being beamed down to us from Source/Creator (Father/Mother God) through the archangels and the angels to the ascended masters – terrestrial and galactic – and the planet.  

It’s this Light that’s awakening our DNA, our crystalline cells and all other capabilities that will cause our ascent. This Light is increased by living in godly ways; that is, emulating the divine qualities and observing the universal laws.


(1) “The Andromedans: Explosion of Light Within,” Channeled by Natalie Glasson, November 27, 2015, at

(2) “Archangel Gabriel: The Waves of Awakening Light and Your Emergence from the Chrysalis”, channelled by Shanta Gabriel, at

(3) Ker-On of Venus, Jan. 21, 2009, at .

(4) The Arcturian Group, April 26, 2015, at

(5) The Arcturian Group, Nov. 1, 2015.

(6) Hilarion, Sept. 28, 2015, at


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