The importance of 'Clearing Your Space'
Penny Wing, Master Teacher at The Diana Cooper Foundation
Have you ever walked into a place which didn’t feel “right” or made you feel uncomfortable? Some places are full of “stuck” energy and this can be as a result of 3 main things – physical dirt, existing energy and clutter
- Physical dirt – low level energy always accumulates around dirt therefore it is very important to keep your house as clean as possible (within reason)
- Existing energy – everything that happens in a building is recorded in the walls, floors, furniture and objects. This energy is like physical dirt and even though we cannot see it many of us can sense it.
- Clutter – any kind of clutter stops the smooth flow of energy around a space.
What is clutter?
The dictionary says clutter is “a crowded and untidy collection of things”. Many space clearing experts categorize clutter as a) things you don’t use or even like, b) things which are untidy or disorganised, c) having too many items in a small space or d) anything that is unfinished
Things you don’t use or even like – Items that are used and loved have vibrant energy around them. However, items which are neglected, unused or unwanted are surrounded by stagnant energy and this can cause the energy in your home to also stagnate. Because we are all connected to everything we own by fine strands of energy, when our home is filled with items we love the energy is positive. Clutter, on the other hand, drags your energy down and the longer you keep it, the more it will have an effect on you. When you get rid of things which have no real meaning for you, you will feel lighter physically and mentally.
Things which are untidy or disorganised – Even if you just have items that you love and use, if they are scattered all over the place and you can’t find them when you need them, your home will still be cluttered. Everyone’s life goes more smoothly when they know where things are. I am not saying that everything should be perfect but your home is an outward representation of what is going on inside you – if you are messy on the outside the chances are you will be messy on the inside!
Too many things in too small a space – sometimes we simply don’t have enough space for what we have accumulated over time! We therefore need to be very careful that we are not cramming in too many things into our home and consequently feeling constricted in our own space. A good idea to keep on top of this is that when you buy something new you give something old away!
Anything unfinished – this form of clutter is harder to see and easier to ignore than the other types but the effects can be far reaching. Things not dealt with in you home reflect issues not dealt with in your life and they can be a constant drain on your energy. From small jobs such as repairing the dripping tap to bigger jobs such as redecorating the house all have an effect on your life outside the home. If you complete all your unfinished business you will be amazed at how your energy levels will increase.
How clutter affects you
- Makes you feel tired and lethargic
Most people who hoard things say they can’t find the energy to start clearing them away or throwing them out. The stagnant energy which accumulates around clutter causes this tiredness and lethargy. Clearing it frees up the energy in your home and gives you more vitality.
- Can keep you stuck in the past
When all your available space is filled up with clutter how can you allow anything new to come into your life? Your thoughts tend to dwell in the past and you look back rather than look forward. Clearing it helps you to release the past and move on.
- Keeps you confused
When you are surrounded by mess, it is impossible to have clarity about what you are doing in your life. When you clear it, you can think more clearly and making decisions becomes easier.
- Affects the way people treat you
People treat you the way you treat yourself! If you value yourself others will value you. If you live in a mess you may attract people who disrespect you.
- Can make you procrastinate
If you have a lot of clutter around, you will tend to put off doing things. The clutter drains your energy and you just can’t be bothered! Many people, once they have started to clear their surroundings, feel motivated to go on and do things they have been putting off for a long time.
- Can cause disharmony
Clutter can be a major cause of arguments in families and between partners. If you live with someone who hoards things their lifestyle can stop your progress.
- Can make you feel ashamed
Have you reached the stage where your home is such a mess you are ashamed to invite people over? You can choose to live alone surrounded by your belongings or you can choose to have a good clear out, increase your self esteem and start to have a social life! The choice is yours!
- Can make you feel depressed
Many people that suffer from depression are surrounded by clutter. If you are so depressed that you can’t even begin to think about having a clear out, try to least remove the items from the ground level. It can help to lift your spirits and your energy. Ask for help if necessary.
- Takes longer to clean your house
It takes at least twice as long to clean a place full of objects and also the objects need cleaning! Just think of what you could do with the extra time you would have if you didn’t have to spend so much time cleaning!
- Can make you disorganized
How often do you lose things? How many times have you searched for something, given up and then found it weeks or months later? Being disorganized wastes time.
So why do people keep clutter?
Our possessions reflect parts of ourselves and times in our life which we don’t want to forget. Think about how many women keep their wedding dress stored away in a box which then never gets looked at!
- Keeping things “just in case”
This is a popular reason why people hold onto things that they don’t need. We know that “your thoughts create your reality” so if you worry that you will need something after you have thrown it away, your subconscious mind will create a situation where you need that thing!! Then you say “I knew it would come in useful one day” but what has actually happened is that you have created that need yourself! If you have lots of clutter that you are keeping for the above reason the message you are sending out to the universe is that you don’t trust it to provide for you.
- A sense of identity
It’s easy to become attached to your belongings because you can feel that your own identity is tied up in them. For example, if you have kept a theatre ticket stub from 5 years ago you can look at it and say “I went and saw that show” I am not saying don’t keep some mementoes and gifts but not so many that they keep you rooted in the past. Have regular clear outs to keep the things that represent you for how you are now… Getting rid of presents is difficult for some people as they feel they are throwing away their friend’s kindness. But if you have enjoyed that present for some time and no longer have a need for it pass it onto someone who will use it and appreciate it – you are then letting it go with love! Our own happiness does not depend on objects staying in our possession for ever!
- A sense of security
Modern advertising is designed to play on our insecurities – “If you don’t own one of these you are not as good as other people” is one of the constant underlying messages we receive. For some people no matter how many things they have there is always something else they “need”…true security is about handling things not having things!
- The belief that more is better
In the Western world most people have a selection of kitchen knives in their homes – one for chopping small things, one for chopping big things, and so on. Most households in countries from the East such as Bali or Thailand have only one knife which they use for everything! We have been brainwashed by advertising companies into believing that we need a range of knives! It is not true – keep it simple!
- Getting your money’s worth
Some people refuse to let go of their clutter until they feel that they have really got their money’s worth out of it. This applies even if the item was bought at a bargain price or picked up for nothing. Remember good things cannot come into your life easily if you block the flow of energy by persistently holding onto outdated clutter. Relax a little and see what happens.
Letting go
When something comes into your life enjoy it, use it well and when it is time to let it go. It is that simple. Just because you own something it doesn’t mean to say that you have to keep it for ever. You are just a temporary guardian of the many things as they pass through your life. The beginning of the year is an ideal time to start the clearing process so go for it!
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