Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Ascension Symptoms: Life Post ‘Wave X’ & Blood Moon Eclipse Activation

namaste123 2015. 12. 19. 17:08

Life Post ‘Wave X’ & Blood Moon Eclipse Activation

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With the completion of one more complex set of energetic Stair-step cycles within the overall Ascension Process cycles—in particular the 2014 through 2015 Blood Moon Eclipses and ‘Wave X’—post September 27, 2015 has automatically activated the rest of the planetary population to evolve now. 

It’s finally get with the Ascension Process program or leave time, and many more will be leaving now because of this. No judgements, just a case of personal choice. Not everyone intended or wanted to remain in their current physical body and evolve it, “ascend” it now from lower frequency and consciousness 3D dense Duality up vibrationally to 5D integrated Unity or Triality Light. Again, no judgement whatsoever, simply individual choice and/or a lack of greater awareness as to what’s really going on.

Some Common Recent Symptoms

This last Blood Moon eclipse and ‘Wave X’ energy activation Stair-step (actually a huge leap to another entire floor) is still literally ringing in my head and throughout my body. Because this latest blast was so strong, it may have left you feeling like you’ve got PTSD too; like your nerves are shot, fried, toasted in fact and that they haven’t acclimated completely yet to this latest energetic addition/upgrade/Stair-step.

confused-smiley I go through this my nerves are shot thing every time Earth and humanity is engulfed by another extra potent blast of NEW higher frequency Light Energies. My nervous system oftentimes takes weeks to adjust to housing and running more NEW Light and stop drooling, stop having my eyes rolling in circles, stop flying out of my skin over every sound, and stop having my hair standing up straight! I exaggerate, but only slightly! Geese this one was big and potent and I haven’t integrated it all yet as I know many of you reading this haven’t yet either, hence why I’m pushing myself to write this now instead of crawl under my Ascension blankie and adjust. I’ll ache, ring, hum, buzz and vibrate even more internally than before ‘Wave X’ fully arrived, but then I’ll adapt to this latest new NEW and it will become—for the time-being only—the NEW normal. But, it’s just another energetic Stair-step really, a great big one yes, but just another one.

sobbing Another side effect from this latest blast was the good old sudden weeping over anything High Heart expansions. I don’t get this one often, but when I do, it can’t be pleasant for anyone unfamiliar with the Ascension Process, which still is the majority unfortunately.

Example: The other day I’d hired a gardener to trim some bushes and remove some others at my “new” old house. He was in his seventies and thankfully had a younger male helper to do the really hard work. He’d bid the job the day before really low so I knew I’d pay him a bit more for the work anyway but didn’t say anything to him about this at that time. So he and younger helper guy are there working their butts off in the SoCal heat and I’m feeling for the 70-plus-year-old man. Hours later they finished and I paid him a little over a hundred dollars more than what he’d bid the job at and he got emotional, which is oftentimes all it takes to get me crying too.

I tearfully explained to him and younger helper guy that two months earlier I’d had another gardener cut down one large bush and greatly over charge me for it and not remove 3/4 of it! It took me a month and a half to cut the brush from it up and stuff my little trash barrel each week to finally get rid of what he should have hauled off himself for the price he charged me! I explained to the elderly gardener with Heart and integrity that that was the reason I was crying and that I was extremely grateful to him and his helper for doing such a good, clean job and hauling away all of the brush. It was one of those rare (but increasing) High Heart moments between two or more people with Heart and integrity and it’s always just the absolute best thing ever in my opinion…and it usually makes me cry, especially when Divine energies are flooding the planet anyway! So, slightly embarrassing because I don’t enjoy crying in front of strangers, but a higher bond and High Heart recognition was made between all three of us and that is priceless. Some are externally registering 5D consciousness and it makes me cry with joy.

So yeah, crying has been on the spiritual menu once again thanks to the latest Divine energies but just go with the flow and let your High Heart open more and embody even higher frequency Light which overflows out and touches all, even those that it doesn’t immediately register on externally. You provided the Light very directly and IT affected them in some way(s) even though it usually doesn’t show on their external packaging. Give it time.

transmuteheart Another side effect has been physical and energetic heart/Heart/High Heart thumps, bumps, lumps, thuds and bangs etc. Actual sensations of movements in the center (usually but not always) of your chest and upper chest like a sudden hit, thud, twist or rolling of your heart. It’s just energies, movements and expansions but it can sometimes take your breath away when it hits hard, and they’ve hit hard via these ‘Wave X’ and eclipse energies. This goes with the emotional aspects of suddenly crying and being extra emotional over the tiniest of things. Just let your High Heart blossom some more and don’t worry about the tears or thuds and thumps in your chest as things expand and shift in there.

sleeping smilie Another symptom of this latest change has been epic and very weird dreams. I fell asleep the other day in the afternoon because my head was killing me and had an epic weird dream which I think was a first for me in the afternoon.

There’s some very hurried purging taking place in us and our bodies and subconscious to make room for more of these higher Light energies being embodied by us now. To make room for that, oftentimes we’ll experience multiple strange dreams for nights on end as internal stuff gets moved around and/or deeper layers of our stuff bubbles up to the conscious surface to be seen in The Light so to speak so we can feel/deal/heal and release more of it. There’s always multiple layers and layers and layers to some of our stuff so don’t feel like you’ve “failed” when another layer floats up from your Basement to be released. You didn’t “fail”, it’s just another layer is all.

big-headache-smiley-emoticon Then there’s the headache, the head pressures, the head pains that nothing that I’ve discovered makes go away. Not sleeping, not over-the-counter headache pills, not ice packs, not silence, not anything but time, lots of time in many cases.

I can clairvoyantly See a vertical tube-shaped area about the width of my physical head above my head where higher frequency Light Energies etc. pour down into my physical head/skull/brain/brain glands etc. and then farther on down into my body. This down-flow usually completes at my High Heart meaning that higher frequency Light energy is being embodied and housed in my High Heart (Thymus gland) area. Every time another wave of Light energies comes in like it has over the couple of weeks, my head hurts terribly for days and my ears ring constantly. Again, all this is caused by higher Light energies quickly evolving us, our bodies, nervous systems, brains, consciousness etc. and further lessening our old 3D density and replacing it with even more Light. This Stair-step process hurts because we’re literally evolving, physically, so just deal with it as best you can and know the pain eases up eventually as you/me/we adapt to the NEW level and amount.

sick Another common symptom, even after all these years, is the old Ascension Flu aches and pains. I had this return too recently and had the old body aches and pains and occasional chills like one has with the flu. It’s not the “flu” but another Ascension related symptom caused by another avalanche of incoming higher frequency Light energies. Rest, sleep, nap, and self-care as much and as long as you need.

shocked The inner body electrical-like vibrations or shaking sensation has increased again too. The easiest time to feel this inner body buzzing is when you’re either falling asleep or waking up from sleeping. While straddling two or more dimensions and actually consciously aware that you’re perceiving more than only the physical dimension, it’s ease to feel and hear the roar of your own Lightbody vibrating faster and higher. It reminds me of a jet airliner revving up its engines before takeoff. The vibrations, shaking and noise increases as the pressure builds and then suddenly you’re airborne and all that pre-flight tension and racket is gone. This inner body vibration and shaking is you literally embodying more Light which feels and sounds to our old 3D selves like we’re about to explode! We’re not or I’d have done it years ago! This too is another common Ascension symptom and one like most others that repeatedly increases over time, and very much so with every NEW Energy Wave that arrives.

monkey  And because of all this compressed evolutionary Ascension activity, our old lower egoic “Monkey Mind” goes absolutely nuts and does all it can to draw your attention away from the higher things taking place in you and your consciousness and back to it. To get you to pay attention to it so it doesn’t “die away” and lose its power, it screams, yells and throws out every ridiculous random thing and thought it can to derail you, sidetrack you, pull you back down to old familiar lower levels of consciousness and focus. It’s freaking exhausting and more than a little ridiculous but it happens to the best of us more than a few times. The trick is to recognize it for what it is and why it’s doing its best to interfere with your latest Ascension amplification. Just repeatedly release it, whatever it is, and get back to where YOU want to be; what YOU want to be focused on and not what it wants. Just keep re-Centering yourself as many times as it takes and don’t give any of it any more focus than that. See it, know it, understand it and move beyond it.

More of Humanity just got activated by the Ascension Process

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No matter which level, which Stair-step you’re at within the Ascension Process, ‘Wave X’ and the last Blood Moon eclipse of September 27, 2015 just pushed everyone up one or more of these energetic Stair-steps. This is one reason why the violence has increased again recently. Every time another energy Wave arrives it affects everyone on Earth whether they’re ready for it or not. Some are flexible enough to bend in these intense Divine evolutionary cosmic winds while others are not. And some just lose it and kill others and/or themselves. None of this is easy for anyone anywhere. Hold your High Heart and radiate the Light that you are to help others acclimate to these profound energy changes.

Another aspect of this is that ‘Wave X’ and the last of the 2014–2015 Blood Moon eclipses of September 2015 activated millions more people around the world, meaning they’re suddenly experiencing some of the old Ascension symptoms many of us Forerunners have lived with for the past seventeen years or more. These people are suddenly looking for answers to what they’re feeling and why, to what their bodies are doing and why. If these people come to you with their questions, confusions, complaints, fears and worries, discern first and answer from your higher wisdom and firsthand experience. Remember back to when you were first going through this and there wasn’t anyone to ask but your Higher Self and your Guides! We’ve just entered a whole NEW level within the Ascension Process along with most everyone else so be aware of these changes for yourself but also for others on Stair-step far behind where you are.

More of humanity will now exit their bodies because of this

Because of these big September 2015 changes, many more people will be suddenly and quickly exiting their lives and bodies. For whatever their personal Soul reasons, they’ve chosen to not remain in their current physical body and evolve/ascend it, but exit it and re-evaluate their options with the guidance of their Higher Self and Ascension Guides etc. Many animals have been and are doing the same now in greatly increased ways. No judgement at all, simply individual choice. For those of us remaining, it’s our jobs to maintain energetic neutrality as we observe what’s happening from day-to-day. From one level it’s going to look like things are falling apart, which they are because it’s time for that finally, but from a higher level you know what’s really going on and why and because of this remain emotionally neutral to the ensuing chaos, escalating death, and increasing imbalances in more people. Hold your High Heart and understand and it then goes “airborne” and makes perfect sense. <3

10 11 12

As is always the case, well before the September Equinox I begin seeing, again, certain numbers and number combinations which is a sort of higher language. I’ve been repeatedly seeing, again, 10:10, 1:10, 1:11, 11:11, 1:11, 11:22, 12:12, 12:22, 12:23 and all of the triple numbers as well including triple 000’s. But, it’s the 10 of October, the 11 of November, and the 12 of December that’s been yelling at all of us, again, as we approach the final three months of 2015.

This 2015 final quarter feels to me like it’s already different from previous Ascension years. It feels to me like some of us are already feeling the effects of ‘Wave X’ and everything else that came before it. Even though I still feel pretty beat up, sore, head-achy, emotional and weepy in the best of ways, and my ears are still ringing constantly etc., besides all that and more I can simultaneously feel vast changes and improvements taking place within me and my physical body. I’m not saying it’s easy or pain-free because it isn’t, but I AM saying that it’s happening and greatly and very quickly now. 2016 will be this and more, much more as the Stair-steps become smaller and shorter making it faster and easier for us all to quickly fly up each one of them.

Give yourself the time to acclimate to these latest September changes internally and externally. Just because some day/date (in this case it was all of September 2015) has been reached obviously doesn’t mean all your aches, pains and problems end on that day/date too! They could and we’re getting to that point now faster than ever before. In the meantime, be kind to yourself, let your body rest, recuperate and prepare for the next big Stair-steps of 10, 11, and 12 2015. None of this is going to ever slow down or go away which means we’ve got to adjust to it, to the NEW Light energies and all that goes with them. When you stay in the “Now Moment” you’ve got all the time you need, plus the chaos taking place out of the eye of the storm doesn’t affect you. The “Now Moment” is most easily accessed right in your own High Heart.


October 3, 2015

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2015. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
