
"What is a Thought Form?"

namaste123 2017. 11. 14. 04:04


"What is a Thought Form?"

In today’s world it seems to be our actions which are brought to justice in a man made society and with laws to suit what might seem an ordered society.  Yet how many times have we seen that through this totalitarian approach, that there are many miscarriages of justice.  Man made law to a degree keeps society structured and apparently keeps us all on the straight and narrow!  But it leaves a lot to be desired when it come to true justice and the Law of Karma. This greater law is an action which takes into account the power of each and every one of us and has to be understood when we take those steps into enlightenment. Every word, thought and deed is never lost and applies to our entire existence.

Astral matter is a fine and impressionable substance and we are subject to its nature and therefore, our words, thoughts and deeds make an indelible impression upon this matter.   In the realms of the Astral Planes there is a location where, each and every one of us has a record of our evolution.  Just as we have said all your vibrations are recorded in what is called your Book of Life, and can be found upon the Realms of Akasha and are called the Akashic Records.  This is a very subtle level of manifestation and houses the Akashic records for every Soul in creation.  The thoughts you are having at this very moment in time are being recorded and the law is affording you the reaction to those thoughts, words and deeds.  

What might seem to give rise to injustices in our man made laws of today, are an impossibility regarding Spiritual law.  Many facts can be hidden from our courts of today and many escape the true working out of man made laws.  Man made law requires us to account for outwardly known actions, but the law of Karma takes into consideration your thoughts and particularly your motive behind all that you do and think.

During our evolution we shall have to account for our all our transgressions, whether that be in this life or in our following lives and can take many incarnations for a Soul to comes to terms with his character.  We must remember here that there is no great personage sitting in some kind of judgement over us and it is through self realization that we learn.  Each in his own time and quite often the working out of the law involves the very people with whom the injustice has occurred.  

Thoughts are a very real vibration as some of our scientists are discovering today.  We have to consider the fact that these thoughts also have a life of their own and can remain in and around us for some time.  In thinking we send out into the ethers the quality of that thought.  The interplay upon the Earth plane is tremendous and can give rise to massive swirling thought forms particularly when people are thinking a similar thought.  Like attracts like and these thought forms will all attract to each other.  When we consider that we have been around on this Earth plane for eons of time we can then see how given a strong thought form that we can all be affected either consciously or subconsciously by those vibrations.

For instance in the case of a place of worship the thought form will be of a higher nature generally speaking and gives rise to that particular sense of peace and comfort which we feel in such places. Because like attracts like we can see how these thought forms will join with other like minded thoughts and be potentially a great power. This in turn will attract those who are residing in the world of Spirit who desire to work for mankind through those thoughts of divine intervention and a great work can be achieved through utilising the emotion and substance of Love.  During the time of sincere prayer and invocation that power of thought for perhaps healing or well being for some Soul on the Earth plane can be very advantageous to the recipient.  

There are many in the realms of Spirit who work with these thought forms and are working very hard at this moment in time to bring peace to some of the war torn parts of our globe.  Just as our thoughts can be of a positive nature the same is true for the not so beneficial thoughts which are out into the ethers.  Just as love can be a driving force so can the negative thoughts of people who may wish to cause harm in some way.  This type of thought can be created when we have a sense of some supposed injustice or grievance against another.  We have all been subject to this kind of thought and we would do ourselves a great favour if we were to try to understand what actually happens when we think in such a way.

Thoughts are things and if you are angry at someone, your thoughts will go from you with full force.  If you were able to see with Etheric vision you would see that this thought may be dark red in colour with barbed flashes, which upon reaching its destination would serve to harm the recipient in such a way as to perhaps make them much worse if the control of self was severely lacking.  

A word of warning here, all thoughts of whatever nature they might be, eventually return to their original source.  Like attracts like and it is logical to say, taking into consideration our previous information, like a snow ball, those thoughts will gather momentum and size as it returns home.  We all have a choice as to how we react to others and it would be prudent to the enquirer to understand this point when we loose control of our thoughts and emotions.

There are many forceful thought forms circling our globe.  Many swirling currents of both positive and negative energies are being fed by those in Physical incarnation who are in harmony with those thoughts here and now.  This is why it is so hard to break a particular way of thinking where masses of people are concerned.  Whole nations respond to a certain way of thinking and living and according to whether this way of thinking is in line with mans evolution; we shall find inharmony resulting in the conflicts we see today.  

Many are led blindly because the accumulated thoughts over centuries have conditioned their ways of living.  As indeed it has for us all but where there is lack of opportunity to move forward the nation becomes stifled. Because they lack confidence to become individually motivated they act in groups involving thousands of people thereby feeding the thought form even more until eventually we see the working of out of the law-harmony through conflict.  An old order and way of thinking has to be broken down before seeds of a positive nature can be set and the nation moves forward.  

How many times have you entered a room and felt either uneasy or at ease.  The people who live there or who use the facility for a particular purpose will have verily impregnated the very walls with their thought patterns much like a sponge.  We can sense this energy to some degree particularly if there has been a huge argument of some kind.  You feel uneasy as you enter and may not wish to stay.  This is because the colour and vibration has impinged upon your aura and is not sitting well with you. You are sensing these thoughts.

Your thoughts, each with its own manifestation of colour and intensity will fill your aura like a bubble surrounding you, according to your moods from moment to moment.  The interplay upon your physical body will be apparent in your sense of well being or ill at ease.  Here we have a personal responsibility to aim as high as we can in the way of our thinking and as we realize the impact we can have upon others without saying a single word we shall soon realize the importance of understanding our thought processes.   Not only for now in the Physical but also in preparation for the day when we shall enter the Astral Planes again consciously. 

On the earth planes we are all quite adept at hiding our true feelings for whatever the reason may be for doing so it is apparent that we are not always what we promote ourselves to be.  There are many upon the earth plane that has proved this fact especially sometimes those who are near and dear to us.  How often have we been shocked to the core to find that a person has been living in pretence and has been hiding their true motives in life?  

For instance many have experienced the shock of finding that a loved one has been unfaithful.  It can be so easy to hide true feelings when a person wants an outcome of some kind which would not be available to them under truthful circumstances.  We may feel the vibration of deceit coming from that person but probably not really recognizing fully what we are sensing.  Some people can lead others into believing they are someone who that are not but inside their thoughts can be completely different.  This can also be done on a mass scale as we have all found in life. 

However, once we reside upon the astral we cannot hide who we are.  Our sum total of all our thoughts, good and bad is known to all upon the subtle planes of thought and emotion.  There is no place to hide and plays a very big part in finding our own heaven or hell when we pass.  Like attracts like and we shall eventually find ourselves on that level most suited to our nature.  Imagine negativity in shades of dark whilst love in shades of light.  

Our true nature will have a degree of some of each attribute and fortunately the greater majority find themselves in their own idea of heaven best suited to them. I mention hell as a figure of speech as there is no such place as taught in our religions but there is a state of mind which we could term as hell but it will be an inner torment due to the realisation of transgressions and negativity practised whilst being incarnate.  Even these torments will ease as the soul reaches an inner understanding and begins to build a greater degree of light into his character.  However in the meantime he will find himself in a level where the residents are all similar in nature.

Mass negative thought form does not cease immediately upon entry into the astral world.  Our character and personality does not instantly change, only the vehicle of expression changes from the physical vehicle to the astral counterpart.  Belief systems held during an incarnation can be so very strong that great groups of souls with a similar thought of- resurrection at the day of judgement for example, huddle together in a kind of sleep and wait for the event to happen.  

It is very hard to help these dear souls because the thought form is so strong that any light will not be recognized given by those who wish to help.  Every now and then a soul may question the motive and a chink appears whereby our spirit friends can then jump in so to speak and shed light upon the question. one by one they are helped.  There are many examples of this nature and sometimes they have to be left a while till the light dawns and they continue on their pathway.  Such is the power of thought!

In our sleep we understand that we leave our body and enter the Astral Planes whilst the Physical body regains its energies.  Primarily we are Spirit or Soul in a Physical body and the pull to return to the Astral Planes during that sleep is tremendous.  There is much thought today about conscious astral travel and many have reported a successful conscious journey.  What we have to consider here is that generally speaking for the average man these visits during sleep are not a fully conscious one.  

There is a protection or a dulling of the senses when one is making visits onto the astral whilst the physical is sleeping.  If that consciousness is failing there is little controlled movement when out of the body and the person will perhaps drift upon the plane quite happily playing out recent events or replaying old memories. We are always connected to the Physical body by what can be termed as a silver chord or link of energy.  This ensures that we maintain the link with the Physical.  At the point of separation during Physical ‘death’ this chord or energy will be broken and return to the body will be impossible.  In the case of those who have had near death experiences the chord will have remained in tact.  


We each have inherent weaknesses in the form of fears which are very individual to our own make up and experiences.  Again these fears are very real to us and confronted with such fears in the Physical can be very disquieting.  Fear is an emotion as is phobias etc. and during the normal course of events we might sometimes experience what we call nightmares about these fears.  Soon to be forgot we continue our lives with these fears tucked away until perhaps confronted with some circumstance which might bring these fears back to the surface or indeed an overcoming of those fears may take place. 

If you feel you may want to inquire as to your abilities on conscious astral travel it would be very wise to know yourself.  You will need to know your limitations as regards any such fears you may have because if you have not addressed these fears and you practice conscious Astral travel you will inevitably find yourself in a fuddle.  The astral planes are made up of a finer vibration in varying degrees as you go higher but also are very intense as they are the planes of feeling and emotions.  

When one grieves for a relative or loved one who has passed the tears and anguish are felt acutely by the person just entering the astral and can even be painful.  The astral interpenetrates the physical and tears can be like heavy rain and the sense of loss can be so strong that it can serve to hold back that loved one because of the pull of the emotion involved.  We would do well to try to think of a dear one who has just passed with thoughts of love and well being for their sojourn into their new vibrations.  The dear soul will benefit greatly from those kinds of thought forms.

Successful Astral travel will involve you leaving your body and entering the Astral Planes in full waking consciousness.  This means that you will be fully aware of yourself lifting from the Physical counterpart whilst it is in sleep.  This very experience can put the enquirer in such a state of elation that the whole process may suddenly stop due to lack of concentration and a normal sleep journey will take place.  It will be apparent that you have to keep your emotions and thoughts in full control or the experience can end before it begins…  

Now, entering the Astral you will be very aware of your surroundings and as the mode of travel is not with physical legs you will be moving with a conscious thought to do so and this may mean hovering above houses and also up into the clouds too maybe as there are no limitations as to where you can go.  It is your will.  The reason I mention this is to illustrate a point that someone who has a fear of heights and finding themselves looking down at the earth from a great height will send them in a state of shock because of that very fear of falling.  

That very fear of heights will be felt acutely by the enquirer and may send them crashing back into the body with quite a jolt.  This can also happen upon a sudden re-entry in normal circumstances after a journey during sleep.  Any fear can manifest in this way upon the Astral Planes and only those who can exercise a great deal of control can do it consciously.  Therefore may I suggest that self analysis and control are the first requirements for safe astral travel and furthermore is not recommended for trial by those of a nervous nature! 

We are told by the Master of Wisdom that eventually mankind will learn and understand the power of thought and its place in the evolution of mankind.  What might be called a miracle of turning water into wine through thought for instance for us today will be common place in the far future!  We will have understood that our greatness will be in that ability to hold steadfast all emotions and thought processes thereby becoming creators in our own right…

