Aloha dear awesome amazing beautiful exquisite family of LIGHT and ever expanding brilliant and pure LOVE!
ANOTHER SUPER ENERGETIC night and day as we continue rotating the "type" of frequencies (Light) activations, depending on what is to occur. Some are many at one time that activate everything while others separate and target specific areas and purification/cleansing "needs".
When we "started" this journey, it was to get the heart open, as that is the very first thing that has to occur. Then it moved to the mind, then the physical body (while all are always occurring, there is a "process" of our evolution too.) Many do not understand how intricate the process is and how every moment, every particle, every breathe is a part of Awakening, Remembering, Ascension and our Evolution BACK into who we are....
WE return to purity, WE return to love, WE return to being consciousness, WE return and WE evolve....
WE fell from consciousness, we went to sleep, we took on the human body we needed to do our perfect journey/experience here....
We came here with certain programming that needed to play. Everything we "gathered" as humans was to re-in-force the frequencies we held deep within our own soul into beliefs, experiences, mentalities... all had to be "formed". The physical body was also suppressed, as was the heart, all was walled up in our own special way, hidden deep deep deep inside. on the outside and to ourselves, we were happy, we thought (or maybe not), then it's "time to wake up" and come alive.... It's time to REMEMBER and start to let it all go....
Yet, we ingrained ourselves so deeply in the human experience, that we don't know how. We know survival, protection and just getting by. As humans, we value the physical world things we worked so hard for, we are proud of the identities we created and as humans these often have to be "ripped" from us for us to "get it"/wake up.
At our core, we are pure love.... yet for many the ability to BE this IN EVERY MOMENT is hidden beneath all of the other stuff. It's all that "other stuff" that has to come up and go. It's all that stuff that IS NOT US that has to show us who we truly are... much of the time by the "loss" of it... for that's the only thing that gets our attention, gets our heart open.... and can override our stubborn mind. It's the stubbornness that causes our own suffering, and this is what has to go.
For many, the heart will literally burst, blow, explode open for it's been shut down for so long. The ability to connect with others through purity, compassion, kindness, consideration, respect, honor, truth.... it comes from us holding this ability inside. Where it is not our natural way of being, then we programmed ourselves for certain things to occur.
The code: Whatever it takes for the heart to open, mind open, body to relax and for the higher self aspects be handed the reins to "run the show".
The key: Love ... Total commitment to self and the Embodiment of Light ... Focused energy in every moment and no more fight/protection mechanisms
The purpose: To be in-service and to BE the Light, fully, without anything else in the way or more important anymore...total dedication to transforming humanity with everything that we are.... Becoming onE Consciousness = WE ... no longer separate little humans out for the individual self.
The physical body stored our compromise of our own soul, lack of honour lack of integrity... LACK OF LOVE... It has been coming alive, online and has a consiousness of it's own. It "fights back" when it needs to be restored to the original template and activate the LightBody and Crystalline DNA/Structure to move into the higher realms/other dimensions and more.
When it's time for ALL OF THIS TO OCCUR, the human's reality will start going sideways and things will start to go. UNLESS the heart can open and one can CHOOSE IN EVERY MOMENT instead of being FORCED.
The higher self aspects, other dimensional Light Versions, need to walk inside the body, need to integrate as one. The human Ascends, the Higher Selves descend and all UNIFY AS onE. This process, and it is an entire process, that occurs over the SEPARATION OF TIME. Yet, in these higher frequencies, it speeds up, for everything is FAST and INSTANT … no delay to "wait for the human mind" to "think it out", rationalize, make excuses, suppress/avoid anymore.
The physical body NEEDS TO UPGRADE to hold all of this light. The light activates INSIDE YOUR BODY, this activates your LightBody which in turn activates your new Crystalline DNA/Structure, which is when the weird stuff starts. This is where multiple dimensions open up and anchoring light relaxes the Quantum Field and things get bizarre. This is where it becomes psychadelic and we start to "see" more. This is where the Lucid Dreamy state starts to anchor in the physical world.
Experiencing multiple dimensions makes us question our sanity, which is the point. The mind has to continually be stretched and every belief we once had must be heard, challenged inside and released if it's not in alignment with LOVE, with our NEW truth… which changes in every moment here, according to the frequencies present and the versions of realities, versions of us, versions of others present all in one space at the same time.
Experiencing multiple dimensions makes us question our sanity, which is the point. The mind has to continually be stretched and every belief we once had must be heard, challenged inside and released if it's not in alignment with LOVE, with our NEW truth… which changes in every moment here, according to the frequencies present and the versions of realities, versions of us, versions of others present all in one space at the same time.
The versions change in every second and we adapt by letting go and allowing all to transpire for us here and we STAND IN HONOR AND LOVE. WE do not compromise anymore. As we do this, things get easier...
AS CREATORS, WE did this, so WE have the ability to change it all. Transmute it, transform it, transcend it.... ALL FROM INSIDE.... through our hearts.
When one asks why something is happening in their physical reality world, there are many answers... all boil down to what is in-alignment with OUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and what is not.
No more suppression, no more avoiding, no more lack of love, honor, respect. It's all coming up to be visible, it's our JOB to see it, not judge it, see it for the purpose that it serves. To bring us all BACK to PURE LOVE and to let all that old stuff, old programs, old illusion, old mentalities, old old old ... let it go.
BE done with it... which is a requirement too. WE have to be done, WE have to say NO, WE have to STOP ALLOWING, SUPPORTING, DOING the old ways ... WE HAVE TO CHOOSE, COMMIT AND DO EVERYTHING WITH INTENTION from within. WE have to STEP into the higher vibration with every part of us, not just a little part at a time..... Getting by was human. That does not work here.
Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human....
Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human.... side is rapidly upgrading in light, crystalline, organically, aquatically, as a star, the entire universe and more....
All have to let go of judgement and the need to hold on. This process will challenge every aspect and particle of who you "think" you are. The human will have ideas and expectations of how they envisioned their life. This doesnt even come close... so the more the human "wants it their way", the more things have to occur to "show" the human "how it goes", which is it doesn't have control anymore. It ran the show, it screwed it up, it was selfish and lived in lack. It didn't know how to BE onE with everything, to care, to love, to unify.... it WAS SEPARATION...
The human aspect merges inside and the parts of us that were awesome get to stay. Our special nuances, our cute quirks, our playful fun... that emerges purely, as a part of our NEW Earth Versions, along with magic, brilliance and a strength that is beautifully pure as a part of the LOVE that we are. There is a divine strength that was hidden in there too. That emerges instead of the old one that separated us from ourselves and all.
The HEART will continually be blasted open until blasts are not required, then softness of gratitude and appreciation open it up, beauty opens it up, connection with/as all opens it up... no more "need" for harsh anymore. The same with the mind... the more closed, the more has to occur, which is why we stretch our minds continually ourselves... as we do all unifies as one at a higher frequency..... Unification = Christed Consciousness... then we move into God & Galactic Consciousness, which is powerfully strong and all is family, all is pure, all is light.... all is love... all is onE... ENERGY ...
As the magnificent Light BEings we GET THINGS DONE. WE walk in every dimension and we do leave the old ones behind. Those frequencies are no longer a part of our make-up and our original template is restored. Abilities are returned as a part of who we are ad above all, WE SHARE....
WE are light, WE radiate, WE emit... from every cell, every fiber, every breath...
In order to become WHO WE TRULY ARE, we have to let go of who we are not. In order to BE powerful again, we have to take our power back. In order to REMEMBER, WE have to open our heart. In order to BE LIGHT, WE have to make the journey of EMBODIMENT and INTEGRATION our priority... or... something will "occur" that WE programmed for our lower consciousness reality to get our attention and "force" us into the higher realms.
The human aspect does not like to be "told what to do", not even by it's higher self aspects, which is us/them. It doesn't realize that this guidance is looking out for them and trying to assist them in becoming truly abundant beings of magnificence and WOW POWERFUL again.... The human aspect fights itself... and keeps itself from all that it's desired and what it came here for, yet is not aware of yet.....
These continual LIGHT ACTIVATIONS will not be easing up. They will continue to increase, because we came here for this... this is our journey into/as the Light. This Light is US and it's way past "time". All are here for Embodiment ....
As all hold light, it becomes awesome, fun and amazing and beyond anything one can "dream". It does get easy and there is no more suffering, lack or separation... There are multiple UNIVERSES open now for all to step into/as.... The ease of the process is how much one embraces and makes this entire process a priority and NEW WAY OF EXISTENCE....
I love you. Have an amazing day. I'll update in awhile. Lots of Light Work to do!
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Light BEing Embodiment, Author, Transformational Speaker, Guide
AS CREATORS, WE did this, so WE have the ability to change it all. Transmute it, transform it, transcend it.... ALL FROM INSIDE.... through our hearts.
When one asks why something is happening in their physical reality world, there are many answers... all boil down to what is in-alignment with OUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and what is not.
No more suppression, no more avoiding, no more lack of love, honor, respect. It's all coming up to be visible, it's our JOB to see it, not judge it, see it for the purpose that it serves. To bring us all BACK to PURE LOVE and to let all that old stuff, old programs, old illusion, old mentalities, old old old ... let it go.
BE done with it... which is a requirement too. WE have to be done, WE have to say NO, WE have to STOP ALLOWING, SUPPORTING, DOING the old ways ... WE HAVE TO CHOOSE, COMMIT AND DO EVERYTHING WITH INTENTION from within. WE have to STEP into the higher vibration with every part of us, not just a little part at a time..... Getting by was human. That does not work here.
Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human....
Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human.... side is rapidly upgrading in light, crystalline, organically, aquatically, as a star, the entire universe and more....
All have to let go of judgement and the need to hold on. This process will challenge every aspect and particle of who you "think" you are. The human will have ideas and expectations of how they envisioned their life. This doesnt even come close... so the more the human "wants it their way", the more things have to occur to "show" the human "how it goes", which is it doesn't have control anymore. It ran the show, it screwed it up, it was selfish and lived in lack. It didn't know how to BE onE with everything, to care, to love, to unify.... it WAS SEPARATION...
The human aspect merges inside and the parts of us that were awesome get to stay. Our special nuances, our cute quirks, our playful fun... that emerges purely, as a part of our NEW Earth Versions, along with magic, brilliance and a strength that is beautifully pure as a part of the LOVE that we are. There is a divine strength that was hidden in there too. That emerges instead of the old one that separated us from ourselves and all.
The HEART will continually be blasted open until blasts are not required, then softness of gratitude and appreciation open it up, beauty opens it up, connection with/as all opens it up... no more "need" for harsh anymore. The same with the mind... the more closed, the more has to occur, which is why we stretch our minds continually ourselves... as we do all unifies as one at a higher frequency..... Unification = Christed Consciousness... then we move into God & Galactic Consciousness, which is powerfully strong and all is family, all is pure, all is light.... all is love... all is onE... ENERGY ...
As the magnificent Light BEings we GET THINGS DONE. WE walk in every dimension and we do leave the old ones behind. Those frequencies are no longer a part of our make-up and our original template is restored. Abilities are returned as a part of who we are ad above all, WE SHARE....
WE are light, WE radiate, WE emit... from every cell, every fiber, every breath...
In order to become WHO WE TRULY ARE, we have to let go of who we are not. In order to BE powerful again, we have to take our power back. In order to REMEMBER, WE have to open our heart. In order to BE LIGHT, WE have to make the journey of EMBODIMENT and INTEGRATION our priority... or... something will "occur" that WE programmed for our lower consciousness reality to get our attention and "force" us into the higher realms.
The human aspect does not like to be "told what to do", not even by it's higher self aspects, which is us/them. It doesn't realize that this guidance is looking out for them and trying to assist them in becoming truly abundant beings of magnificence and WOW POWERFUL again.... The human aspect fights itself... and keeps itself from all that it's desired and what it came here for, yet is not aware of yet.....
These continual LIGHT ACTIVATIONS will not be easing up. They will continue to increase, because we came here for this... this is our journey into/as the Light. This Light is US and it's way past "time". All are here for Embodiment ....
As all hold light, it becomes awesome, fun and amazing and beyond anything one can "dream". It does get easy and there is no more suffering, lack or separation... There are multiple UNIVERSES open now for all to step into/as.... The ease of the process is how much one embraces and makes this entire process a priority and NEW WAY OF EXISTENCE....
I love you. Have an amazing day. I'll update in awhile. Lots of Light Work to do!
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Light BEing Embodiment, Author, Transformational Speaker, Guide